[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Thanks for the build, i'm really enjoying it. Can farm very fast and with the flasks the dps is insane.
People with nice budget, have anyone tried to do T16 100% Delirium and managed to do it fine? I feel like it has a nice sweet spot for everything but when pushing for harder content it lacks the damage.
Is it possible to make leveling this less painful? It took me 9 minutes to kill merveil...
Hi everyone,
I using this build and is really nice and good fun with it, but I have question.
I think about cluster jewel (I not using them) and if I have assassins mark on hit in my ring, does it make sense to using stormrider and assassins Mark?
Quintessence wrote:
Is it possible to make leveling this less painful? It took me 9 minutes to kill merveil...
Which skill are you using to level?
Are you upgrading your bow so its weapon damage doesn't lag behind?
Are you using precision + war banner to get some basic accuracy?
Do you use a mana flask to not run oom?
Are you going to bosses severely underlevelled for the area?
Viktranka wrote:
Quintessence wrote:
Is it possible to make leveling this less painful? It took me 9 minutes to kill merveil...
Which skill are you using to level?
Are you upgrading your bow so its weapon damage doesn't lag behind?
Are you using precision + war banner to get some basic accuracy?
Do you use a mana flask to not run oom?
Are you going to bosses severely underlevelled for the area?

Ice shot

didn't get a chance to upgrade my bow, stopped playing once I beat merveil.

Used war banner

Used 2 mana flasks

I fought merveil at level 13
My frenzy charges is maxed at 5. How can I get more frenzy charges?

Or is 5 the maximum?
HI, not sure whats wrong with my built....Cant do any insane DPS...struggling with tier 9 map...
Quintessence wrote:
Viktranka wrote:
Quintessence wrote:
Is it possible to make leveling this less painful? It took me 9 minutes to kill merveil...
Which skill are you using to level?
Are you upgrading your bow so its weapon damage doesn't lag behind?
Are you using precision + war banner to get some basic accuracy?
Do you use a mana flask to not run oom?
Are you going to bosses severely underlevelled for the area?

Ice shot

didn't get a chance to upgrade my bow, stopped playing once I beat merveil.

Used war banner

Used 2 mana flasks

I fought merveil at level 13
You could try levelling with rain of arrows and barrage, from what I've checked they're given as quest rewards just before you have to kill merveil.

Or if you don't like having to constantly upgrade bows, doing vendor recipe on them etc. you can level with caustic arrow / toxic rain and respec later, these are very weapon agnostic and can be used even with poor gear.

sp3d2 wrote:
My frenzy charges is maxed at 5. How can I get more frenzy charges?

Or is 5 the maximum?
You can pick 6th next to golem blood. Other than that you need gear with mods or corruptions that can provide an extra. For example gloves can have warlord mod or corruption to give another.

tonyvn1 wrote:
HI, not sure whats wrong with my built....Cant do any insane DPS...struggling with tier 9 map...

- no tailwind (you were meant to pick that first not last)

- no diamond flask

- why fleetfoot instead of primeval force?

- if you don't have reliable source of frenzy charges, don't use ice bite, can't remember which one but there's a replacement gem in the guide for ice bite if you don't have frenzy charges check it up

- rotgut sucks, it will take away your frenzy charges (but I don't think you even have any atm?), you can use literally anything else, atziri's promise, taste of hate, wise oak, dying sun, etc. You also already have silver flask so literally no point having second onslaught flask.

- you didn't pick point blank

- you already have leech from cluster, no point having it on a flask, reroll that affix, leech has a cap based on your life pool which isn't that big

- no frost bomb to debuff bosses

- quiver looks kinda weak, no crit multi or added damage on it, and you need to get the chance to get frenzy crafted on it otherwise you're losing damage from not having frenzy charges (you could use bloodrage but then you have to swap damage on full life support for something else, another option is to use green nightmare under survivalist but you have to spec that, so that's 4 points for both jewel and the resists node to enable it) , you might wanna some life on that quiver too so you don't end up under 4k life like now

- pretty sure you could get some damage mod on gloves like damage while leeching or damage against chilled enemies etc.

- you should probably get the other recommended medium cluster instead of avatar of the hunt

- also your gems are lvl ~18 ish and you're level 80, you should see some improvement if you get more character and gem levels, since the build is pretty squish I wouldn't try to push my way into high maps, speed clear yellow maps like burials or w/e else is good farm, join some breachstone rotas, delve, etc. places where you can utilize the clearspeed of the build and still are in bracket of 1 click = whole screen dies
Last edited by Viktranka on May 22, 2020, 5:51:27 PM
Viktranka wrote:
You could try levelling with rain of arrows and barrage, from what I've checked they're given as quest rewards just before you have to kill merveil.

Or if you don't like having to constantly upgrade bows, doing vendor recipe on them etc. you can level with caustic arrow / toxic rain and respec later, these are very weapon agnostic and can be used even with poor gear.

I'll give that a shot, thanks :)

Anything has to be better than the struggle that I had with just the first boss lol...

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