3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Why do we use minion speed over feeding frenzy? Doesn't "agressive" modifier make them act more smoothly?
64faint wrote:
Why do we use minion speed over feeding frenzy? Doesn't "agressive" modifier make them act more smoothly?

That's the exact same reason i went with Carrion golems this league. Aggressive is a must for a melee minion build and the use of feeding frenzy will drop the zombies DPS significantly since we're sacrificing 1 link. So yes, feeding frenzy is a must and you need to compensate for the DPS loss somewhere else.
I got some questions for the speedy build:

The POB seems outdated. Also, why do we use Holy relic in the helmet when we dont have a skill to trigger it? Would you pick AG there or is it too squishy without Minion life/Meatshield?

Also, which movement skill would be best? Flame Dash/Withering Step/Phase Run?

You are correct, holy relic does nothing if you cannot trigger it so don't use it.

Don't summon an expensive AG without minion life/meat shield. Can have the budget version unlinked to life support and if it dies it's few chaos.

i like flame dash to jump out of sticky situations and teleport accross obstacles. you can add Phase run too for extra speed if you have an available slot.
As someone new to the game, I'm having some difficulty understanding how Hungry Loop works, and I can't find any solid information. I know it 'eats' gems if you level them to 20 while they are socketed; what I can't figure out is how you determine what bonuses it gets from doing so.

Does using a specific gem give it a bonus related to that gem, or is it random?

If you can decide bonuses, is there a list somewhere of what gems provide the best bonuses for minions?
CorinTack wrote:
As someone new to the game, I'm having some difficulty understanding how Hungry Loop works, and I can't find any solid information. I know it 'eats' gems if you level them to 20 while they are socketed; what I can't figure out is how you determine what bonuses it gets from doing so.

Does using a specific gem give it a bonus related to that gem, or is it random?

If you can decide bonuses, is there a list somewhere of what gems provide the best bonuses for minions?

you can only socket support gems and they are not retrievable after that. it's the equivalent of a 5 link but without the gem qualities.

for example you socket minion life support and it becomes an affix on the ring.
then you socket meat shield support and it becomes another affix and so on. you can do that 4 times. and in the end you socket the skill gem which will get linked to the 4 consumed support gems.

For example i used this in the past to equip my AG and i gave it minion life 20, meat shield 20, empower 3 and elemental army 20. My AG became a tank.
Last edited by Ayanad on Jul 17, 2020, 1:38:17 PM
You are correct, holy relic does nothing if you cannot trigger it so don't use it.

Don't summon an expensive AG without minion life/meat shield. Can have the budget version unlinked to life support and if it dies it's few chaos.

i like flame dash to jump out of sticky situations and teleport accross obstacles. you can add Phase run too for extra speed if you have an available slot.

I guess Spectre - Blood magic - Meat shield - AG should be enough

Im currently thinking of using flame dash instead of phase run too.

Also, would you still pick vaal molten shell since after the nerf it doesnt feel that good anymore? Maybe steelskin?
You are correct, holy relic does nothing if you cannot trigger it so don't use it.

Don't summon an expensive AG without minion life/meat shield. Can have the budget version unlinked to life support and if it dies it's few chaos.

i like flame dash to jump out of sticky situations and teleport accross obstacles. you can add Phase run too for extra speed if you have an available slot.

I guess Spectre - Blood magic - Meat shield - AG should be enough

Im currently thinking of using flame dash instead of phase run too.

Also, would you still pick vaal molten shell since after the nerf it doesnt feel that good anymore? Maybe steelskin?

i would not use vaal molten anymore. since my reflex sucks, i am using this league CWDT(lvl1) + immortalcall(lvl3)
Hello, I am trying to play the 3.11 TANKY END-GAME SETUP in Harvest.

I am confused on some choices, I assume it may be because PoB is not displaying them correctly?

It shows one jewel providing 240% minion dmg - how is this possible? I was assuming a Lethal Pride? If so how do i accomplish this?

Another jewel listed as you are using is Thread of Fate - what are you allocating here?

One more question. I have a level 3 enlighten with -24% reservation of auras in passive skill here. If/when I a Plated Maul with level 20 Avian Skill how will i be able to fit that Aura in?

Thank you, appreciate all the things you summoners doing here in this Mega Thread!
Last edited by Papapotato on Jul 17, 2020, 6:26:57 PM
i would not use vaal molten anymore. since my reflex sucks, i am using this league CWDT(lvl1) + immortalcall(lvl3)

Personally i'm using Bone Armor (From Bone Barrier ascendency) on left click.

Since i'm using Flesh offering, I don't need Mistress of Sacrifice anymore.

Bone barrier on left click is auto-cast while moving and give great survavibility to you AND your minions, and you don't use a slot for CWDT.

It also allowed me to replace Molten Shell with Vulnerability (manual casting) and it's very effective.
Last edited by Ashes3416 on Jul 18, 2020, 8:26:56 AM
Ashes3416 wrote:
i would not use vaal molten anymore. since my reflex sucks, i am using this league CWDT(lvl1) + immortalcall(lvl3)

Personally i'm using Bone Armor (From Bone Barrier ascendency) on left click.

Since i'm using Flesh offering, I don't need Mistress of Sacrifice anymore.

Bone barrier on left click is auto-cast while moving and give great survavibility to you AND your minions, and you don't use a slot for CWDT.

It also allowed me to replace Molten Shell with Vulnerability (manual casting) and it's very effective.

Yes definitely use bone armor. It also gives immunity to bleed. I am elementalist this league since i went with golems so I definitely miss the QoL of bone armor.

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