3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Ashes3416 wrote:
Thanks Ayanad for your answer.

What would be the best ?

Grave intentions for 7 nodes or Indomitable army for only 3 nodes?

I don't really now if chaos res on minions is good for simulacrum or just life and physical damage reduction is enought.

EDIT: i allocated Indomitable army and i spend the rest in 2* 8% increased armor and a jewel socket with Fortress Covenant. Seem to be nice, i'll let you now if i can complete simulacrum.

Indomitable army should be enough. Also might want to replace mistress of sacrifice with Bone Barrier since you are using Flesh Offering.

Do you think it is worth it to use this Hubris? Have to waste 12 points + anoint to reach the 4x Slum Lords.
Lazarus507 wrote:

Do you think it is worth it to use this Hubris? Have to waste 12 points + anoint to reach the 4x Slum Lords.

not worth.
My approach to simulate a league start with this budget version was quite nice. Def. know now what to do for next league start for leveling this build.

I'm only lvl 77 so far, but i feel my minions should do quite more damage. Raise Zombie is lvl 24 (with buffs ofc) currently, Raise Spectre lvl 22. But T8 Maps are gettint slower to clear, especially in encounters like legion or breach.

Any Tips for me? My next goal would be to achieve the 1k strength (686 currently) to benefit the Baron. But this would also be a defense upgrade. Assuming its first week in the league with less currency, what offense upgrades would you do next?


or profile "GiftiJustForTry"

ps: I'm not a big fan of "Banners". What are your thoughts on Pride instead?

Hey Brunowa and all the other guys here!

Old veteran player, just came back to this awesome game after a long hiatus. I'm still figuring out the new atlas system and all the mechanics for now - so please be easy on me. ;D

Huge kudos to the guide creator, this build is the most well-rounded I've ever played in PoE! Having a blast in T14-T16 maps atm, barely dying :D

Some questions though, hope somebody can help me:

1. How do you craft rare gear with %increased attributes & strength as well as flat strength? (Amulet & boots)

2. Is it worth the investment to drop Astramentis & Alberon's WP for rare gear even if I'm res capped already?

3. I'm lacking around 40-50 strength for 1200 +1 Zombie (Legacy Baron). What would be the easiest and cheapest way to get it? Keep divining my Lethal Pride for 15%+ ? Setting up a 2nd Efficient Training?

Any further inputs on how to improve my build would be greatly appreciated! :)

Ps. I play mostly standard.
Hey Brunowa and all the other guys here!

Old veteran player, just came back to this awesome game after a long hiatus. I'm still figuring out the new atlas system and all the mechanics for now - so please be easy on me. ;D

Huge kudos to the guide creator, this build is the most well-rounded I've ever played in PoE! Having a blast in T14-T16 maps atm, barely dying :D

Some questions though, hope somebody can help me:

1. How do you craft rare gear with %increased attributes & strength as well as flat strength? (Amulet & boots)

2. Is it worth the investment to drop Astramentis & Alberon's WP for rare gear even if I'm res capped already?

3. I'm lacking around 40-50 strength for 1200 +1 Zombie (Legacy Baron). What would be the easiest and cheapest way to get it? Keep divining my Lethal Pride for 15%+ ? Setting up a 2nd Efficient Training?

Any further inputs on how to improve my build would be greatly appreciated! :)

Ps. I play mostly standard.

Welcome back to the game!

Shaper influenced Amulet can give the %increased but i recommend instead an elder influenced amulet for the +1 zombie. As for boots, hunter influenced can give the %inc str as well as flat str. Both amulets and boots can be crafted by buying the correct base and chaos spam. I carfted this ammy last league.

you want to replace the amulet for the +1 zombie and you want to replace boots for the +max life.

2 points will get you Might which can be enough to hit 1200. Drop spiritual command to get the points.

oh and don't forget to quality your rings and belt. Might not need MIGHT after all.
Last edited by Ayanad on Jun 11, 2020, 3:22:31 PM
Wow that's a pretty sick amulet! How many Chaos did you spam on it to get this lucky? :D

Any minimum ilvl requirements for the Elder Amber Amulet mods and Hunter boots? Not much of a crafter honestly...

Completely forgot I can also use my catalysts on the rings!

Thanks a lot for the inputs!
Wow that's a pretty sick amulet! How many Chaos did you spam on it to get this lucky? :D

Any minimum ilvl requirements for the Elder Amber Amulet mods and Hunter boots? Not much of a crafter honestly...

Completely forgot I can also use my catalysts on the rings!

Thanks a lot for the inputs!

If i remember correctly it took around 1200c to craft. Maybe i got lucky.

if you want to get into crafting, i recommend you check poedb website for possible affixes on each item and the odds for each affix.

An elder ammy ilvl68+ can roll +1 zombie but you really want ilvl85+ to unlock t1 +str and t1 +all attributes.

yeah catalysts can be used on belts too.
Hi guys can u hook me with some hints what can i upgrade to make more dps or make it better? here is my character its on normal league, have about 100ex to spend THX! https://pastebin.com/CtgKUz3Q
So if you are playing with ranged build using hungry loop, how do you summon correct ranged specters without echo going off?

If you cast spectre, it casts 2x. Summons what i want, then summons something else.

Easy to do when you use the echo gem in an item as you just remove it, but with it in Hungry loop you cant do that.

Is the only option to eat all corpses around other than the one you want to raise so there is simply no 2nd corpse?

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