[3.25] The Warbringer Slaming Serker [League Starter | Cheap | Smash the Atlas | MELEE BUFFED]

frawrst wrote:

heyo friend

theres no glaring weakness's i can see in your current setup

you can get more max res on eldritch implicits, which helps alot with our damage taken as for phys

get % additional physical damage reduction affix on chest, and try to get it to 3-4k armour

get more lvl ups and more % max life

hunter influence (and another one, maybe elder?) stygians can roll %max life as well as good other mods

can swap 10% more max phys mastery to hits have 50% chance to ignore pdr, this along with bastion breaker can eliminate bad rolled rare monsters which are not instantly dying if they have giga phys mods

Thanks a lot for the response, will be trying out your tips. And thanks for this build! been a great league so far.
Hello, fellow slammers!
Just wanted to brag that I finally reached lvl 100. That's my first lvl 100 character ever.
Also, my first ever Headhunter, got if for 55 divs couple of weeks ago, now they are at like 15, so recommend everyone to get one, mapping never felt so nice.
Also, I did my first Maven (never again, screw memory game), Sirus and Uber Elder kills.

Here is my PoB if anyone interested https://pobb.in/nxfiruVjaP47 (I also have Ryslatha's for bossing) .

I plan to continue slamming around, going for at least 36 challenges this league and trying to farm currency to get a Mageblood.
arghtype wrote:
Hello, fellow slammers!
Just wanted to brag that I finally reached lvl 100. That's my first lvl 100 character ever.
Also, my first ever Headhunter, got if for 55 divs couple of weeks ago, now they are at like 15, so recommend everyone to get one, mapping never felt so nice.
Also, I did my first Maven (never again, screw memory game), Sirus and Uber Elder kills.

Here is my PoB if anyone interested https://pobb.in/nxfiruVjaP47 (I also have Ryslatha's for bossing) .

I plan to continue slamming around, going for at least 36 challenges this league and trying to farm currency to get a Mageblood.

very sweet setup, dropping brutality and getting the ele enchant is very op

first lvl 100 is awesome! and yes hh being super cheap is great for mappers

i also dont enjoy maven, memory game too hard for my low int build

glad to hear you enjoyed the build
creat91 wrote:
Hello. I replaced two handed mace with an axe because the price on trade was attractive. I changed some items.

There is my PoB https://pobb.in/r6q1fdYPYjfT

I have about 10 divines at this moment. My question is how to improve the quality of my character? I have Pride, Herald of Purity and autoexertion active. I don't have mana for more buffs... I see a lot of people using forbidden jewels with Utriring. Does this give a big HP regen while mapping? Sometimes on maps I can get one shot. On bosses I have to jump like a monkey because I can't just stand still and hit. Any ideas for further purchases?

Impact Force Propagator get’s your intimidating cry exertions to 10. Use that with auto exert, throw 20% quality on intimidating cry and auto exert and you can get your uptime on it to 90%+. Double damage on almost every hit will way out perform any axe, even with a cheaper hammer.
What’s everyone doing to generate frenzy charges with this build??

Edit: Nevermind, missed blood rage somehow.
Last edited by ArmilusOG on Sep 10, 2024, 8:30:45 PM
theres also the eldritch implicits to gain frenzy charges every x seconds, with enough duration this sustains them for boss fights if you have time to let it ramp

league goals :)

lvl 100 pob with MB and random flasks, not many changes

frawrst wrote:

league goals :)

lvl 100 pob with MB and random flasks, not many changes


Great job! I also got mine -
My first MB ever, this is definitely my best league so far :) Now need to roll the best flasks
Yo its me again. Im stuck at 95 lvl. Not sure if can push higher xD

My pob https://pobb.in/67zPRcsAUe4Y

Upgrade I got is new weapon and some changens in skills/jewels.

I play eater in atlas tree. Feel like those mobs are too strong. Sometimes Im just getting one shot on my face.

Any ideas what to upgrade now and where to focus?
It is usually the ailments that are killing you at higher levels; you should try for 100% ailment immunity. I am pretty sure we still get to 100% ailment immunity with Stormshroud and some decent boot mod rolls.

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