[3.25] The Warbringer Slaming Serker [League Starter | Cheap | Smash the Atlas | MELEE BUFFED]

clockerrs11 wrote:
frawrst wrote:
clockerrs11 wrote:
I'm in the middle of trying to craft an impact propagator but its quite an expensive thing to craft perfectly.

I've decided to put that to rest for a bit since funds are running quite low trying to do that. I'm looking to try to beef up my survivability in other parts of the gear in the mean time - what can anyone recommend are easy fixes to my gear?


hi friend

the most obvious things i see

110-120 life roll on all items

phys taken as x eldridtch implicits on chest and helm

%physical damage reduction on chest, as well as a much higher armour value (3k+ is ideal)

stygian belt and a good abyss jewel

dying due to tidebreaker low attack speed was my bane for a while, getting a rare mace with t1/t2 attack speed helps alot

Thank you for the reccommendations. I pretty much did all of this except the impact propagator due to fund issues.

The problem now is that I'm pretty much dying to every t16 map i'm doing and feel awfully squishy. Am I just doing the wrong mods or is there something I'm missing in my build? Do I just now prioritise the impact propagator?


I think I might stick to t15's or lower for now... any help would be great!

Ur Gear looks very much fine to blast T16 rather comfortably. I dont have better Gear then you do really, and i got not a Single Problem on T16. Only T17 Bosses start to Smash me up. Obviously i consider you to overroll Reflect or Cannot Leech from Monsters Mods. Not Sure where ur Struggles are coming from.

i can reccomend a Hunter Stygian Vise. With Just Pristine Fossils, u can hit triple Life Mod pretty "Often" and its a Nice %Life Boost. I Would also Swap Born To Fight + Life Node over for Constitution and Life Node, But thats just Small Things.

If u Feel like ur Damage is Solid But Squishy, u can drop the Whole Pride Thing, and Use Vitality + Arrogance to reserve some Life and then u can gain 1+ All Max Res. Thats What i have.

U Might also wanna think about Fist of War for Pulverise, but thats just me. Not Sure which one is ever better :-)

U also Miss out on some Simple THings, like Eldritch Mods /Better ones, Quality on Jewellry, GlassBlow Baubles on the Flasks, and all the Details. But i assume u will get to it

Additionally, im pretty much finished for this League, and got some Divines Left Over. U can have them if u plan on playing quite a bit more and Craft some Stuff :) Let me know
Last edited by MasterK18 on Aug 25, 2024, 7:34:01 AM
Heya, first time (cyclone in legion doesn't count) playing melee properly, and having a blast!

Want to thank you for the build, even if in the end I've switched to axe in order to squeeze more things into it.

My current equip (pob if anyone want https://pobb.in/KUspCIzsUXjk):

creat91 wrote:
Whats a differente between two handen mace and axe? I saw in poe ninja people are using axe's. Are they cheaper?

axe's in general are easier to craft, have *better* bases (namely vaal and karui axe) and get access to *better* masterys

i personally really love mace chill and i use tidebreaker as a league start push item, but self crafting axes is very viable and what i do in ssf

maces are also very unpopular, meaning their items and such are always very cheap in trade

impact force propagator is our base of choice for maces since we love extra exerts

rare weapons with 30% quality are bis for this build, and i dont think impact props can ever roll with 21+% quality in heist. this means a 30% piledriver or karui maul is probably our best base for biggest top end

overall its preference, and you can easily switch up the trees for whichever weapon type you prefer/have
KronosIT wrote:
Heya, first time (cyclone in legion doesn't count) playing melee properly, and having a blast!

Want to thank you for the build, even if in the end I've switched to axe in order to squeeze more things into it.

My current equip (pob if anyone want https://pobb.in/KUspCIzsUXjk):

love the big influenced axe + echoes, your damage is outrageous!

nice fitting in aspect of spider too
Hoi. I just bought echoes of creation. There is my PoB https://pobb.in/hs7eN-G713Fi

Im thinking how to deal with HP who are just drasticaly dropping down cause of helmet and rage etc.

I upgraded my weapon. Changed body armor but anyway have not so much armor I belive. Where should I focus now? I still miss 1 buff- Pride. He is costing a lot of mana and I dont have it xD Two enchants on rings gonna solve this problem?
Last edited by creat91 on Aug 26, 2024, 11:26:54 AM
MasterK18 wrote:
clockerrs11 wrote:
frawrst wrote:

hi friend

the most obvious things i see

110-120 life roll on all items

phys taken as x eldridtch implicits on chest and helm

%physical damage reduction on chest, as well as a much higher armour value (3k+ is ideal)

stygian belt and a good abyss jewel

dying due to tidebreaker low attack speed was my bane for a while, getting a rare mace with t1/t2 attack speed helps alot

Thank you for the reccommendations. I pretty much did all of this except the impact propagator due to fund issues.

The problem now is that I'm pretty much dying to every t16 map i'm doing and feel awfully squishy. Am I just doing the wrong mods or is there something I'm missing in my build? Do I just now prioritise the impact propagator?


I think I might stick to t15's or lower for now... any help would be great!

Ur Gear looks very much fine to blast T16 rather comfortably. I dont have better Gear then you do really, and i got not a Single Problem on T16. Only T17 Bosses start to Smash me up. Obviously i consider you to overroll Reflect or Cannot Leech from Monsters Mods. Not Sure where ur Struggles are coming from.

i can reccomend a Hunter Stygian Vise. With Just Pristine Fossils, u can hit triple Life Mod pretty "Often" and its a Nice %Life Boost. I Would also Swap Born To Fight + Life Node over for Constitution and Life Node, But thats just Small Things.

If u Feel like ur Damage is Solid But Squishy, u can drop the Whole Pride Thing, and Use Vitality + Arrogance to reserve some Life and then u can gain 1+ All Max Res. Thats What i have.

U Might also wanna think about Fist of War for Pulverise, but thats just me. Not Sure which one is ever better :-)

U also Miss out on some Simple THings, like Eldritch Mods /Better ones, Quality on Jewellry, GlassBlow Baubles on the Flasks, and all the Details. But i assume u will get to it

Additionally, im pretty much finished for this League, and got some Divines Left Over. U can have them if u plan on playing quite a bit more and Craft some Stuff :) Let me know

Thank you for your recommendations - I actually am doing ok now - just being a little more careful.

I have failed my 3rd impact propagator so it would be really good if I could get those divines haha. Add me!
creat91 wrote:
Hoi. I just bought echoes of creation. There is my PoB https://pobb.in/hs7eN-G713Fi

Im thinking how to deal with HP who are just drasticaly dropping down cause of helmet and rage etc.

I upgraded my weapon. Changed body armor but anyway have not so much armor I belive. Where should I focus now? I still miss 1 buff- Pride. He is costing a lot of mana and I dont have it xD Two enchants on rings gonna solve this problem?

looks like a solid setup: yes echoes is a huge dps increase but also need to deal with mitigating its phys hits. look for % addition phys dmg reduction on chest and get eldritch implicits on chest to shift phys to an ele

id work on upgrading all rares with better affixes (most + armour, + res, + life etc, attack speed on gloves, onslaught on kill boots, cluster jewels for shout qol/overlord, unstoppable jewels for more qol etc)

take a look at my page 1 pobs and youll see some slow gearing updates as i gain currency

ring and ammy have flat phys enchants -> generally this is weak compared to minus mana cost or giga ele + chaos res etc

also get max life on the 2nd jewel
If i were to roll essence of contempt on my weapon again would it remove the 21% Increase physical at the top? https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Vxxder/characters
Currently struggling to level to 95 and making my way to The Elder fight any other things that may need improved would love to know
Vxxder wrote:
If i were to roll essence of contempt on my weapon again would it remove the 21% Increase physical at the top? https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Vxxder/characters
Currently struggling to level to 95 and making my way to The Elder fight any other things that may need improved would love to know

dont believe so, the 21% inc phys is a wep enchant
Hey, back after some time, turns out I was missing something, it was Fortifying on Hit from the clusters lol. After that, some new gear and capping Chaos resist, it became much better overall indeed, I can now comfortably run T16s all day, thank you so much for the tips back then.

Unfortunally though, it seems that I have hit a wall at level 94 now, but I confess that 80% of the deaths were avoidable on my part, like losing focus for a few secs and boom, the other 20% were the disconnects and freezes, but what can you do... Other than that, I loved the build very much, having tons of fun blasting through Blight, Expedition and Legion content mostly.

So, I am a casual player, I don't know the dark secrets on how to make lots of currency heheh, at the moment I have about 10div saved up, is there anything I should buy at this point that would perhaps improve QoL mapping/bossing?

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