[3.25] The Warbringer Slaming Serker [League Starter | Cheap | Smash the Atlas | MELEE BUFFED]

thegreenzap2 wrote:
I'm at level 47 so far and loving this build.
I'm confused about Fortify. I see that we take some passives on the tree and that you do mention it in the guide, but I noticed when you posted your gear and gems even early on...Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 posts...you are not using the Fortify skill gem. Do I need this gem or no?

as garemaster said, you dont need fortify gem after you get fortify on hit mastery
DrHarvey12 wrote:
Hey Frawrst,

Looks as though you are pretty much done with your character as far as gear goes! I expect it will be a few weeks till I'm ready to go with my slam character. I'm enjoying the league though now that the rares / magic monsters feel a bit more toned down. Still a few one-shots out of nowhere but nowhere near as frequent as they were.

I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone else gets on in the thread with their characters. That way I can steal any good ideas!! XD

thank you! i am currently puchasing cheap high rolled tidebreakers to self corrupt and 6 link via recipe for a 8 link tidebreaker :D
ggolabb wrote:
u got much different gem setup than in PoB

not really? just using defensive auras this league vs normal offensive ones
garemaster234 wrote:
My pob: https://pastebin.com/zE839M4y

Hey again, I'm kinda noob and was just wondering where I should upgrade next. I have ~150c to work with but wasn't sure the order I should take. Outside of just leveling more, I was thinking the options are vulnerabity on gloves, 6L tidebreaker, brass dome, better rares w/ higher life rolls/chaos res, or maybe smth I don't see? I like earthquake a lot (and got an eq enchant on my uberlab run for ascendancy lol) but wanna do endgame bosses. Should I use gs or another slam for bosses?

ill do my best to answer all questions!

6 link tide is #1 dps upgrade prio. adding another link is on average 25-40% more damage, its a no brainer

vuln on hit is good, can be gotten via any gloves (corruption or synth'd) or via rings. see what fits your budget, vuln is a nice dps increase (about 9-15% on bosses)

brass dome was a defensive experiment for me this league; its powerful but probably not great for bossing. id go with a cheap % max life 110+ life and res rare chest tbh for much cheaper

rares always min max the build, neck amulet boots rings can all be stretched very far

chaos res very good obviously

EQ is perfectly fine for bossing. in fact, the best slam skill for bossing is the one you are most comfortable/having fun with. knowing the boss fights/dodges and knowing how to use your slam properly is #1 way to beat PoE bosses

dont force yourself to use a slam you arent a strong of a player with. you can kill all bosses with all slams with this build

you are using a lvl 4 quicksilver with no mods, fix this asap

your silver flask has charges gained on crit; we dont crit so use a reroll this

get a 10% lions roar, no point is using a 8%

same as your life flask, try to get a panick'd/instant one

get a 40% more rysalthas coil and use 20x abrasive catalyst on it for massivly more dmg

use divines on yoru echoes helm to get 15% more damage per exerted attack, this is a massive dps upgrade
Last edited by frawrst on May 22, 2022, 4:54:02 PM
frawrst wrote:
garemaster234 wrote:
My pob: https://pastebin.com/zE839M4y

Hey again, I'm kinda noob and was just wondering where I should upgrade next. I have ~150c to work with but wasn't sure the order I should take. Outside of just leveling more, I was thinking the options are vulnerabity on gloves, 6L tidebreaker, brass dome, better rares w/ higher life rolls/chaos res, or maybe smth I don't see? I like earthquake a lot (and got an eq enchant on my uberlab run for ascendancy lol) but wanna do endgame bosses. Should I use gs or another slam for bosses?

ill do my best to answer all questions!

6 link tide is #1 dps upgrade prio. adding another link is on average 25-40% more damage, its a no brainer

vuln on hit is good, can be gotten via any gloves (corruption or synth'd) or via rings. see what fits your budget, vuln is a nice dps increase (about 9-15% on bosses)

brass dome was a defensive experiment for me this league; its powerful but probably not great for bossing. id go with a cheap % max life 110+ life and res rare chest tbh for much cheaper

rares always min max the build, neck amulet boots rings can all be stretched very far

chaos res very good obviously

EQ is perfectly fine for bossing. in fact, the best slam skill for bossing is the one you are most comfortable/having fun with. knowing the boss fights/dodges and knowing how to use your slam properly is #1 way to beat PoE bosses

dont force yourself to use a slam you arent a strong of a player with. you can kill all bosses with all slams with this build

you are using a lvl 4 quicksilver with no mods, fix this asap

your silver flask has charges gained on crit; we dont crit so use a reroll this

get a 10% lions roar, no point is using a 8%

same as your life flask, try to get a panick'd/instant one

get a 40% more rysalthas coil and use 20x abrasive catalyst on it for massivly more dmg

use divines on yoru echoes helm to get 15% more damage per exerted attack, this is a massive dps upgrade

Thanks a lot! Definitely stuff I've missed xD but I'm noob so this helps a lot and will help me look at other builds in the future. Appreciate it :)
First of all, ty for the build, it has been an absolute blast!

i've switched to axes and i don't know much how i can improve my character.
i'm looking for map blasting

any tips ??
i can get a better axe FOR SURE

Looking at my profile, what sort of upgrades can I be going for next, I know obviously i need to 6link my weop (got a spare im slamming orbs into) and my chest, but what else aside from those? got a little over 1 exalt to spend.
Last edited by Vandamonia on May 23, 2022, 1:43:33 PM
Vandamonia wrote:
Looking at my profile, what sort of upgrades can I be going for next, I know obviously i need to 6link my weop (got a spare im slamming orbs into) and my chest, but what else aside from those? got a little over 1 exalt to spend.

some very easy upgrades

get a 40% MORE phys dmg ryslathas (yours is 39) and then use 20 abrasive catalysts on it to become 48% more. dont do this with anything other then a 40% more natural ryslathas

left ring has crafted life, try to get 70+ roll

devotos is a good starter helm but one with berserk enchant and big life/res will go a long way

6 link wep obv
nysheet wrote:
First of all, ty for the build, it has been an absolute blast!

i've switched to axes and i don't know much how i can improve my character.
i'm looking for map blasting

any tips ??
i can get a better axe FOR SURE


i cant seem to import this into pob, but looking at your profile

put all your warcries into helm to get more damage multiplier on them

your boots have 8 life, get a 70+ life one asap

get 40% more ryslathas belt (and 20 quality it with abrasives)

both rings have bad life rolls (34)

neck is okay but a rare with 70+ life usually much better

gauntlets have 40 life etc

Been playing a seismic trapper as leaguestart...got me into red maps but now dies to freaking everything.
Looking for a strong second character...
How is Bosskilling going with this build?

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