3.11 NEBULOCH JUG. TECTONIC SLAM, HC SUPER TANK, 3.11 BUFFED! Featured by Goodgaming!

Victtorius wrote:
Yo thank you for this build, I'm enjoying it so far :)

Just got one question, is it okay to pick Unstoppable node? I don't like using Kaom's roots because of no movement speed. I'm thinking of throwing away Unbreakable instead, to me (but I'm noob in defense stats) it doesn't have good enough stats except regen I guess.

Also Undeniable is better than Unyielding right? Cause I'm still with leveling pob so I'm using Resolute technique for now

The build has some items that synergize with armor. The key stat in Unbreakable is the doubling of armor from your chest.

But you can save this node for much later if you want when you have a large armor based chest.

If you stay with Resolute Technique (which you should until you take Elemental Overload later), don't bother taking Undeniable as some of the accuracy stats in Undeniable will be wasted. You want to time taking Undeniable the same time you remove Resolute Technique from your build.

In the mean time, if you want more offense, take Unyielding, if you want more defense, take Unrelenting.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Jun 22, 2020, 10:55:00 AM
zzled wrote:
Victtorius wrote:
Yo thank you for this build, I'm enjoying it so far :)

Just got one question, is it okay to pick Unstoppable node? I don't like using Kaom's roots because of no movement speed. I'm thinking of throwing away Unbreakable instead, to me (but I'm noob in defense stats) it doesn't have good enough stats except regen I guess.

Also Undeniable is better than Unyielding right? Cause I'm still with leveling pob so I'm using Resolute technique for now

If you're levelling, the idea is Unyielding for bigger and harder hitting slams.

Undeniable is for endgame when you're ready to invest in Crit for more dps. .

This is correct but I wanted to note for newbies, this build uses Elemental Overload. We do not ever want to invest in anything that increases our Crit Multiplier as Elemental Overload makes that stat meaningless.

I am yet unsure if we need to invest anything in Crit chance. I have a feeling that our attack speed will be good enough once we finally dual wield to crit at least once every 8 seconds but I will keep an eye on this when the time comes.
Victtorius wrote:
Yo thank you for this build, I'm enjoying it so far :)

Just got one question, is it okay to pick Unstoppable node? I don't like using Kaom's roots because of no movement speed. I'm thinking of throwing away Unbreakable instead, to me (but I'm noob in defense stats) it doesn't have good enough stats except regen I guess.

Also Undeniable is better than Unyielding right? Cause I'm still with leveling pob so I'm using Resolute technique for now

The build has some items that synergize with armor. They key stat in Unbreakable is the doubling of armor from your chest.

But you can save this node for much later if you want when you have a large armor based chest.

If you stay with Resolute Technique (which you should until you take Elemental Overload later), don't bother taking Undeniable as some of the accuracy stats in Undeniable will be wasted. You want to time taking Undeniable the same time you remove Resolute Technique from your build.

In the mean time, if you want more offense, take Unyielding, if you want more defense, take Unrelenting.

Hey, thanks for the explanations!

So endgame Ascendency would be
1) Unflinching (30% endurance charge when hit)
2) Unrelenting (dmg reduction/chaos res per endurance charge)
3) Undeniable (1000 accuracy)
4) Unbreakable or Unyielding?

For Unyielding how important is the 25% chance to gain endurance charges per stun, is it actually possible to stun endgame bosses?

Last question, the dmg reduction cap is 90%, is there any chance that there will be some wasted stats with all the armour and endur charge synergy?
Last edited by LegendaryMewtwo on Jun 22, 2020, 10:59:35 AM
Victtorius wrote:
Yo thank you for this build, I'm enjoying it so far :)

Just got one question, is it okay to pick Unstoppable node? I don't like using Kaom's roots because of no movement speed. I'm thinking of throwing away Unbreakable instead, to me (but I'm noob in defense stats) it doesn't have good enough stats except regen I guess.

Also Undeniable is better than Unyielding right? Cause I'm still with leveling pob so I'm using Resolute technique for now

The build has some items that synergize with armor. They key stat in Unbreakable is the doubling of armor from your chest.

But you can save this node for much later if you want when you have a large armor based chest.

If you stay with Resolute Technique (which you should until you take Elemental Overload later), don't bother taking Undeniable as some of the accuracy stats in Undeniable will be wasted. You want to time taking Undeniable the same time you remove Resolute Technique from your build.

In the mean time, if you want more offense, take Unyielding, if you want more defense, take Unrelenting.

Hey, thanks for the explanations!

So endgame Ascendency would be
1) Unflinching (30% endurance charge when hit)
2) Unrelenting (dmg reduction/chaos res per endurance charge)
3) Undeniable (1000 accuracy)
4) Unbreakable or Unyielding?

For Unyielding how important is the 25% chance to gain endurance charges per stun, is it actually possible to stun endgame bosses?

Last question, the dmg reduction cap is 90%, is there any chance that there will be some wasted stats with all the armour and endur charge synergy?

Some bosses can be stunned but some are stun immune. But we have so many ways to gain endurance charges that I don't even look at that stat on Unyielding.

Your last question is the same one I have about the damage reduction cap. I hope someone knowledgeable can answer it because it confuses me why we want so much armor when the damage reduction is capped.

Note that I have not yet watched the Transcendencey video Duke posted. With armor being important to that Keystone, I need to watch to understand how it might effect us if we want to try it.

The build has some items that synergize with armor. They key stat in Unbreakable is the doubling of armor from your chest.

But you can save this node for much later if you want when you have a large armor based chest.

If you stay with Resolute Technique (which you should until you take Elemental Overload later), don't bother taking Undeniable as some of the accuracy stats in Undeniable will be wasted. You want to time taking Undeniable the same time you remove Resolute Technique from your build.

In the mean time, if you want more offense, take Unyielding, if you want more defense, take Unrelenting.

Hey, thanks for the explanations!

So endgame Ascendency would be
1) Unflinching (30% endurance charge when hit)
2) Unrelenting (dmg reduction/chaos res per endurance charge)
3) Undeniable (1000 accuracy)
4) Unbreakable or Unyielding?

For Unyielding how important is the 25% chance to gain endurance charges per stun, is it actually possible to stun endgame bosses?

Last question, the dmg reduction cap is 90%, is there any chance that there will be some wasted stats with all the armour and endur charge synergy?

Some bosses can be stunned but some are stun immune. But we have so many ways to gain endurance charges that I don't even look at that stat on Unyielding.

Your last question is the same one I have about the damage reduction cap. I hope someone knowledgeable can answer it because it confuses me why we want so much armor when the damage reduction is capped.

Note that I have not yet watched the Transcendencey video Duke posted. With armor being important to that Keystone, I need to watch to understand how it might effect us if we want to try it.

I'm still going through the Acts, but I noticed that my endurance charges were dropping as I was clearing to quickly and not actually getting hit :), might not be ideal for sudden huge dmg spikes or if you rely on the charges to be res capped.

I'm thinking Unbreakable will be my next ascendency, it seems alot more useful than Unyielding if the charge gain on stun is not worth noting and you're not min-maxed to the point of hitting the reduction cap.

Also, I wonder if there's a better way to sustain mana. Dedicating 4-5 passive points to get 0.4 life/mana leech is a big investment and it doesn't fully sustain my mana, i still have to use a mana pot. Maybe it's cause I'm not dealing enough dmg.

I'm still going through the Acts, but I noticed that my endurance charges were dropping as I was clearing to quickly and not actually getting hit :), might not be ideal for sudden huge dmg spikes or if you rely on the charges to be res capped.

I'm thinking Unbreakable will be my next ascendency, it seems alot more useful than Unyielding if the charge gain on stun is not worth noting and you're not min-maxed to the point of hitting the reduction cap.

Also, I wonder if there's a better way to sustain mana. Dedicating 4-5 passive points to get 0.4 life/mana leech is a big investment and it doesn't fully sustain my mana, i still have to use a mana pot. Maybe it's cause I'm not dealing enough dmg.

I use Enduring Cry every so often to keep charges fully stacked since I never use a life flask.

In end game we can spec out of those nodes for mana leech when we anoint SoulRaker on our amulet.

I was having some leech problems as well until I upgraded weapons. I think you will use the mana flasks much less as your damage increases.
^ I'm doing maps and im fine on mana, i dont have any mana pots anymore. That said i agree on the investment cost. Fire damage leeched as mana on a ring or amulet is probably the answer.
I updated PoB with the changes and my dps went down by ~40% from the dual wield nerf and tectonic nerf. I think you can remove the 3.11 buffed from the title lol
Hi all,

I first would like to thank this guide author for his work and analysis.

Secondly, well Tectonic Slam wasn't nerfed at all, it has been buffed :)
However, DW +20% bonus damage nerf is a big loss.
We then must find some workarounds.

I'm just wondering how far is DUKE_OF_SNUFF from polishing the talent tree.
So far, it's a level 100 one and has very expensive jewels in it.

I thank you in advance and wish you a good game.
Last edited by Leonim13 on Jun 22, 2020, 1:12:06 PM
Hello guide for this build is decent for me. Can anyone that is on a good way with his build link me his build pls?

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