3.11 NEBULOCH JUG. TECTONIC SLAM, HC SUPER TANK, 3.11 BUFFED! Featured by Goodgaming!

An idea for SC is to add an Abyssus in the helmet slot. It adds a lot of damage over even the most perfect rare, especially for the crit version. Just you're compromising on the tank.
Another area you can really add some damage is the boots. It's my understanding that Kaom's roots (which are great for life) are mainly for elder fights. For most other content, another option might boost your damage. I'm trying out some Death's Doors as PoB gives them a pretty good numbers and you don't have to try to corrupt them for +1 endurance.
Follow my current items and gems, I don't know if I'm configuring the PoB correctly but currently the program warns me that I have 509k of damage.
I'm still looking for an ideal gem and passive configuration, I feel that damage is missing from bosses. I accept suggestions.

Last edited by DASDIAS on Jun 29, 2020, 10:26:44 PM
If you guys are struggling with damage the non crit multistrike is pretty good, 3.5m dps non shaper with flasks up. no flasks/onslaught/frenzy charges is like 1.3m shaper 2.5 with everything up. playin sc so only 5.5k life but it seems fine 78% all res and chaos res. could give up a lot of damage for more life if you needed to or maybe optimize the pathing and it still has room for improvements on the gear. https://pastebin.com/Z3R6E160
Last edited by chunkalot on Jun 30, 2020, 3:15:11 AM
have anyone tried to craft the -9 fire resistance helmet using the fire craft in harvest?
trung12368 wrote:
have anyone tried to craft the -9 fire resistance helmet using the fire craft in harvest?

Fire craft? No. However I got it via a lucky harvest defense craft, so it's absolutely on the table if you have an ilvl 85+ warlord helm.

And I suspect some of the dps complaints could be helped a bit by more fire pen (outside of Wise Oak). Deactivate that flask & the value of a fire penetration gem soars in PoB (which is a more realistic boss fight situation imo).
Last edited by Lakh on Jun 30, 2020, 4:56:47 AM
After looking abit on the crit option, i would say its better. it have abit less life. and further more i would say it requrires abysses, to make it shine. i dont think abysses will be any issues on this build, since in 99% of any incomming damage the physical mitigation is way past the 90% cap, so even reciving 40% more physical damage will barely be noticable. also the abysses will pump up the damage by +30%,
A5 Sirus down, can face tank his beam with bleed immunity. first time ever killing him.
Last edited by chunkalot on Jun 30, 2020, 8:04:08 PM
chunkalot wrote:
A5 Sirus down, can face tank his beam with bleed immunity. first time ever killing him.

Did you have craiceann's carapace?
nah i bought a trash corrupted blood jewel. using loreweave.
anyone tried using abyssus for the crit setup and can tell me how the dmg feels? I wanna make the change from my berserker frostblades build as I die too much but am worried if I make the change the lack of dps will turn me off. Can anyone give me an update on hows the build so far, I have about 17 ex saved up with about 10 ex in items, so I can invest in this build. But wanna make sure before I throw all my currency away.

Frost blades berserker was a fast playstyle and I'm worried switching to this may feel awkward coz of the sudden huge dps loss and slow down of playstyle.

Thanks in advance!

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