[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

Jack0o wrote:

Hi Eldest!! Hope the grind is going well for you.

Here is a POB to level 100 (it is identical to my previous POB except for the added points in the tree).


I have no idea how are you doing it... I made some major gear upgrades and thought it should be pretty good already but I'm still far behind you... How do you get so much DPS and defences? How can you have so much armour with no Grace, and so much ES? I really hope it's just some POB settings I am missing... Have no clue :(

Could you take a look?

Hello! I will be happy to take a look at the differences.

Here are some differences that I see from a quick glance.

1) I have the armor enchantment on my belt, you do not (extra armor)

2) I have the +2 duration gems corruption on my chest piece, you do not (tons of DPS)

3) You do not have the correct rings. You are missing the Sentinel Damage stat on both rings (DPS)

4) Your POB did not have any thing configured so I can't tell what you may be doing wrong for your DPS calculations.

5) You don't have an Empower level 4 (again, tons of dps)

6) You are running Impale and I am running poison so it is not a 1 to 1 dps comparison. You are however wasting a large dps node in your large cluster since you don't need Rotten Claws
Thank you for all your advices! Much appreciated!


1) I have the armor enchantment on my belt, you do not (extra armor)

I'm not sure if 300 amour is worth 7ex (actual price), especially while having 83k armour with no flasks, active skills and out of combat. But I will consider some enchanted belt in the future.

2) I have the +2 duration gems corruption on my chest piece, you do not (tons of DPS)

Well, that's something I will have to give up... At least until I farm Mirror or something ;) Spent too much on my body armour + shield + amulet combo. Iron Reflexes has too good synergy with free Grace (+38k armour).

3) You do not have the correct rings. You are missing the Sentinel Damage stat on both rings (DPS)

Ah, good point. That will be my next upgrade :)

4) Your POB did not have any thing configured so I can't tell what you may be doing wrong for your DPS calculations.

You couldn't import my last and fully configured POBs (some errors). So this time I decided to import raw data from my profile, without changing settings. And it seems to work.

5) You don't have an Empower level 4 (again, tons of dps)

Yeah, my next upgrade after rings. Just 8ex ;)

6) You are running Impale and I am running poison so it is not a 1 to 1 dps comparison. You are however wasting a large dps node in your large cluster since you don't need Rotten Claws

I am also running poison build. I have picked only 2 passives from large cluster (Rotten Claws passive is not selected). I should probably consider removing large cluster and use only 2 medium clusters. That would save me some skillpoints. I also don't use both medium jewels with minion damage - one has passives for reduced reservation (Self-Control and Uncompromising)... That's another damage reduction.

Still have no idea where did you get that huge ES tho (almost two times bigger than mine). Most of the items are uniques without much room for custom stats. How? o.O Probably that's why I get some random one-shot sometimes...

And also I can't find the last bloody labirynth. It just refuses to spawn xD
Jack0o wrote:

Still have no idea where did you get that huge ES tho (almost two times bigger than mine). Most of the items are uniques without much room for custom stats. How? o.O Probably that's why I get some random one-shot sometimes...

And also I can't find the last bloody labirynth. It just refuses to spawn xD

* You can look at the global 820 chat channel while playing. People sometimes list lab trials that they will sell to you for like 1c. You just get invited and walk into their portals in their hide out and complete the trial you need.

* I did not focus on ES on my last look so I will do so now and let you know what differences I see.

1) You have not allocated the Utmost Intellect cluster. This gives a large chunk of ES

2) Flat ES is like a god send to our build since we have so much increased ES. If you look at my rare jewels, you will see I try to stack ES on each one. It adds up significantly.

3) Grab a level 21 discipline, for more flat ES

4) You might consider removing Enduring Composure. You have so much armor you can easily afford tossing it and replacing it with a rare jewel with as much ES/Mana/Int as you can afford. This will also save you a couple of tree points which can be invested in ES and or mana. I don't have Enduring Composure and have much less armor than you and my only death was in the 10 boss fight (and that was more due to lack of DPS than defense as before my new amulet, I did kill them fast enough before they all ended up spawning and overwhelming me).

5) I would replace your Whispering Portent jewel. It has damage stats on it that barely make a blip on your DPS. Focus instead on as much ES and mana as you can afford to take advantage of the belt. Obviously cover your resists first but after that focus entirely on ES and Mana.

Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Aug 26, 2021, 3:14:49 PM

* You can look at the global 820 chat channel while playing. People sometimes list lab trials that they will sell to you for like 1c. You just get invited and walk into their portals in their hide out and complete the trial you need.

Thanks for the tip :)


* I did not focus on ES on my last look so I will do so now and let you know what differences I see.

1) You have not allocated the Utmost Intellect cluster. This gives a large chunk of ES

Good point. I can take it when removing Enduring Composure. POB shows -3k armour and +300 ES after those changes. Seems worth.


3) Grab a level 21 discipline, for more flat ES

Level 21 Vaal Discipline costs +6.5ex for 4 ES (literally). Seems like a bad investment ;) And Vaal variant of the gem is too good life saver to let it go :)


4) You might consider removing Enduring Composure. You have so much armor you can easily afford tossing it and replacing it with a rare jewel with as much ES/Mana/Int as you can afford. This will also save you a couple of tree points which can be invested in ES and or mana. I don't have Enduring Composure and have much less armor than you and my only death was in the 10 boss fight (and that was more due to lack of DPS than defense as before my new amulet, I did kill them fast enough before they all ended up spawning and overwhelming me).

My biggest fear are DOTs and big crits. I have bought Watcher's Eye with crit reduction today so it should be a bit easier now. But bigger ES pool would be the most useful to save my butt.


5) I would replace your Whispering Portent jewel. It has damage stats on it that barely make a blip on your DPS. Focus instead on as much ES and mana as you can afford to take advantage of the belt. Obviously cover your resists first but after that focus entirely on ES and Mana.

The main purpose of this jewel is not damage but cold resists (to max it) and +8 to all attributes (without it I am lacking 14 strength and 5 dexterity to use most of my gear...). But you are right it has some room for improvements.
Last edited by Jack0o on Aug 26, 2021, 5:22:15 PM
Jack0o wrote:

My biggest fear are DOTs and big crits.

I can't speak to crits but I feel like DOT is not an issue any more for me (it was earlier though).

Three items have solved all of my DOT issues from what I can tell

1) Regen enchantment on boots (this is wonderful against DOT)

2) Time of Need is slightly rng based since you can't time when you will get the DOT, but when you get this lab ascendency point, I think you are going to like it.

3) Corrupted blood immunity (this one is huge because corrupted blood is the only DOT that can dramatically out race our regen). With no corrupted blood, our combined regen slows DOT to a crawl giving us more than enough time to either have Time of Need proc and/or pop Vaal Discipline

Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Aug 26, 2021, 7:09:10 PM
People, through out this league, in this thread have mentioned getting one shoted out of no where at times.

I have mostly ignored this but I figure I should mentioned something on the off chance people are missing it.

In expeditions, there is a remnant that provides Culling Strike for monsters against anyone that has less than 20% life.

The remnant will insta kill all CI characters with one hit.

I have not tested this myself, but I have seen enough evidence on Redditt that allows me to say avoid using that remnant at all costs :)
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Aug 26, 2021, 7:38:00 PM
Hello Ladies and Gents :)

As promised! I was done with this build since I was in a place where I was really happy with my build BUT then again I had my Trade on the lookout for that amulet I mentioned before and low and behold It showed up again and this time I snatched it faster than he could say Hello. (It cost 55Exa) but dang it this amulet is worth every penny!.


My PoB for those who are interested.

As mentioned before on a older post I happily got away from 1k ES to get SHITLOAD of dps with Pride and another large cluster implemented in the build.

Have a look and let me know what you guys think.

(Edit I am also testing Anomalous Carrion Golem instead of Holy Relic, since my Holy Relic is dying all the time anyways might aswell squeeze more dps on bosses with a Carrion Golem, If anyone has any idea here would love to hear it, was alos thinking about going with feeding frenzy on the spiders and go without Carrion/Holy Relic and have Enlighten lvl 4 with Pride, Determination and Discipline, that would allow me to have Vitality aswell as Clarity. Tired of resummon).
Last edited by Ellarizz on Aug 27, 2021, 2:41:18 AM

1) Regen enchantment on boots (this is wonderful against DOT)

Bought it. Thanks for the tip :)

2) Time of Need is slightly rng based since you can't time when you will get the DOT, but when you get this lab ascendency point, I think you are going to like it.

Still working on it ;)

3) Corrupted blood immunity (this one is huge because corrupted blood is the only DOT that can dramatically out race our regen). With no corrupted blood, our combined regen slows DOT to a crawl giving us more than enough time to either have Time of Need proc and/or pop Vaal Discipline

Already got the corruption immunity. It sucks tho I took it before I decided to move from clusters to basic jewels. Healthy Mind with corrupted blood immunity was the cheapest of unique jewels I am using ... just 6ex.

People, through out this league, in this thread have mentioned getting one shoted out of no where at times.

I have mostly ignored this but I figure I should mentioned something on the off chance people are missing it.

In expeditions, there is a remnant that provides Culling Strike for monsters against anyone that has less than 20% life.

The remnant will insta kill all CI characters with one hit.

I have not tested this myself, but I have seen enough evidence on Redditt that allows me to say avoid using that remnant at all costs :)

I have never noticed that. Maybe beacause I died too fast and there are (STILL) no death logs to confirm the cause... Sometimes I don't die from one shot, but 2-3. I suspect crits there.

Ellarizz wrote:
Hello Ladies and Gents :)

As promised! I was done with this build since I was in a place where I was really happy with my build BUT then again I had my Trade on the lookout for that amulet I mentioned before and low and behold It showed up again and this time I snatched it faster than he could say Hello. (It cost 55Exa) but dang it this amulet is worth every penny!.


My PoB for those who are interested.

As mentioned before on a older post I happily got away from 1k ES to get SHITLOAD of dps with Pride and another large cluster implemented in the build.

Have a look and let me know what you guys think.

(Edit I am also testing Anomalous Carrion Golem instead of Holy Relic, since my Holy Relic is dying all the time anyways might aswell squeeze more dps on bosses with a Carrion Golem, If anyone has any idea here would love to hear it, was alos thinking about going with feeding frenzy on the spiders and go without Carrion/Holy Relic and have Enlighten lvl 4 with Pride, Determination and Discipline, that would allow me to have Vitality aswell as Clarity. Tired of resummon).

I am using both Holy Relic and Carrion Golem on my shield with Cast When Stunned Support. Golem increases my dps by 4-5%. I am considering replacing it with Vaal Molten Shell but I feel tanky enough atm. Gonna test it more.
Last edited by Jack0o on Aug 27, 2021, 7:00:37 AM
Ellarizz wrote:
Hello Ladies and Gents :)

As promised! I was done with this build since I was in a place where I was really happy with my build BUT then again I had my Trade on the lookout for that amulet I mentioned before and low and behold It showed up again and this time I snatched it faster than he could say Hello. (It cost 55Exa) but dang it this amulet is worth every penny!.


My PoB for those who are interested.

As mentioned before on a older post I happily got away from 1k ES to get SHITLOAD of dps with Pride and another large cluster implemented in the build.

Have a look and let me know what you guys think.

(Edit I am also testing Anomalous Carrion Golem instead of Holy Relic, since my Holy Relic is dying all the time anyways might aswell squeeze more dps on bosses with a Carrion Golem, If anyone has any idea here would love to hear it, was alos thinking about going with feeding frenzy on the spiders and go without Carrion/Holy Relic and have Enlighten lvl 4 with Pride, Determination and Discipline, that would allow me to have Vitality aswell as Clarity. Tired of resummon).

Holy crap Ellarizz!

I edited your config (you were missing maim, number of allies, ignite and withered). Once I put those all in, your single target damage is over 7.6m!!!!

That is just insane given the nerfs this league. You now have easily the best build version I have ever seen for this build. You would have been well over ~13m dps last league.


As for feeding frenzy, I have given up on it. I can't find anything that will stay alive long enough that is worth it. Let me know if your latest setup is useful.

Right now I love my Spirit Offering on Cast When Stunned, I have excellent up time on it.

Congrats on your build.

I got a junior version of your amulet the other day. It was a 5ex version that had determination reduction on it which allowed me to allocate Ravenous Horde instead of Charisma. I picked ~1m damage in one single item.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Aug 27, 2021, 8:21:27 AM
Ellarizz wrote:
Hello Ladies and Gents :)

As promised! I was done with this build since I was in a place where I was really happy with my build BUT then again I had my Trade on the lookout for that amulet I mentioned before and low and behold It showed up again and this time I snatched it faster than he could say Hello. (It cost 55Exa) but dang it this amulet is worth every penny!.


My PoB for those who are interested.

As mentioned before on a older post I happily got away from 1k ES to get SHITLOAD of dps with Pride and another large cluster implemented in the build.

Have a look and let me know what you guys think.

(Edit I am also testing Anomalous Carrion Golem instead of Holy Relic, since my Holy Relic is dying all the time anyways might aswell squeeze more dps on bosses with a Carrion Golem, If anyone has any idea here would love to hear it, was alos thinking about going with feeding frenzy on the spiders and go without Carrion/Holy Relic and have Enlighten lvl 4 with Pride, Determination and Discipline, that would allow me to have Vitality aswell as Clarity. Tired of resummon).

Holy crap Ellarizz!

I edited your config (you were missing maim, number of allies, ignite and withered). Once I put those all in, your single target damage is over 7.6m!!!!

That is just insane given the nerfs this league. You now have easily the best build version I have ever seen for this build. You would have been well over ~13m dps last league.


As for feeding frenzy, I have given up on it. I can't find anything that will stay alive long enough that is worth it. Let me know if your latest setup is useful.

Right now I love my Spirit Offering on Cast When Stunned, I have excellent up time on it.

Congrats on your build.

I got a junior version of your amulet the other day. It was a 5ex version that had determination reduction on it which allowed me to allocate Ravenous Horde instead of Charisma. I picked ~1m damage in one single item.

Those Amulets are so nice right? :)

I will let you know, will try now a couple of days with both Carrion first and then switch to Enlighten on the Auras and go with Feeding Frenzy on the spiders with some other support Gems instead of Carrion Golem.

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