[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

phexifa wrote:

Here, full simulacrum. very easy.

can you share profile?

Here's POB: i didnt adjust it so its not showing my actual stats but it has my items and jewels on it: https://pastebin.com/0pfTDP0S
No to conditional challenges on top of RNG pure luck mechanics.
Build is pretty neat, but my heralds of purity keep dying in hardest encounter like sirus A8, t16 100% delirium etc. Even if i cyclone in packs and resummon them all the time, at least half of time they are not acting as 4 damage dealers and sometime there are 0 of them. only spiders doing all job. 21 lvl gem + lvl 4 empower + skin of the lords, what am i doing wrong? Maybe need to get +2 skin of the loyal, but dont have 30 ex at the moment.
Not even talking about holy relic, maybe if i change feeding frenzy, it will be better, but now it dies sometime in 3-4 seconds, dont think 1% regen will do smth.

Thinking about switching to herald of agony cause of minion immortality, how do you think, changing body sockets and rings + adding posion instead of culling strike to cyclone would do the difference?
Last edited by Toysintheattick on Feb 6, 2021, 6:41:42 AM
phexifa wrote:

Here, full simulacrum. very easy.

can you share profile?

Here's POB: i didnt adjust it so its not showing my actual stats but it has my items and jewels on it: https://pastebin.com/0pfTDP0S

thanks! appreciate it :)
what if change ruthles on awakened multistrike support? pob says should be much better but not sure how this gem works
Hi everyone, I would like to respec my ice nova inquisitor in this build. has anyone tried making maven's invitations? for example the feared or the one with the guardians of the shaper or the one with all the breachlords? thank you very much if someone will post some videos about it. I also wanted to know if this build is capable of doing 100% delirium maps.
Build can defenitly do simulacrums with 5x rewards consistently.

100% Delirium are easyily possible, exept kosis which with to crazy map mods can one shot almost any build anyway, even Aura stackers struggle with that.

The Limits of this build are 4 digit delve Level where you just cant face tank anymore.
Last edited by Zerber on Feb 6, 2021, 9:36:18 AM
dado_hd wrote:
Hi everyone, I would like to respec my ice nova inquisitor in this build. has anyone tried making maven's invitations? for example the feared or the one with the guardians of the shaper or the one with all the breachlords? thank you very much if someone will post some videos about it. I also wanted to know if this build is capable of doing 100% delirium maps.

Did all maven invs besides one that require cortex, pretty easy.
Uber also pretty easy, even with maven.
Tried maven just once, would be easy, tanked even heavy hits, but spoiled arena with aoe, not enough damage with dying heralds
Depending on yours min/maxed gear i suggest spending 3 of the last 5 skillpoints behond lv 95 for extra minion damage. That will increase 30% miniondmg and result in upto 10% total dmg. In the OP's PoB there is 96->100 path with Rightous Army, but that should be used earlier and another 3 skillpoints are better invested in miniondmg, eg. the left path to Death Attunement.
To sum up, behond lvl97 you have a choice for extra minion dmg or a small increase in ES :)
Hey, any idea why I am still randomly getting 1 shot or dying pretty frequently in maps? My DPS isn't excellent either. The character on my profile is ArakaalmiDaddy.
Hey, any idea why I am still randomly getting 1 shot or dying pretty frequently in maps? My DPS isn't excellent either. The character on my profile is ArakaalmiDaddy.

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