[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Hi! Thanks for the build. Is it possible with the strength of blood hc to tank most endgame bosses? Like sirus die beams without dodging them?
Last edited by ImpossibleIsNothing on Jul 8, 2021, 8:46:11 PM
Amazing build, is there any reason why there is no fortify included? with petrified blood and right flask it should have 100% uptime, even after the nerf. Maybe an opportunity cost?
So what is your opinion on this announcement we just got? Especially the way flasks are going to work?
So... With the murder of Coralito's Signature how much of a problem this is for Scourge Arrow Pathfinder?

Losing Perfect Agony and poison duration seems really harmful to this build. I was planning to start SA but am having doubts now
So I did some maths and overall we should be able to get around 22% more damage out of the poison changes.

The nerfs are:

- Chains of Emancipation will no longer work because of the warding flask change
- We can expect around 20-30% nerf in our support gems probalby
- Corallito was changed making it unusable for us unless we go crit
- Pathfinder was *slightly* nerfed
- Dot multi passives on clusters nerfed (do not affects us at all, we werent using them)

And the buffs are:
- New flask nodes on tree
- Better flask node positioning on tree
- 50% more overall damage for poison

What I did is that I replaced the chains package with solstice vigil and circle of nostalgia, removed berserk, replaced corrallito with cinderswallow, replaced mana flask wtih overflowing chalice (just in case).

Added workaround for 50% more damage buff (accoutning for the nerfs I just put 20% more damage as workaround).

And the build went from 1.8M poison DPS per thorn arrow to 2.2M poison DPS per thorn arrow.

Here is the pob for anyone interested, still WIP:


But overall, the changes are a buff to the build dont worry. We lose some speed but that was to be expected, chains was broken interaction (we can always possibly self chill in future with icefang orbit).

And all these number changes do not even include the new tree what should be better for us than before. So it gets even better.
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Last edited by thedeathbeam on Jul 19, 2021, 9:52:50 PM
thedeathbeam wrote:
So I did some maths and overall we should be able to get around 22% more damage out of the poison changes.

Do you think we still be able to do Divine flesh version?
I want to go tankie with this for my boss killer.

Divine flesh seems fairly straightforward to do with this build. Replace strength of blood with divine flesh -> get chaos resist instead of herald effect on nostalgia. You'll probably want some different clusters though because I think there's a +3 max chaos resist notable out there.
I have an idea in mind.

I have to see how good the new Critical Strike Affliction support will be, but I think this build's damage can be scaled way higher than anything we've had so far.
Perfect agony (50% of crit Multi applies to DoT Multi) + New Coralito's + going Crit Multi on tree and gear, DoT Multi for Crit strikes from Clusters and maybe even picking up Jewels with Crit Multi.
Konnorad wrote:
I have an idea in mind.

I have to see how good the new Critical Strike Affliction support will be, but I think this build's damage can be scaled way higher than anything we've had so far.
Perfect agony (50% of crit Multi applies to DoT Multi) + New Coralito's + going Crit Multi on tree and gear, DoT Multi for Crit strikes from Clusters and maybe even picking up Jewels with Crit Multi.

Sounds hell of expensive to be honest, but maybe a good idead. :-)
Place holder for 3.15. Can't wait bro

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