
Crafting dictator has proven to be difficult. Best I came up with after 1000alts, 1 annulment and some regals..
Hartsa wrote:
Crafting dictator has proven to be difficult. Best I came up with after 1000alts, 1 annulment and some regals..

Well, that's still a reasonably good weapon :)
heya Uly, great build , i am following but with cyclone skill, in cyclone build i see this:
Cyclone = Brutality = Infused Channeling = Pulverize = Fortify = Impale Support

but in gems down below instead Infused channeling is close combat, so whats better ?

is it worth getting a Paradoxica Vaal Rapier?
Hartsa wrote:
Crafting dictator has proven to be difficult. Best I came up with after 1000alts, 1 annulment and some regals..

Odds of getting t1 roll is incredibly rare.
For myself i considered a multimod already if i hit a t3+t2 or single t2/t3 phys/accu.
But I'm not a serial crafter the only time i crafted two phys weapons in synthesis i didnt even know about 30% quality fossil craft so... :V
Gives streamers & friends queue priority and leaves supporters who spent hundreds $ packs in the 100k queue.

GGG: Don't you guys follow streamers?
Last edited by ZaeN on Jun 21, 2019, 11:06:24 AM
NebeskiPS wrote:
heya Uly, great build , i am following but with cyclone skill, in cyclone build i see this:
Cyclone = Brutality = Infused Channeling = Pulverize = Fortify = Impale Support

but in gems down below instead Infused channeling is close combat, so whats better ?


Infused Channeling of course, I just forgot to link the proper gem after changing it (got some feedback and infused channeling is just WAY better).

Is this worth crafting multimod onto? Got dictators and regal added the crit multiplier.
thx for reply Uly, God speed
good build, thanks!
Last edited by Chebamonster on Jun 21, 2019, 2:33:06 PM
Following this build, and been enjoying it for the most part, but really struggling to stay alive now Vaal Pact has been taken and Life Regen no longer applies.
How do I improve my life leech?

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