
frankyoo wrote:
i been doing some testing with bladestorm after the fix is seem the best gem set up is Bladestorm- Brutality - Multistrike - Melee Physical Damage - Impale - Fortify.

Are you sure extra aoe from Pulverise isnt better than Melee Physical?
UPDATE the guide plz. There's many opposites in it. Why u advice lorewave and mention that elemental dmg is improtant, when in the same time u link bladestorm with brutality which erase our elee dmg from skills. And it's only one example. (sry for my bad english )

ps: if u presenting the guide as 3.7, at least make an update, otherwise if u don't have a tim for it just change the title for OUTDATED. Besides i rly like the way u make it and for that respect for u.
Last edited by mewa12345 on Jun 20, 2019, 1:44:38 PM
UlyUly wrote:
Gem Setup

NOTE: If any of the skill gems aren't linked, it's because they weren't added to the game yet. I am going to update this section as soon as I have access to them.



Bladestorm = Brutality = Pulverise = Multistrike = Fortify = Impale Support

These gems are listed based on their importance.
Body armour is our only piece of gear capable of being a 6-link. Therefore, we put our Bladestorm in here. Remember that Brutality makes us unable to deal non-physical damage. We use Fortify in our main setup to upkeep the Fortify buff (reduced damage taken from hits).

Links in this setup should be R=R=G=R=R=R.


Blood and Sand = Herald of Purity ||| Flesh and Stone = Maim

We need a slot to place our auras in, and the helmet is perfect for this purpose. They will reserve our mana to provide us with strong offensive buffs. To switch from Blood + Flesh to Sand + Stone, just click the keybind associated with Blood and Sand aura on your toolbar.

According to Bex, Maim Support will work with Flesh and Stone, empowering its maim effect - and we definitely want that.

Links should be R=R=R=R.


Leap Slam = Faster Attacks = Endurance Charge on Melee Stun = Blood Magic

This will be our movement skill setup. We link leap slam with blood magic to easily sustain it. Since patch 3.7 Leap Slam always stuns enemies on full life - that's why we link it with endurance charge on melee stun, to easily sustain endurance charges while clearing.


Cast on Death = Portal ||| Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 13) = Summon Ice Golem (lvl 15)

Cast on Death with portal helps in case you die in a map (which sometimes happens), you can just instantly go back to the location of your death (no more running for a minute to continue mapping is a great thing). Ice Golem linked to Cast When Damage Taken will provide us with an occasional accuracy + critical strike chance buff. Remember to keep these gems at level fifteen and thirteen, respectively.

This item slot has two separate setups which shouldn't be connected.

Off Hand


Blood Rage, Vaal Ancestral Warchief, Dread Banner

Here we put our Active skills. We will use Blood Rage for the attack speed buff and frenzy charge generation. Vaal Ancestral Warchief is a skill we put down for supplementary damage when we face bosses. Note that these don't have to be linked with each other.

Main Hand

Cast When Damage Taken = Steelskin |||| Berserk

Unlike other builds, we don't keep our Cast When Damage Taken at a low level. We don't do it because we want it to trigger our high-level Steelskin to get extra defences from it.

Berserk mustn't be linked with Cast When Damage Taken. It's a new skill that consumes your Rage at an accelerating rate. While active, grants more damage, attack speed, movement speed, and causes you to take less damage.



Gems in Path of Exile benefit from a stat called 'quality'. Quality adds different bonuses, which vary from gem to gem. That's why it is important to check the wikia before 'qualing' a gem up. Usually, you would use Gemcutter's Prisms to do that, but that is way too expensive ever to be worth it. Alternatively, after levelling your gems to level 20, you can vendor one along with Gemcutter's Prism to change it into a level 1 gem with 20% quality, which is excellent.

Gems you should use this method on:
- Faster Attacks, Blood Rage, Maim, Multistrike, Brutality, Melee Physical Damage.

Thanks for reading until the end and I hope you enjoy the build!

NOW multistrike is working with BS ^^ still pulv or MS now?
Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
mewa12345 wrote:
UPDATE the guide plz. There's many opposites in it. Why u advice lorewave and mention that elemental dmg is improtant, when in the same time u link bladestorm with brutality which erase our elee dmg from skills. And it's only one example. (sry for my bad english )

ps: if u presenting the guide as 3.7, at least make an update, otherwise if u don't have a tim for it just change the title for OUTDATED. Besides i rly like the way u make it and for that respect.

If you find any further mistakes, feel free to point them out - I will try to correct each of them.
disregard my post.
Last edited by Nightmare123 on Jun 20, 2019, 6:15:02 PM
Nightmare123 wrote:
You also have a section on using the berserk gem. How does this character generate RAGE to use this gem?

you know our ascendancy gives us rage right?
My bad I hadn't switch my ascendary class from juggernaut yet.
UlyUly wrote:
frankyoo wrote:
i been doing some testing with bladestorm after the fix is seem the best gem set up is Bladestorm- Brutality - Multistrike - Melee Physical Damage - Impale - Fortify.

Are you sure extra aoe from Pulverise isnt better than Melee Physical?

My setup is Brutality - Multistrike - Impale - Fortify - rage support. Multistrike is nice but losing extra aoe from Pulverise is huge loss for clearing.
Close combat also pretty because of leap slam atkspd, so much gem to consider =))
Last edited by ngtrungkhanh on Jun 20, 2019, 9:27:12 PM
Just killed uber elder with your build and half ass gear GG thanks

interesting analysis of the multistrike/bladestorm interaction from Incredibie who created this bladestorm berserker guide

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