Balance in Path of Exile: Legion

We'll I guess it's time to give my opinion about the balance Manifesto:
All in all I like it.
I always LOVE when things change and I strongly believe that changes like these are necessary for the game not to feel stale and repetitive.
There are a few things I want to specifically talk about:
1. Life leech for Spellcasters. I think there should be an option to leech LIFE on Spellcasters, mainly because there are good options to leech ES for Spellcasters.
2. Mortal Conviction: Reeeeeeeeeee my Supports. (I mean ... it IS a GOOD change, supports are fully broken but that solutions seems kinda boring to me. Maybe just a personal thing.
3. Lack of changes to Bleed and Poison. I really wish those were in this initial patch, especially since Bleed kinda goes hand in hand with Melee Combat.
4. the ES nerf is REASONABLE. Lots of people will disagree but I'm fairly sure you STILL get better defenses with ES than you do with life. One important Note: going from implicit flat ES gear from synthesis, crafted with dense Fossils to ES gear after synthesis DOESN'T go core and Dense Fossils "lose" their suffix will FEEL bad.
5. All of the earlygame rebalancing is nice, I guess, but imo pretty irrelevant. It will make the first 10-ish leveling sessions more interesting, though I don't have high hopes for this to reduce the resentment some players feel whenever they have to level a character past the first one in a league.
6. Loving the idea of more ACTIVE defenses like Molten Shell, instant-Movement skills to get out of Damage and FOCUS, but I feel we are Lacking the Keybinds for it.

I am looking forward to play in definitely-not-Breach, maybe get some more Yoji videos and trying out some new stuff.

Keep up the good work @GGG
And have a nice day.
PS I am very inactive and may not see/answer replies to this post. Thanks for your understanding.
PS PS "WE NEED MORE KEYBINDS" - every Summoner ever
mic01851165 wrote:
DieAbolicaL wrote:
nerf headhunter

LMAO! People would lose their absolute sh!t. Probably a lot of the same people talking about "crybabies".

Unfortunately, it's the "chase unique" and (I believe it was Chris) GGG already said they wouldn't do that as they like the idea of chase uniques.

They act as if they care about balance but then still have HH exist in the game.

Definition of Hyperbole.

Yes I reach delve 800+ every league and 36/40 or 40/40 for 4 leagues straight, and I support that they remove HH entirely.

Thing is, they don't care that much about "balance". Their goal is to forcefully shift the meta. If that means beating the sh!t out of ascendancies, skills, uniques and passives with a hammer then they will do it. (Just not to the Headhunter)
Lots of nerfs, but I like most of them (even as they hurt many of my own builds). But one thing I don't like much is this steady encouragement of an archetype of spellcasters pushed to ES (which they can easily leech) and attackers to life (which they easily leech). Change Warlord's Mark sure, but please add some other good sources of spell life leech (as well as attack ES leech) so that build diversity doesn't suffer.
Last edited by Exile009 on Jun 4, 2019, 4:51:59 AM
Energy shield is trash again. Thanks GGG, I'm glad that we got 2 patches of being able to play an entire category of builds before they got removed like in 3.0.

Removing prolif from Elementalist is like removing leech bonuses from Slayer, it defines the core identity of the ascendancy. Oh...

Overall, what the hell are you doing? I agree that the power level of builds, as far as speed and damage is concerned, is getting a little out of hand; but your obsession with reducing the power level and availability of defensive options will just amplify the frustrations that players are already having with the game. Random oneshots and overtuned damage numbers across the board don't make the game more difficult, they just make it less fun.

Add more mechanics that allow for a variety of powerful defenses, and provide room to play around what the game throws at you, not just butcher every powerful defense that pops up in the game.

Edit: also, there is now exactly one source of mana leech for spells in the game, the boot enchant. Fine, I wanted to waste a flask slot on a mana flask anyways.
IGN: Microwave
Last edited by Pathfinder on Jun 4, 2019, 5:05:18 AM
Phenomena wrote:
Over my 25 years online gaming I've almost never complaint about changes but...

I see and get the rework on the melee skills. I was heavily needed, what I don't get is the nerf's.

Your prime trademark was don't nerf make the other stuff better.

The skills you are nerfing have been accepted by the community already and people likes the gameplay. It's the underpreforming skills you need to look at and do something about. Not the working ones.

Just wait and see on next patch when you have made some to fun strong melee skill options what what will happen then?

At the end of the day this is a game you kill stuff loot and have fun. A skill and build must be fun to play thats what is important for everyone. If someone find that and you nerf it, look at yourself how would you ract?

A majority never see a headhunter or get the currancy to buy one or gets pass level 95 like the stupid level thing you added back in 3.0 or so. Those nerfs are to satisfy a very small player basis but has a big impact for players that have a work, family and can only play 40hrs a week or a bit less.

Once again Don't nerf things, make the other stuff better!

Since when did GGG have a prime trademark of don't nerf make the other stuff better? If anything, they made a thread called themselves 'Path of Nerfs'

Nerf is important. If you are constantly buffing everything, it becomes a vicious cycle where you need to keep buff the one underperforming to make things equal and eventually everyone will be dealing 1000000000000000% damage like in Diablo 3 and numbers become utterly meaningless.

Last edited by NexiieQT on Jun 4, 2019, 4:56:04 AM
Looks like big nerfs , looking forward to see patch notes.
Thx GGG.
Lyxana wrote:
Can't really get why so many people are salty, likely because they like to play 1-2 builds and those have taken a hit with the changes, which makes them saddy McSad face.

And what's wrong about that? There are people who like to play 1-2 build just as you like to play many different builds. You can't accuse them of that.
Pathfinder wrote:
Removing prolif from Elementalist is like removing leech bonuses from Slayer, it defines the core identity of the ascendancy.

No, it's not. Elemental damage is identity of Elementalist, proliferation was an additional feature.
retired from forum because of censorship and discrimination
Pathfinder wrote:
Removing prolif from Elementalist is like removing leech bonuses from Slayer, it defines the core identity of the ascendancy.

No, it's not. Elemental damage is identity of Elementalist, proliferation was an additional feature.

Thats like saying that crit multi isn't an identity of Assassin, just crit chance.

It is the only thing other than golem bonuses that differentiates Elementalist from any other ascendancy in the game that provides bonuses to elemental damage (Ascendant, Inquis, etc)
IGN: Microwave
LordYggdrasil wrote:
We'll I guess it's time to give my opinion about the balance Manifesto:
All in all I like it.
I always LOVE when things change and I strongly believe that changes like these are necessary for the game not to feel stale and repetitive.
There are a few things I want to specifically talk about:
1. Life leech for Spellcasters. I think there should be an option to leech LIFE on Spellcasters, mainly because there are good options to leech ES for Spellcasters.
2. Mortal Conviction: Reeeeeeeeeee my Supports. (I mean ... it IS a GOOD change, supports are fully broken but that solutions seems kinda boring to me. Maybe just a personal thing.
3. Lack of changes to Bleed and Poison. I really wish those were in this initial patch, especially since Bleed kinda goes hand in hand with Melee Combat.
4. the ES nerf is REASONABLE. Lots of people will disagree but I'm fairly sure you STILL get better defenses with ES than you do with life. One important Note: going from implicit flat ES gear from synthesis, crafted with dense Fossils to ES gear after synthesis DOESN'T go core and Dense Fossils "lose" their suffix will FEEL bad.
5. All of the earlygame rebalancing is nice, I guess, but imo pretty irrelevant. It will make the first 10-ish leveling sessions more interesting, though I don't have high hopes for this to reduce the resentment some players feel whenever they have to level a character past the first one in a league.
6. Loving the idea of more ACTIVE defenses like Molten Shell, instant-Movement skills to get out of Damage and FOCUS, but I feel we are Lacking the Keybinds for it.

I am looking forward to play in definitely-not-Breach, maybe get some more Yoji videos and trying out some new stuff.

Keep up the good work @GGG
And have a nice day.
PS I am very inactive and may not see/answer replies to this post. Thanks for your understanding.
PS PS "WE NEED MORE KEYBINDS" - every Summoner ever

I actually just read the mortal conviction part LMFAO. They couldn't be more wrong. You couldn't be more wrong. We don't even use that node as it hurts our builds much more than it helps. This is coming from someone that has made multiple 14+ aura supports. So, that just hurts non-supports if anything.

Thanks GGG for making support characters even more popular. ;)

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