Fix your broken game....

bendybruce wrote:
I'm level 98 on PS4 and have been grinding the game tirelessly. The game is a HOT MESS. A fantastic game, but a shockingly bad implementation of it on PS4. I at least partially attribute this to the developers not having worked on this system before. I still have genuine hope we will see some major improvements when 3.7 launches. Until then, I'm not spending any money on this game other than stash tabs, which are essential if you are really diving in deep. If they do actually fix it, I'll be very happy to buys supporter packs/cosmetics etc, but for the countless lag deaths and crashes this game has delivered, stealing literally days of grind away from me and delivering epic amounts of frustration?!? No way.

I would honestly kill for the ability to buy an offline single player mode that has access to the MTX store. I play almost entirely solo/SSF anyway (I didn't notice the SSF checkbox on character creation because it was my first foray into the game). I have no problem with the app needing to validate my MTX and then using an encrypted token to verify them again on subsequent launches while offline. I've no problems with the "must occasionally re-verify via the internet" type DRM like what Steam uses.

I've had those stutters and latency issues as well. It's triggered on PS4 in some areas from certain effects, which tells me that some of the shaders are missing and are being done in software on PS4, which would account for the performance tank when certain effects happen. You can almost always guarantee this will happen even in town if you get players that have cosmetics that use those effects.
bendybruce wrote:
I'm level 98 on PS4 and have been grinding the game tirelessly. The game is a HOT MESS. A fantastic game, but a shockingly bad implementation of it on PS4. I at least partially attribute this to the developers not having worked on this system before. I still have genuine hope we will see some major improvements when 3.7 launches. Until then, I'm not spending any money on this game other than stash tabs, which are essential if you are really diving in deep. If they do actually fix it, I'll be very happy to buys supporter packs/cosmetics etc, but for the countless lag deaths and crashes this game has delivered, stealing literally days of grind away from me and delivering epic amounts of frustration?!? No way.

I don't even have to go deep into the delve to feel your problem. One NPC is enough for me, and it's already frustration in the world. It is perhaps a bad dream that, due to the developer's inability, you will lose an hour xp progress within 5 seconds. One day I will send them a request for a reimbursement of the devastated TV .. I feel that a gamepad will end up in it in the near future
R4mpaMckvak wrote:
bendybruce wrote:
I'm level 98 on PS4 and have been grinding the game tirelessly. The game is a HOT MESS. A fantastic game, but a shockingly bad implementation of it on PS4. I at least partially attribute this to the developers not having worked on this system before. I still have genuine hope we will see some major improvements when 3.7 launches. Until then, I'm not spending any money on this game other than stash tabs, which are essential if you are really diving in deep. If they do actually fix it, I'll be very happy to buys supporter packs/cosmetics etc, but for the countless lag deaths and crashes this game has delivered, stealing literally days of grind away from me and delivering epic amounts of frustration?!? No way.

I don't even have to go deep into the delve to feel your problem. One NPC is enough for me, and it's already frustration in the world. It is perhaps a bad dream that, due to the developer's inability, you will lose an hour xp progress within 5 seconds. One day I will send them a request for a reimbursement of the devastated TV .. I feel that a gamepad will end up in it in the near future

Yeah you guys aren't having the same problem. That was awful. On PS4 it just gets real stuttery, and at worst you'll get like a 10th second freeze. Does your system just not run well in general or something?
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Yeah you guys aren't having the same problem. That was awful. On PS4 it just gets real stuttery, and at worst you'll get like a 10th second freeze. Does your system just not run well in general or something

Why do you even post a reply if you're not trying to help resolve the issue? My ps4 runs perfectly fine and, sorry to tell you, but 1/10th of a second of lag? Are you serious? I have had 5-10 FULL seconds of zero movement on my screen, then dead. Guess I should go buy a $150 ssd to play a FREE game model? Lol.....Little kid, go watch some ps4 videos or even a stream, if you can find someone still willing to stream through the freezes, and tell me it's nothing. You replied to my post with the same crap. Trying to discredit someone else's problems simply because you don't experience them? Seriously, don't you have something better to do?

Instead of your bullshit "if it's not happening to me", and replying to posts without anything to actually add.... go read. Do a little research and you'll see the sheer number of people experiencing issues across both ps4 slim and ps4 pro.

I mean, if there were no issues at all, I don't think GGG would've stated that things aren't being loaded properly on the load screens, causing issues when certain effects or creatures have to be loaded on the fly... hm?
Dude, Seriously chill it with the I'm an aged man who used to work for the cable company, I know I'm better then everyone bullshit. I've dumped at least 500 hours in to this game over the last couple months, I know exactly how it functions. I'm playing on a 5 year old stock PS4 with no SSD, and complete shit internet. If it's running worse for you, you clearly don't know how to maintain your machine Mr.Techsavvy. Also I've been humoring you. Everyone knows you're like 15. No grown man is gonna get on a video game forum bragging about how many OSs they've used, and how drunk they were, and saying they were an IT guy so they're above everyone else's tech knowledge. If you're so sophisticated, why don't you just install some new parts in your PS4? A former IT guy such as yourself must know how to undo a sauter, and install new parts in a computer.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Last edited by LV9999Majin on Jun 3, 2019, 2:00:23 AM
Yeah you guys aren't having the same problem. That was awful. On PS4 it just gets real stuttery, and at worst you'll get like a 10th second freeze. Does your system just not run well in general or something?

I take care of the console very well .. I clean it, blow it with compressed air. The disk is not defective and PoE is running on the SSD. Anyway, wife plays AAA game titles on a normal disc and has no problem ..
It really is certain that this problem is not in the xbox but in GGG

But I understand that GGG does not comment on it .. it is better to do that I do not see anything and prefer to send a system message to the game that says "buy coins and get mystery box" ..
Last edited by R4mpaMckvak on Jun 3, 2019, 9:37:45 AM
Dude, Seriously chill it with the I'm an aged man who used to work for the cable company, I know I'm better then everyone bullshit. I've dumped at least 500 hours in to this game over the last couple months, I know exactly how it functions. I'm playing on a 5 year old stock PS4 with no SSD, and complete shit internet. If it's running worse for you, you clearly don't know how to maintain your machine Mr.Techsavvy. Also I've been humoring you. Everyone knows you're like 15. No grown man is gonna get on a video game forum bragging about how many OSs they've used, and how drunk they were, and saying they were an IT guy so they're above everyone else's tech knowledge. If you're so sophisticated, why don't you just install some new parts in your PS4? A former IT guy such as yourself must know how to undo a sauter, and install new parts in a computer.

Dude, Seriously chill it with the I'm an aged man who used to work for the cable company, I know I'm better then everyone bullshit. I've dumped at least 500 hours in to this game over the last couple months, I know exactly how it functions. I'm playing on a 5 year old stock PS4 with no SSD, and complete shit internet. If it's running worse for you, you clearly don't know how to maintain your machine Mr.Techsavvy. Also I've been humoring you. Everyone knows you're like 15. No grown man is gonna get on a video game forum bragging about how many OSs they've used, and how drunk they were, and saying they were an IT guy so they're above everyone else's tech knowledge. If you're so sophisticated, why don't you just install some new parts in your PS4? A former IT guy such as yourself must know how to undo a sauter, and install new parts in a computer.

LOL a cable technician thinking he knows the inner workings of a gaming machine, and better yet, you know "exactly how the game works".

Look, I'm glad the game runs fine for you no-lifing it for 400 hours in a couple of month.. that's a problem on it's own, but your own problem.
The FACT is that the game is NOT running smoothly for a vast number of players. I'm guessing we're all just lying because YOU have no problems.
Install new parts in a 7 year old machine? LOL, that's funny. Considering the standard ps4 isn't even sata3 compatable like everything else on the market these days. Maybe that's a little too technical since I'm a 15 year old kid and you're a godly cable tech.. rofl.
People throw out experiences, not to brag, but to give a little insight that they may know what they're talking about.

How many times did I say that I'm experiencing issues on the flashback event only, yet you don't see that. I'm sure you're not even playing the event, yet trying to compare your flawless playtime to mine.

Go browse this forum and scroll through the dozens of posts detailing problems.. So, since you know exactly how the game functions with a mere 400 hours of playtime, how about you start throwing out solutions for people instead of simply posting that you have no problems.
Last edited by binoculars on Jun 3, 2019, 9:48:21 AM
yeah jesus, I've been top of the leaderboards almost every league, run the game with an xbox1x and SSD, and anyone who claims the game isn't littered with issues either doesn't play that much, or has zero clue what they're talking about.

Don't come in here white knighting it defending a game that has many flaws. Try a build with whirling blades and over 3+ attacks per second. Or shield charge, or leap slam.

Spoiler alert: It's not the players issue, it's the game/servers.
Last edited by LOLUBAD on Jun 3, 2019, 9:53:58 PM
LOLUBAD wrote:
Try a build with whirling blades and over 3+ attacks per second. Or shield charge, or leap slam.

I've done the first 3, and that's why if you paid attention, I've been bitching about desync a ton. That has nothing to do with the PS4 performance I'm talking about.

binoculars wrote:

How many times did I say that I'm experiencing issues on the flashback event only

You said it once, after shitting on the game dozens of times well before flashback came out. And blatantly stating many times you think you're better with computers than everyone on this forum. It's running the same parts, built the same way as a computer.

And to both of you, how are you both so fucking oblivious? I have never once said the game doesn't have problems, I've been shitting on the PS4 (Probably got some Xbox players in there too) players stating that they're dying to frame drops. Because I know that isn't possible, because my system is literally as bad as you can possibly get.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
You said it once, after shitting on the game dozens of times well before flashback came out. And blatantly stating many times you think you're better with computers than everyone on this forum. It's running the same parts, built the same way as a computer.

And to both of you, how are you both so fucking oblivious? I have never once said the game doesn't have problems, I've been shitting on the PS4 (Probably got some Xbox players in there too) players stating that they're dying to frame drops. Because I know that isn't possible, because my system is literally as bad as you can possibly get.

That's quite funny considering I've never logged into this site until well after flashback started. And yeah, I've worked on computers and threw out some technical terms that obviously flew well over your head. Not once did I state that I'm better than anyone, kid. But, here you go again with the same bullshit "if it's not happening to me blah blah blah". The console bug report forum is littered with people with the same issues. Just stop replying to people, you're full of shit.

And btw, genius... gaming consoles are built with ram, hard drives, motherboards etc etc.. name a computer that doesn't have those parts
Last edited by binoculars on Jun 4, 2019, 2:41:17 AM

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