[3.9] Gryph's CI Vortex + Coldsnap Trickster || Uber Elder+Everything Else

are you willing to make LL version with shav?
hwan wrote:
are you willing to make LL version with shav?

IF you are going to go LL+Shavs then I would play Occultist. One of the primary reasons to play Trickster is for the superb bonuses to Evasion and Energy Shield from our Chest and Helmet. But I mean, you can do it. Tree isn't really going to be any different. Just don't take CI.
Ok thanks, i did listen to you and geared up your way, but i feel like i have no damage, bossing takes forever. maybe if you have time check my build and tell me what im doing wrong? i still miss 1 elder ring, but i'll buy it asap. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/hwan/characters
Last edited by hwan on Jan 11, 2020, 10:42:46 AM
I can't see the weapon in your profile, get at least a "full" gear setup on your character so we can try to help.
djnat wrote:
I can't see the weapon in your profile, get at least a "full" gear setup on your cyharacter so we can try to help.

yeah, i bricked it, i tried to annul shit mods and meta craft it, now im trying tto find something decent. i have most gear on and gems... i have even few awakener ones, dps is aboslute shit when i had my old wand
Last edited by hwan on Jan 11, 2020, 11:57:40 AM
I'm really enjoying this build. It's my first POE season and i am having ton of fun with it. Has anyone some tips to improve my gear a bit. Feeling a bit squishy at some points. I think i am a bit low on RES, maybe thats the reason or somethink in the skill tree.
Is there value to picking up some ES leech on this build? Nodes like Light Eater look interesting and seem like they would add some survivability, but maybe not?
fnurt wrote:
Is there value to picking up some ES leech on this build? Nodes like Light Eater look interesting and seem like they would add some survivability, but maybe not?

Not at all. We only have very small hits as teh damage is primary damage over time, which cannot leech.
HI, could anyone give me a hint on what to upgrade next in terms of added DoT damage? Currently it is relatively low (compared to other players) with around 500k Shaper DPS.
I guess my gloves will need a serious upgrade, but whre would be the main hard hitters for incresed DoT?

Thanks for the help, I like this build very much!
Sir_chris666 wrote:
HI, could anyone give me a hint on what to upgrade next in terms of added DoT damage? Currently it is relatively low (compared to other players) with around 500k Shaper DPS.
I guess my gloves will need a serious upgrade, but whre would be the main hard hitters for incresed DoT?

Thanks for the help, I like this build very much!

-9 cold res on helm helps out a lot on dps

Witchfire Brew potion will grant a lot of dps, you can pop it, Vaal Cold Snap 21, and a speed potion to clear most trash instantly

Rework your tree to path into Heart of Ice, it's quite a bit of damage and penetration

Level 21 Vortex is pretty cheap and bumps up the damage quite a bit

I don't run the low life version, so I am unsure about the gear set-up for it

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