[3.6] Purifying Flame Chieftain | 5mil+ DPS and 7.5k+ Life | All content viable

Janick1021 wrote:
Hi, what about playing dual wielding + 6L Carcass Jack?

At the moment it's very hard to buy a good staff. First, there are missing, second, they cost about over a dozen Exalts. It may take some time until i get one.

What do you think? Double Doryani's Catalyst, or rare scepters? Will DPS be enough for high tier maps?

I'm sorry I can't say much on dual wielding as it would require an altered tree and losing Kaom's is a big HP loss. If you want to try to pioneer that route you may, but I can't help you much there. I'm in the dark on DW and I'm worried about dropping Kaom's as your HP is going to tank from ~7k to mid 5k probably.

I'd say try your best to POB it and see if the damage is acceptable, and find a way to somehow close the health gap and make it to at least 6k+ life, if you truly want to go that route.

Hakyu wrote:
I crafted
testing this out right now and I will put immortal call in the setup, I'll let you know how it feels. Thanks for the imformative and quick response!

Very nice belt. Hopefully it puts you over the edge. Make sure those pantheon powers are fully upgraded as well and use that flame dash to get you out of tricky spots.
Last edited by Anbokr on Mar 29, 2019, 1:15:00 PM
Anbokr wrote:
Neomeris85 wrote:
I think this will be my next build this league, so I made a build planner spreadsheet. Check it out here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HvnVPsYs-h10zV2ZzffBIGydvtEuFCIGsN-slNy0AmU/edit?usp=sharing

Please make a copy if you want to edit. Pay attention to comments. The checkboxes are to check that you have all the right gems.

Awesome, succinct spreadsheet. Mind if I toss it in the OP to help out others, and give you cred?

No problem! I made it for myself but there is no reason not to share!
This build looks awesome! Looking to invest a ton into this. A quick question is there a ilvl requirement for the weapon base and does it need to be a elder or shaper base? Thanks.
What's your recommendation on the bandit quest? Go with oak or go for the 2 passive points?
tompppcjx wrote:
This build looks awesome! Looking to invest a ton into this. A quick question is there a ilvl requirement for the weapon base and does it need to be a elder or shaper base? Thanks.

You only need ilevel 75 for nailing at least two out of the three big mods we're after but I'd probably recommend trying to get a level 80 or 83 so you got a shot at other strong high rolls like %of physical damage gained as fire. Might stumble into other strong rolls for other builds that you can sell to finance further crafting.

super0912 wrote:
What's your recommendation on the bandit quest? Go with oak or go for the 2 passive points?

I went with 2 points, but Oak is a perfectly valid choice. He gives us 3 strong bonuses that all synergize with the build. Personal preference here, there's no "wrong" choice between the two.
Last edited by Anbokr on Mar 30, 2019, 3:13:39 AM
Thanks! How many alterations did it roughly took to hit those two for you? I'm around 8k and so far no luck.
tompppcjx wrote:
Thanks! How many alterations did it roughly took to hit those two for you? I'm around 8k and so far no luck.

For my staff I bought one with two good mods and one trash mod and yolo annul'd and got lucky.

From my experience with past builds getting two of these mods generally averages 2-3ex but like all gambling sims within this game it could end with significantly less or more.

Remember that if you hit two pretty good rolls with alt + aug to use the imprint beast before regal'ing if you have the currency. Alternatively if you hit just 1 good roll you can start imprint beast'ing depending on how wealthy you are. This gives you a chance to aug for something good, regal for something good, and annul for something good before resetting.

An alternative to just alt + regal is to fossil craft using scorched + aetheric fossils which is a much better route for those with less currency. I'll throw this up in the OP.
Excellent guide, thanks for being so responsive! I just rolled a Chief, really curious if I can get my first Uber Elder kill with this one!

I had a question though. What do you think about Yoke of Suffering in the amulet slot? I gave it a try in PoB, replacing Ele Focus with Controlled Destruction, and when I checked "is the enemy Shocked?", I got 6.57 mil DPS with your gear.

Maybe I got something wrong here (please correct me if I did), but if not, the Yoke might worth the slight life loss.
Hi ! I'm currently level 84 with your build, feels awesome !
Still some survivability issues but it's getting fixed by upgrades.

I'm wondering wy you take frost walker in the passive tree, can you give me insights ?
Zarkaos wrote:
Hi ! I'm currently level 84 with your build, feels awesome !
Still some survivability issues but it's getting fixed by upgrades.

I'm wondering wy you take frost walker in the passive tree, can you give me insights ?

I should have made a note about that, that was just a band-aid point for me to cap out my cold res. Don't need it if you're fine on cold resistance.

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