[3.6] Purifying Flame Chieftain | 5mil+ DPS and 7.5k+ Life | All content viable

kskytte wrote:
Hi, looks great! will try.
Can you make a crafting section for things like the staff?
I never really tried crafting stuff myself, so would be huge help :D

Yeah no problem; I'll write a small crafting section later on.
Nice, more PF Chieftains, there aren't many of us :D. I'm running a CI version, 20k es 1.5m DPS. Loving the skill, feels really good.
NSUCK wrote:
Nice, more PF Chieftains, there aren't many of us :D. I'm running a CI version, 20k es 1.5m DPS. Loving the skill, feels really good.

Sounds awesome. I originally wanted to go ES, but figured it was going to be too expensive this league so settled for life.

Nice part about PF chieftain is it's so malleable -- you can go ES or life, crit or ele overload, etc... all valid options.
Anbokr wrote:
NSUCK wrote:
Nice, more PF Chieftains, there aren't many of us :D. I'm running a CI version, 20k es 1.5m DPS. Loving the skill, feels really good.

Sounds awesome. I originally wanted to go ES, but figured it was going to be too expensive this league so settled for life.

Nice part about PF chieftain is it's so malleable -- you can go ES or life, crit or ele overload, etc... all valid options.

Its expensive to min max, but there are so many uniques that there aren't many rares that require expensive crafting.

FYI, GGG had a helm enchant mis-labeled before, it is now worded correctly for PF. Gives more DPS (I don't think it works in POB yet)

Added a section on staff crafting and what to look for when buying your staff.
Looks really awesome, am gonna have to try in SSF

Why do you take the Righteous Decree and Dynamo notables? Is mana really that much of an issue? seems like you could get more damage or life out of those skill points.
sporicle wrote:
Looks really awesome, am gonna have to try in SSF

Why do you take the Righteous Decree and Dynamo notables? Is mana really that much of an issue? seems like you could get more damage or life out of those skill points.

Mana does become an issue especially if you have a staff supported by a 7th link like arcane surge or power charge on crit and when you reach high levels of cast speed. Gotta overcome that through mana reduction, high mana regen, clarity, etc... unless you want to use a mana flask (which I hate doing).

One good way is just a watcher's eye with the %chance to gain %of max mana mod, that instantly solves most mana issues.
Last edited by Anbokr on Mar 25, 2019, 8:17:44 PM
Do you think it would be easier to Chaos spam into Prefixes Cannot Be Changed type stuff when crafting a staff? Crafting via Alteration spam seems pretty unlikely given you have to Regal into Arcane Surge or +2 Socketed Fire Gems and then likely Annul some leftover suffix off before multi-mod.
Last edited by Wallach on Mar 25, 2019, 8:25:39 PM
Wallach wrote:
Do you think it would be easier to Chaos spam into Prefixes Cannot Be Changed type stuff when crafting a staff? Crafting via Alteration spam seems pretty unlikely given you have to Regal into Arcane Surge or +2 Socketed Fire Gems and then likely Annul some leftover suffix off before multi-mod.

I'd probably try to alt + aug until I get two use-able mods, then use the imprint beast until I get a third useable mod or successfully annul into a 2 mod rare. Alternatively like you say can go until you get two strong prefixes and then craft prefixes cannot be changed and scour (this is what I did with mine).

You can also opt to fossil craft with scorched + caster or ele fossils, that would probably yield decent results and has the potential of hitting that 20% more damage mod.
Last edited by Anbokr on Mar 25, 2019, 10:36:53 PM
Anbokr wrote:
sporicle wrote:
Looks really awesome, am gonna have to try in SSF

Why do you take the Righteous Decree and Dynamo notables? Is mana really that much of an issue? seems like you could get more damage or life out of those skill points.

Mana does become an issue especially if you have a staff supported by a 7th link like arcane surge or power charge on crit and when you reach high levels of cast speed. Gotta overcome that through mana reduction, high mana regen, clarity, etc... unless you want to use a mana flask (which I hate doing).

One good way is just a watcher's eye with the %chance to gain %of max mana mod, that instantly solves most mana issues.

Can confirm the watcher's eye mod. I use this eye, and have 260 mana w/ lots of cast speed. I run out very rarely.

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