Guild Recruitment: Looking for a chill, mature group?? (New players welcome and Guild Discord.)

I’m in need of a guild, daily player. Still a bit new. Level 70 Templar’s IGN Ghettofish
I'm wish to have lot of friendly clan members, if you still have a slot, is it possible to provide me a chance?

Just getting into POE and am looking for a guild to learn with and grow. If you guys are still recruiting I am interested. Since I am coming in late in the season I have tried each class to about LVL 30 to get a feel for what I want to main next season.

If you have space I am in! My discord is XXXR3DACT3DXXX#0077
Hey new console refuge here looking for a group of people to play with, been playing since harb!

New player here! I've been playing for about a month now, currently level 85. I would love to join a guild to meet some kind and helpful people.
i would like to join
i would like to join
J22Dodge wrote:
Hello, just started a Guild myself and would like it to grow. I want more people to talk to and chill with when I play. Thought this would be a good way to connect with other POE Players.

Requirements to Join
- Please be mature and responsible.
- No flaming other guild members.
- Don't beg people to give you free stuff or good deals since your in the
- Be an active player.
- Be helpful to other clan members.

New players are welcome, there is no play time requirements. Please join our guild Discord and be relatively active in it. Players that are not active in either the game or discord will get kicked after a month or so. Guild is located in Eastern Standard Time USA, but anyone is welcome!

Have fun and grind gear!
(Reply to this thread for Discord and Guild invite)

Hi Dodge,

I would like to join the guild. ingame char name is MJ_umsum.
Hello, I would like to join.

Mainlighttt is my game character. It is my first league, so I am not great. But I love the game and will be active and helpful. Thank you
active player, recruit

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