Guild Recruitment: Looking for a chill, mature group?? (New players welcome and Guild Discord.)

Hey im new to PoE and kinda lost at late game ! LF for a friendly guild that could help me progress and enjoy the game more

ign : Jagurll
hello all, if your guild still have an open slot, please invite, thanks

ign: DualCultivator
im a new player with like 70hrs i would love to join this guild i just got kicked from a guild with a really rude owner who would kick anyone who was inactive for more then 2 days or would talk back to him when he was being rude. saying it was toxic does not cover it.

Last edited by AtrocityM on Feb 28, 2021, 2:54:17 PM
Hello, I would like to join if you're still recruiting.
Hello, I would like to join if you have any spots left. Thanks.
old school (or just old) player located in US ET zone...taking a break from D3 in between seasons...apparently I had a PoE account in 2013 with a lv 21 char (who knew)... won't play much though (probably <10 hr/week, real life matters)...anyway ign clcsar
me gustaria unirme a un gremio soy nuevo

I'm looking for a social/active guild with an active Discord. Usually play leagues from start to finish, and hope to find some players who do the same. You can message me on here or on Discord if it's easier (WretcH#4128) if you're still recruiting. Thank you!
I have been full blown addicted to this game for the pass week now. Kinda want to play with some new friends, which is why I start looking for a guild to join. I am inexperience to the game, but I'm a fast learner. My discord is agma#1518 if your still looking for players to strengthen your guild!
Last edited by Linkford on Mar 18, 2021, 2:47:33 PM
Would love to join the guild

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