Guild Recruitment: Looking for a chill, mature group?? (New players welcome and Guild Discord.)

been looking for a chill guild to join!

played ages ago, but i'm more or less new to the game (lvl 47.) and an invite would be awesome.

my discord is steelzipper#1811
Invite please!
invite please
Hi im new to the game and looking for a active guild to join
Greetings. Would be glad to join
looking for a chill guild too, may I join, I usually play in eu servers
am new in game,can i get invite?
tnx :)
If ya'll still recruiting, may i join?
So much to this game! Looking for an invite and hopefully some serious help!
Been looking for a chill guild to join hope ur still looking for ppl. just hit me up in game thx alot. char name is FartFce

Last edited by FartFace1 on May 21, 2021, 6:29:09 AM

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