[3.6+3.7] Hasunics HoWA Moltenstrike CI Jugg | Uber Elder Farmer

Alright so after several days of reading multiple similar builds I have settled on this one and took the dive last night. Got my rauder to 37.This build seemed to have everything from dps to ability to delve where I want to go. Occulist was tempting but damn that DPS is LOW. So I am going to wait boss and build money on this one and brainstorm for an occulist which is my specialty since returning to the game.

Leveling with the stuff you posted makes the rauder a beast at 22.

I got 45 or so exalts saved so once I get of level will have some nice gear.
johnce6 wrote:
Alright so after several days of reading multiple similar builds I have settled on this one and took the dive last night. Got my rauder to 37.This build seemed to have everything from dps to ability to delve where I want to go. Occulist was tempting but damn that DPS is LOW. So I am going to wait boss and build money on this one and brainstorm for an occulist which is my specialty since returning to the game.

Leveling with the stuff you posted makes the rauder a beast at 22.

I got 45 or so exalts saved so once I get of level will have some nice gear.

Tripple curse occult is very strong for deep delve :) The curses work so effectively on monsters
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2712106
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2532214
[3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2583978
johnce6 wrote:
Alright so after several days of reading multiple similar builds I have settled on this one and took the dive last night. Got my rauder to 37.This build seemed to have everything from dps to ability to delve where I want to go. Occulist was tempting but damn that DPS is LOW. So I am going to wait boss and build money on this one and brainstorm for an occulist which is my specialty since returning to the game.

Leveling with the stuff you posted makes the rauder a beast at 22.

I got 45 or so exalts saved so once I get of level will have some nice gear.

Tripple curse occult is very strong for deep delve :) The curses work so effectively on monsters
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2712106
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2532214
[3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2583978

Awesome build. It happened that I just leveled a jugg without a build yet. My goal this league is to beat end game bosses, reach reach delve 700, and also able to map efficiently. How is your HOWA on achieving these goals with a budget of 80ex? How is the dual neb jugg comparing to your howa build? thanks!
Last edited by SharknadoPotato on Jan 28, 2019, 12:59:34 AM

Awesome build. It happened that I just leveled a jugg without a build yet. My goal this league is to beat end game bosses, reach reach delve 700, and also able to map efficiently. How is your HOWA on achieving these goals with a budget of 80ex? How is the dual neb jugg comparing to your howa build? thanks!

I have not played dual neb, but life/Es on hit is strong in delves, just can't take the same hits I think.

Bossing part is quite self explanatory, don't you think?

I did 1000 last league. Can't say this league, I have not delved so deep. But mixing it up a bit would help, like getting +1 curse and using blasphemy + enfeeble and temp. Chains.
Or using enfeeble on gloves and aspect of the spider..

The build is made for farming Uber elder.
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2712106
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2532214
[3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2583978
Hi man i am trying this build 1 question aboute aura you use i understand haste its only for vaal mode ?
Why did you change your passive tree? Is it better dps?
zj0ckez wrote:
Why did you change your passive tree? Is it better dps?

Someone who was following the guide mentioned the tree.

I PM'ed him about it after I looked it over in PoB. I am stillw aiting for his response.

I feel a bit weird about sharing it, since I did not create it myself. I asked him if he wanted credit before posting :)

The tree gives less penetration and %damage, but adds more intelligence, attack speed and energy shield.

I think it is more balanced due to higher increased attack speed, and thus more stable dps without flasks and/or vaal haste.

It also adds 1% energy shield regeneration and +2 melee hit range, but tbh I cannot feel the difference in melee hit range, and 1% energy shield regeneration is only 0.5% regeneration due to Ghost Reaver.

Furthermore it adds a much larger mana pool, thus my mana increased from 110 unreserved to 180 in hardcore :)

If I try the tree on my softcore character i go from 1.67 mio dps/magma ball and 11.8 k es to 1.5 mio dps/magma ball and 12.5 k es

(This is with everything includign frenzy charges etc.)

But as I say, I feel weird about posting it without any consent due to it is actually not my own craft.
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2712106
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2532214
[3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2583978
its ~15% less dps but 10% ~1k more es between trees

Last edited by Sonidox on Jan 28, 2019, 9:40:42 AM
Hi again,

Thanks for the reply. I am a bit new to this game but have help to gear from many sources. Now I have accumulated quite bit of currency 60ex or so, and now wondering what content I can use this CI HOWA jugg to farm on in order to profit to fund other characters. Also, how is it compared to the occultist version of this build in terms of delve, boss, and mapping? Thanks again for the help.
Last edited by SharknadoPotato on Jan 28, 2019, 12:16:39 PM

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