[3.5-3.12 + 3,18 HC] Pure Herald of Agony Jugg. All content. Videos+Link to 3.14 & 3.15 Updates

midtrik wrote:
Orion72 wrote:
Re extra strong metamorphs:

My sense is that this is not specific to our build. I have also (using a different build) run across metamorphs whose health just does not seem to drop, possibly due to a combination of armour/resists/Regen. Unclear if this is a bug or working as intended.

That said, the FAQ contains some ideas for adding extra damage, and (now that I have migrated out of ssf) I am currently testing a hybrid variation that may be able to add significant damage. This still needs balance/bugs worked out related to mana and survivability before I would think it worthwhile, but it revolves around trying to add summon skeletons and/or herald of purity into the build.
If it ever comes to anything I'll try to post.


What about Kaom, is it necessary to use it? An armor with more resistance and that provides a life close to the kaom would not be better?

on the rings I focused on mf, which amulet and ring I could use to increase my hoa's damage to complete maps and boss, when I don't want to make mf.

Nothing is ever "necessary". There are always things you can trade off. Kaom's provides maximum life-based defense. Resistances can usually be maxxed without the use of the armour slot. But there is nothing wrong with trying out other combinations and seeing how they work for you. The guide is only ever a jumping off point.

As to rings, Thief's torment is it. Only one ring takes both slots. Your alternative is a pair of elder rings crafted to have LGOH, which may provide other defensive benefits. If you go that route, you will need to slot sufficient jewels with mana gain onhit to compensate for the loss of thief's torment.

sweetasme wrote:
Very confusing. 2 builds in 1.

Fair comment. When immortal call was nerfed, I added in the suggestion to try moving to armour/molten shell. When Cold Iron Point came out, I wanted to make sure I flagged that possibility for anyone who had been following this guide, as I think it can be a fun alternative. Both of these want sightly different gear choices and trees and I have yet to take the time to really clean up the guide so that the variants are clearly separated.

I am always saying that the guide is only a jumping off point. As the game changes and I experiment with other variants, I sometimes try to provide additional information for people to pick and choose from. But I understand it may have gotten a bit jumbled at this point. I will see if I can synthesize all of the options in a clearer way sometime in the next week or two.

In the meantime, getting the information you want may require a little poking around, regrets. I hope you are able to enjoy some variant of this build anyway.

In the stormbrand version, how do you sustain mana without mana leech and a mana flask?
Kripto1183 wrote:
In the stormbrand version, how do you sustain mana without mana leech and a mana flask?

Hybrid flask
Luhmaoqt wrote:
Kripto1183 wrote:
In the stormbrand version, how do you sustain mana without mana leech and a mana flask?

Hybrid flask

I don't use flasks. I have 65 unreseved mana and 12mana/sec regen. A stormbrand cast is 12 mana. Never had any problems.

Edit: But you can use a Hybrit or Manaflask, if you have problems. There aren't many useful flasks for this buils anyway. I am using a Stibnite and a Sulphur flask that aren't doing too much. I use them mostly for the crafted effects (shock and bleed immunity).
Last edited by Aillass on Dec 24, 2019, 6:11:24 AM
I'm considering this build. Looks fun.

How does that Golden jewel interact with soul of Shakaris poison immunity?
S03 wrote:
I'm considering this build. Looks fun.

How does that Golden jewel interact with soul of Shakaris poison immunity?

Unfortunately, the poison immunity from Shakari would render Golden Rule useless as it will completely prevent you from getting any reflected poison stacks.
Yeah I thought that would be too free if it could work :D

Where is this "dodge" cluster you speak up during leveling? do you actually mean the one behind acrobatics?
Hello guide friends, I would like to share the way I'm following with my HoA, wearing a helmet that increases the creeper's arrows has increased the speed at which I can clear a map.

I'm still having trouble with rare shapeshifters because they can hit 1 and kill you, even though I'm so facetank. I'm already doing atlas, killing the stone chiefs and all without dying. I don't even have to dodge skills while knocking, I don't die. I believe the shifters really are stolen, some are really made to kill you .. I don't know .. My profile is open for viewing, I don't know how to link the items here.
Feel free to give opinions and tips, thank you all and the author of the topic, I did not know this magic before, it is very fun to play, when you die a lot, the game becomes frustrating, and now that I rarely die and can do it Everything in the game is so much fun.

Sorry my english is not my main language.
Kripto1183 wrote:
In the stormbrand version, how do you sustain mana without mana leech and a mana flask?

In the storm brand version you can always craft a -non channeling spell Mana cost in one of your rings or amulet and you are good to go.

You won't have any problem sustaining your Mana then so you can use an extra flask.

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