[3.6] Tectonic Slam Jugg: MELT CONTENT (melee lives!) Razors build (discontinued)

Love the build.

could you work a Voidforge into it, would it be a dps upgrade or a loss? or would it not work at all
Dash1968 wrote:
Love the build.

could you work a Voidforge into it, would it be a dps upgrade or a loss? or would it not work at all

It would be a different build
how big is the difference between loreweave and a rare chest? because i feel pretty squishy,sometimes i kinda get one shotted. and besides loreweave i think my gear is good.
derwaynez wrote:
how big is the difference between loreweave and a rare chest? because i feel pretty squishy,sometimes i kinda get one shotted. and besides loreweave i think my gear is good.

Depends on the rare chest. Yours is providing less defense than an 80% loreweave by a lot. It's a 6L at least. A rare chest better than Loreweave will be more expensive as well.
Replace your 2nd mokou's with a good rare. You don't need a freeze flask and a granite is a meh option in general. An atziri's will give you damage, leech, and chaos res.

Also, change your cwdt set up. you do not want cwdt at level 20. You want it firing as fast as possible with blood rage going to trigger arakaali's pantheon.
Last edited by sleevelessless on Jan 23, 2019, 3:36:21 PM
Hello guys,

I am new to the game but this build looked really fun, so I started playing it. I am currently lvl 68, just finished act 10, but I die a lot. I have problems doing my 1st map, I get like 1-2 shoted. My resistances are all capped (75%), but I still die really fast and easy. Any suggestions?
nedio93 wrote:
Hello guys,

I am new to the game but this build looked really fun, so I started playing it. I am currently lvl 68, just finished act 10, but I die a lot. I have problems doing my 1st map, I get like 1-2 shoted. My resistances are all capped (75%), but I still die really fast and easy. Any suggestions?

Take off your Abyssus. Don't go crit, go EO. Lose your unique flask, it gives you ZO which is bad for life builds. Get pair of boots with...anything on them. You want seething (or at least bubbling) life flasks. If you fix all that and you're still having problems, avoid syndicate encounters; some are very difficult.
Last edited by sleevelessless on Jan 23, 2019, 5:52:29 PM
Balanced resists after an hour of advanced calculus for wise oak. Pob shows it as a huge dps boost. In practice I don’t notice much since everything was dying quick anyway and hard boss fights means flasks are empty. What I didn’t realize, or at least what pob tells me is that OP’s steel ring with 10% extra fire damage is a ton of extra damage. I’d have to go through a lot of gear shuffling since I’ve got resists on my ring but it seems like the biggest upgrade I can make. I’ll have over 1 mil dps on PoB after my next skill point which finishes out the fire tree and still have a gem slot left so I’m not sure if I’ll bother with the headache and 10% phys as fire rings are costly.
Loving the build so far for clear speed and aesthetics. I just killed a red Elder on a t13 map at level 79 with it. Don't know how to link up my stuff, but my character is KwaziSlam if you wanted to see what I was wearing. I have plenty of gear to mess with and improve, but so far enjoying the playstyle and character as a whole.
So I am a new PoE player that finally converted from years of D3 loyalty and for my first build I choose this... man can I tell you this build is fun and strong. My friend also converted from D3 with me and he choose a witch and this is sooo much more powerful and easy to get the gear for.

Now its the point where I have been playing for a couple weeks I have pretty much was able to face tank everything up until shaper... which he then insta-killed me if I tried that and it seemed like my dmg was lacking a little against him to where it took a lot longer then one would hope to have killed him.

So with that said I was hoping if I could get some pointers on what I should do to better this toon. Any gear I should prioritize upgrading as well as did I mess up my skill tree at all or anything I can do to make this guy more better?

Here he is...

GotFired wrote:
So I am a new PoE player that finally converted from years of D3 loyalty and for my first build I choose this... man can I tell you this build is fun and strong. My friend also converted from D3 with me and he choose a witch and this is sooo much more powerful and easy to get the gear for.

Now its the point where I have been playing for a couple weeks I have pretty much was able to face tank everything up until shaper... which he then insta-killed me if I tried that and it seemed like my dmg was lacking a little against him to where it took a lot longer then one would hope to have killed him.

So with that said I was hoping if I could get some pointers on what I should do to better this toon. Any gear I should prioritize upgrading as well as did I mess up my skill tree at all or anything I can do to make this guy more better?

Here he is...


This looks pretty good. Your belt jewel is doing next to nothing and you should upgrade your ring to whatever you can afford that at least has high cumulative ele dmg for weapons. You don't need the global accuracy. That and Lava Lash will push you over 1mil shaper DPS. Do not expect to face tank shaper. Very few builds are capable of that. You can get enough life back by swinging if you make a mistake though. It's a hard fight, congrats on adapting to PoE so quickly.

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