[3.6] Tectonic Slam Jugg: MELT CONTENT (melee lives!) Razors build (discontinued)

Hey man thank you for this build. This is my first real league and I just downed elder for the first time. Really enjoying it so far. I am starting to struggle a bit on the shaper guardians and t15 maps. What do you recommend I focus on next for upgrades? I know 6L gets me my biggest upgrade so I will start fusing that out soon. I should also buy a head with the enchant. Anything else?
sorry double post
Last edited by Vultein on Jan 17, 2019, 12:19:45 AM
Vultein wrote:
Hey man thank you for this build. This is my first real league and I just downed elder for the first time. Really enjoying it so far. I am starting to struggle a bit on the shaper guardians and t15 maps. What do you recommend I focus on next for upgrades? I know 6L gets me my biggest upgrade so I will start fusing that out soon. I should also buy a head with the enchant. Anything else?

It's extremely impressive you made it this far on a 5 link. Yeah, that's where you to start to struggle.

Nearly everything you have is bottom rolled. This looks like character maybe 10 days into a league (this is a compliment). Most all your equipment should be replaced with better versions of of them, like higher than 8% ele dmg with weapons on your belt, which i didn't know rolled that low. This depends on your budget. you may be able to get some spicy boots if you're comfortable with no move flask or movespeed on them, like you are now. pm me or message me in game ign:Thighs I may have something for you. and consider divining that loreweave up to 80 before you invest in fusings (vendor extra tabulas if you got em, everything's getting expensive).

that glove corruption is super weird for this build, and I think desirable for others: http://poe.trade/search/haumahabokagah

my character ended up as a guardian farmer for a different uber elder farmer (and I needed Razors to corrupt). Once I learned the fights well-ish enough it was fine unless I was dumb. you can min/max them like anything else.
Last edited by sleevelessless on Jan 17, 2019, 2:13:10 AM
Been playing this for a few days now, up to level 89, still 5-link and mediocre gear. But really impressive, have taken down 3 of 4 guardians, only died once to minotaur. And the issue is ofcourse my damage since i only got 5link, the fight takes a bit to long atm, even mathil can't dodge forever haha.

Thank you so much for the build, looking forward to see what it can do with 6link and even better gear.
Sprutfarbrorn wrote:
Been playing this for a few days now, up to level 89, still 5-link and mediocre gear. But really impressive, have taken down 3 of 4 guardians, only died once to minotaur. And the issue is ofcourse my damage since i only got 5link, the fight takes a bit to long atm, even mathil can't dodge forever haha.

Thank you so much for the build, looking forward to see what it can do with 6link and even better gear.

you can upgrade both of your swords for a combined 5c. They are each literally worse than anything listed for sale. fix your flasks.you do not need a mana flask. you do not need a diamond flask for any EO build, if done properly. and looking, closer, you're using a white quicksilver. wear any hat you want if you dont have the good enchant on it, starkonja's isn't BiS
Sprutfarbrorn wrote:
Been playing this for a few days now, up to level 89, still 5-link and mediocre gear. But really impressive, have taken down 3 of 4 guardians, only died once to minotaur. And the issue is ofcourse my damage since i only got 5link, the fight takes a bit to long atm, even mathil can't dodge forever haha.

Thank you so much for the build, looking forward to see what it can do with 6link and even better gear.

you can upgrade both of your swords for a combined 5c. They are each literally worse than anything listed for sale. fix your flasks.you do not need a mana flask. you do not need a diamond flask for any EO build, if done properly. and looking, closer, you're using a white quicksilver. wear any hat you want if you dont have the good enchant on it, starkonja's isn't BiS. hit me up if you need basic flasks or something
Last edited by sleevelessless on Jan 17, 2019, 2:55:34 AM
funny build at lvl 68 i did t11 map very ez :D just for fun :) btw you can make video with u-elder on main page?
tixyk wrote:
funny build at lvl 68 i did t11 map very ez :D just for fun :) btw you can make video with u-elder on main page?

None of the uber elder kills are mine, so no video, sorry. Not my strength. With the correct set up the dps is certainly there if you're fairly decent with the fight tho. You could look at any TS or older sunder uber fight for technique.
I got looked over 😭
Sprutfarbrorn wrote:
Been playing this for a few days now, up to level 89, still 5-link and mediocre gear. But really impressive, have taken down 3 of 4 guardians, only died once to minotaur. And the issue is ofcourse my damage since i only got 5link, the fight takes a bit to long atm, even mathil can't dodge forever haha.

Thank you so much for the build, looking forward to see what it can do with 6link and even better gear.

you can upgrade both of your swords for a combined 5c. They are each literally worse than anything listed for sale. fix your flasks.you do not need a mana flask. you do not need a diamond flask for any EO build, if done properly. and looking, closer, you're using a white quicksilver. wear any hat you want if you dont have the good enchant on it, starkonja's isn't BiS

Thank you =)

Yeah i haven't done anything about my flasks at all since i leveled, i just put them on from my other character :)

Would a rare helmet with just life/res be better than starkonjas if it has the correct enchant?

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