[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide

wojnar90 wrote:

Thank you :)
Do these work with mines?

Есть кто то русский, кто разобрался в механике билда?Напиши плиз в пм)
Does anyone explain why to use Smoke mine combo? I see that there are 3 movement skills Flame dash, Phase run and Smoke mine ¿¿??
I must put arc setup into place additional mine helmet, right? And use 6-link body for lightning spire trap?
nice build...

but I have problem.... i can melt almost everytning, but new masters melting me in one shoot...

How to counter them, becouse its impossible to do anythink to them
rvonvihar wrote:
nice build...

but I have problem.... i can melt almost everytning, but new masters melting me in one shoot...

How to counter them, becouse its impossible to do anythink to them

Check reddit, everyone has this problem. You can have 8k hp, max resists etc. Still 1 shot at Red maps.
Last edited by wojnar90 on Dec 17, 2018, 9:53:34 AM
I just want to THANK YOU!

I just killed UBER ELDER for the first time and on my first try with this build. It's just amazing. Of course I made some modifications for the fight (Kaom's Roots) but I had never reach this far on a league.

Why Mines over Traps?
3. Traps get free frenzy charges from the Master Sapper node, no such node exists for mines. These nodes are also located near phase acro and are convenient to pick up.

how is this an advantage for mines over traps
wojnar90 wrote:
rvonvihar wrote:
nice build...

but I have problem.... i can melt almost everytning, but new masters melting me in one shoot...

How to counter them, becouse its impossible to do anythink to them

Check reddit, everyone has this problem. You can have 8k hp, max resists etc. Still 1 shot at Red maps.

thx.... but never read the reddit, but was checking it, but I found nothing there..

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