[3.4] Summonating Blow, Unholy Fists of Dominance (WIP)

Even without hitting with dom blow, the zombie army is awesome haha.

why can´t I make them stay alive? My Zombies just die constantly to every shit. I just stopped using them at some point and replaced them with a Cwdt setup.
Anyone knows?
Alackyr wrote:
If I take Increase duration skill on tree, does it affect on Dominating Blow and heralds of purity, i mean on summons?

Yes, it affects both. Dom. summons are at 29 sec., and I forget the HoP time lol.
I have a big question here. I saw your changes in the build, followed them (blasphemy + vulnerable, etc...)
But I see that you removed Hatred (and there is not enough mana to put it on) so we're losing the Guardian effect that increase by 20% the damages of minions and our damage... That seems like a bit loss no ?
(Still a noob here)
Mephos wrote:
Even without hitting with dom blow, the zombie army is awesome haha.

why can´t I make them stay alive? My Zombies just die constantly to every shit. I just stopped using them at some point and replaced them with a Cwdt setup.
Anyone knows?

I only have problems on zombies dying when I get into %phys reflected. They have way more damage than HP so they blow themselves up in like 2 or 3 slams.

I also am carrying

The instant regen for me is awesome and helpful, plus helps keep them alive. The Relic heal also helps. As long as you are hitting mobs, the relic will heal.
Soltes wrote:
I have a big question here. I saw your changes in the build, followed them (blasphemy + vulnerable, etc...)
But I see that you removed Hatred (and there is not enough mana to put it on) so we're losing the Guardian effect that increase by 20% the damages of minions and our damage... That seems like a bit loss no ?
(Still a noob here)

Do you run the animated guardian? I'm assuming the auras from that enable the damage boost.
Biggilus wrote:
Soltes wrote:
I have a big question here. I saw your changes in the build, followed them (blasphemy + vulnerable, etc...)
But I see that you removed Hatred (and there is not enough mana to put it on) so we're losing the Guardian effect that increase by 20% the damages of minions and our damage... That seems like a bit loss no ?
(Still a noob here)

Do you run the animated guardian? I'm assuming the auras from that enable the damage boost.

Indeed I'm not using it.. So basically an animated guardian with Dying Breath or something like that to have an aura ?
How can I be 100% sure it procs the guardian's ascandancy passive ? Since it's not "my" aura skill exactly so I wonder if it really works...

Thanks for your answer !

EDIT : Just tested it with a friend. I took Animate Guardian with Dying Breath (15% more damage to allies) and Leer Cast (15% more damage to me and allies). The 20% more damage with ascendancy aren't procing.
To be sure of it, I used Grace aura that doesn't boost damage. Using Grace did boost the damage of my friend by about 20%.
So... Seems to be a problem here :/

EDIT2 : I searched for a very low cost aura and I found out lvl 1 Clarity : only 32 mana reserve (that has absolutely no impact) and it does give the 20% damage bonus (test confirmed with my friend). So I think it's a really nice add to the actual gem setup just to add these 20% damage, unless they are found somewhere else I didn't find out.
Last edited by Soltes on Sep 9, 2018, 12:49:21 AM
Regarding the required Aura:
One can also use Haste/Vaal Haste instead of Blasphemy + Vulnerability for similar benefits. This also makes room for a golem.
Rhitorius wrote:
Regarding the required Aura:
One can also use Haste/Vaal Haste instead of Blasphemy + Vulnerability for similar benefits. This also makes room for a golem.

Problem is, in my case, Herald of Purity + Hatred left about 30 mana (98% reserved if I recall right) so not enough mana to even raise zombies XD

Here I now have Herald of Purity, Vulnerability + Blasphemy and Clarity lv1. Does the 20% damage at nearly no cost.
Last edited by Soltes on Sep 9, 2018, 6:27:16 AM
When I can afford the gear and get the rest of my resistances up, I'm thinking that Impresence (physical)


will be a good addition, letting you run Vulnerability for no Mana reservation. The life and armor boost are nice, and the physical damage should be good for Facebreakers.
Last edited by KarmaWithakay on Sep 9, 2018, 6:29:44 AM
Hey Joomin, still loving the build. I am trying to incorporate specters into it but I'm having issues. When I put Desecrate in weapon switch, the corpses vanish when i switch back to main set. It also seems that I can't maintain specters after switching. What am I missing? Thanks

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