[3.7] Chunky Chargrill Chieftain - Incinerate CwC Volatile Dead - [2x Demigod winning build]

I'm a casual/lazy old man player and this has been by far the easiest build I've ever tried. Took it from starting league to 36/40 challenges. I paid for a few things: red elder, 2 guardians, shaper, vaal temple and atziri, mostly because I didn't have time to min/max for that content and too lazy to learn all the mechanics and plod through at the end. Still, I got farther with this with minimal gear investment/effort than any other build I've followed, even without the recent tweaks in the thread. Average 6L loreweave was the most expensive piece of gear in my setup and really wasn't necessary. Satisfying play style for me. Will be doing it again. Thanks to OP and all contributors!
Have to say thanks so much for posting this build. I had a lot of fun using it as a base line for my own variation.

Very easy to self-craft a multi-mod’ a mace with the explode on death shaper suffix. The explosions scale off of everything we stack in the tree and on gear damage wise increasing clear speed greatly. I went with dual curse set up, warlords mark on hit from ring and flammability is auto triggered through weapon. Also triggered from weapon is a long duration max level immortal call (5 endurance charges pretty up all the time).

I don’t know why the Unshattered Will shield doesn’t get any love, perfect stats for this build. Good life, good resist, decent block (with free mana on block), nice damage for incinerate. The big bonus is the buff it provides. Pretty much a free fortify that stacks with fortify, as well as removing all status ailments and providing stun immunity.

I changed the tree quite a bit to enable Righteous fire, Vitality, and Anger. The build can sustain Righteous fire really easily and it does nice damage; however, I rarely use it. Damage is over the top as it is and pretty much just use the Vaal Righteous fire for boss nuking (kills T15 in seconds with proper corpse placement). Without Righteous fire enabled I have a boat load of life regen (about 1100) that adds a nice layer of defense/sustain.

One of the main reasons I switched to the Vitality, and Anger combo was the Watcher’s eye. Incinerate is a crazy fast hitting spell, each time it hits or the volatile dead balls hit an enemy we gain 30 life. This mod + high regen + spell leech = always full life (or gained back near instantly while channeling). Anger's added fire penetration is a bonus.

Other minor things include:
Blood rage for frenzy generation.
Consecrated Path for movement can be flipped for leap slam, I prefer the regen from ground effect.
Elreon enchant for -7 mana is a must, cuts our incinerate cost in half, no more mana worries.
Partial resistance balance for wise oak (tied cold lightning for defense with increased fire for offence)
Some fun focus mechanics, totally not worth it but the ring shock is cool.
A couple Hinder jewels help, I only have 1 at the moment.
Flask charges gained on belt coupled with warlords mark makes flask management a lot easier.

37/40 challenges completed, did not have to buy any.
Level 83 Temple / T16 maps are easily farmed
Delve to 300 with no problems, would go deeper but I’m done for the league
Killed Atziri (normal) in seconds, did not attempt Uber Atziri (should be easy)
Vaal Temple, I died twice but did finish it.
Killed Shaper and farmed all guardians easily.
Killed Red tier elder and all T16 elder guardians easily.
Failed to kill Uber Elder, no Kaom’s roots and I’m not familiar enough with the encounter.
Failed Hall of the Grandmasters.

Sort of a new player here, played abit awhile ago but I'm in no terms a pro yet. Started betrayal league with this build and it's fun for now, just got to act 2.

So few questions,

1. Why do you have two desecrates in this build?
2. Why do you have Leap slam and Shield Charge in the same socket links? Shouldn't you just focus on one and use the sockets for extra support gems?
So my wife is trying this build and im trying to help her, but we are having problems defensively. Cant seem to take damage at all, i gotta fix the flasks a little but i dont think itll be much of a difference. We are on xbox fyi.
Emumd246 wrote:
So my wife is trying this build and im trying to help her, but we are having problems defensively. Cant seem to take damage at all, i gotta fix the flasks a little but i dont think itll be much of a difference. We are on xbox fyi.

You really should post more information, especially when people have posted 27 pages worth of info how to make this build work and improve on it.
Survivability should be the least of this builds problems, except for at the most difficult encounters the game has to offer.
Which level, which content, what is your gear etc.
Is chieftain more league starter friendly than other ascendancies such as trickster or ascendant?
Do you think it will be good starter build for synthesis??
I found this build seems to work as good with blade vortex.

As long as nothing changes with Chieftain in synthesis, I would think it will be a as good a starter as it was for betrayal.
Firstly let me give thanks to everyone who has played this build during Betrayal league. Be you a trade league, solo self found, hardcore or softcore player it has been amazing to read, reply and also chat with so many of you over the course of the league.

I shall also thank the helpful people on this thread who have been informative, educational, insightful and respectful to each other. The level of communication I have seen on this thread is an example of just how good of a community of gamers were are here in Path of Exile.

Congratulations to those who made it further in the game than they previously had.

An extra huge congratulations to those who took on and in some cases successfully defeated Uber Elder.

The flexibility of the build is clear to see, people have made their own changes to gear and skill set up and tweeks to the skill tree.

I now see this build as a blank canvass. One that you can put your own mark on and cater to what you have and how you want to play. This puts a big old smile on my face that people are exploring so many aspects of the game through this build.

Newer players can have success and work to becoming experienced players. Experienced players can use their knowledge and understanding of their own style and desires to make this their own!

Thank you!

I stream daily at twitch.tv/CellTank
To those asking if this will be a good league starter for Synthesis League, I can't say for sure as we don't have the patch notes yet.

However, with the focus of this leagues balance changed being on making self casting or 'handcasting' spells better I'm optimistic that this build could be in line for a buff or two!

Watch this space for and guide changes I will make to cater for the new information as and when it becomes available.
I stream daily at twitch.tv/CellTank

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