Poet's Way. T H I C C Poet's Pen Boss Killer

Just crushed a full room 82 temple. It's pretty solid for incursions. The balls will chase around corners and clean up things off-screen. Big plus is that you can take a wall of constructs in the mouth and not get insta killed like a lot of other range builds.
Last edited by Rewca on Jun 11, 2018, 5:29:29 PM
Can someone please provide a level 85 tree, i'm not sure what the last 12 points are with the lvl 97 tree posted. Thanks again for you help.
Rewca wrote:
Just crushed a full room 82 temple. It's pretty solid for incursions. The balls will chase around corners and clean up things off-screen. Big plus is that you can take a wall of constructs in the mouth and not get insta killed like a lot of other range builds.

great, good to know. just need kaom, xoph, and watcher eye and some regrets then and im set.
and 2x pens i guess haha

any problems with chaos dmg taken? can get killed in temple with the molten strike build sadly f too much shit shooting me.
The Rich Get Richer, the Po Stay Po.
Whats the point of GMP on frenzy? wouldnt a culling gem be better?

Rewca wrote:
Just crushed a full room 82 temple. It's pretty solid for incursions. The balls will chase around corners and clean up things off-screen. Big plus is that you can take a wall of constructs in the mouth and not get insta killed like a lot of other range builds.

That's weird, constructs can kill me easily. Any idea why?
ThecNiqueMan wrote:
Rewca wrote:
Just crushed a full room 82 temple. It's pretty solid for incursions. The balls will chase around corners and clean up things off-screen. Big plus is that you can take a wall of constructs in the mouth and not get insta killed like a lot of other range builds.

That's weird, constructs can kill me easily. Any idea why?

Are you clearing with bodyswap? You should, helps a lot. Could also get more chaos res if you want to feel completely safe, they deal phys/chaos damage.
Any reason you don't pick up Master of The Arena and the Bravery cluster? Same life as the Tireless cluster but also 1% regen.

Been thinking about running this, but fitting in Righteous Fire for extra damage by itself, and also the heavy more spell damage mult. I'll probably achieve this by using Purity of Fire in place of Purity of Ice, and to make up the regen lost on bosses I'm going to use 'Supported by Faster Attacks' gloves with Barrage, GMP, Blood Magic, Life gain on hit. Barrage setup by itself should net about 1.3k life gained per second with LGoH.

Leech cap is about 2k per second, still net regenning about 530 even with RF, and gaining about 1.3k from Barrage LGoH for a total of about 3.8k total regen
The new combustion gem linked to unearth seems to be a really strong gem swap for bodyswap when bossing.
-19% fire resistance on ignited enemies, 49% chance to ignite.
If i could make up for dex some where else than devoto, wouldnt an indigon helmet with +1 VD be an insane damage boost?
Last edited by Freddydaking on Jun 13, 2018, 8:53:37 AM
Great build! Thanks for sharing.

dvs_m0rph wrote:
Note that balancing attack speed with your cool down time is important and does not work the way you would expect. If you have base cool down time of 0.25sec you attack time can't go lower than 0.27(not 0.25) or you will start skipping every third cast of Volatile Dead. I'm not sure what is causing this, might be server ticks, but keep track of that. You want your attack time higher and as close to cool down time as possible, as long as you don't skip any casts. With 20% CDR (0.21 cool down) you can't go below 0.23 attack time. I don't know if this has something to do with latency or anything, so check yourself.

I'd recommend that as usual for all Pen build, because the Attack Time stat on the tooltip has some pretty severe rounding, it's better to use the Attack trigger skill (Frenzy) Attack Speed stat on the Character Sheet as reference instead, though even then anything above 3.85 (on an unmodified cooldown) would still produce empty triggers here and there no matter what spell we use.

TLDR: 3.75 APS (4.5 with belt) on frenzy fully buffed is the safe cap for VD Pen without sacrificing any balls due to server ticks.
Last edited by ultimatecat on Jun 13, 2018, 1:27:10 PM

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