[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

GornoDD wrote:

Thats what he said, but the patch notes dont mention any reduction of the projectile count. A nerf as big as this would be adressed in the patch notes.

If you listen very carefully what chris sais, it seems like its a visual (not actual) reduction of displayed projectiles. This was mentioned in the patch notes.

Made several skill performance optimisations, most notably Molten Strike's performance at high projectile volumes.

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/263066024 at 2:19:41 - Chris confuses Magma Orb with Molten Strike - but he later corrects himself. He specifically mentions that the number of balls will be reduced as an optimization.

Yes the patch notes are vague on how optimization occurs.

And what Chris is talking about obviously isn't the released content and so might have changed since the Baeclast.

We won't know for sure what's transpired until release date.
Last edited by hankinsohl on May 30, 2018, 9:12:29 AM
I think we are safe from projectile count being lowered. That's something that would be on the gem itself or a nerf to the helmet enchant.

It seems that it's a smoother damage scale. In a very simple example, instead of doing 100 damage after .5 seconds elapses (all the balls going up int he air then falling), it's 20 damage every .1 second (each ball falling quicker)
hankinsohl wrote:
GornoDD wrote:

Thats what he said, but the patch notes dont mention any reduction of the projectile count. A nerf as big as this would be adressed in the patch notes.

If you listen very carefully what chris sais, it seems like its a visual (not actual) reduction of displayed projectiles. This was mentioned in the patch notes.

Made several skill performance optimisations, most notably Molten Strike's performance at high projectile volumes.

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/263066024 at 2:19:41 - Chris confuses Magma Orb with Molten Strike - but he later corrects himself. He specifically mentions that the number of balls will be reduced as an optimization.

Yes the patch notes are vague on how optimization occurs.

And what Chris is talking about obviously isn't the released content and so might have changed since the Baeclast.

We won't know for sure what's transpired until release date.

From Reddit patch notes thread from one of the programmers at GGG.

We just increase the speed of the molten strike projectile animation as you get more projectiles.

If the animation is twice as fast, then there will be half as many projectiles on the screen at once.

It's purely an aesthetic change. The balls drop faster. So if anything clear speed and leech rate is buffed because the secondary effect of the skill will hit faster than before.
Changelog: Last Updated 30.6.18

Please share your time machine :)
sir, can i clearing map with sunder and switch to boss with molten strike ? it will lose damage much ?
DecorousPATz wrote:
sir, can i clearing map with sunder and switch to boss with molten strike ? it will lose damage much ?

Sunder doesn't work on swords.
Can we have the POB profile updated with the new gem link when it will be possible ? thanks a lot !
If I wanted to level this build with the new ground slam gem, is there anything special I should be aware of in terms of transitioning later in the game?

Looking forward to trying this!
DecorousPATz wrote:
sir, can i clearing map with sunder and switch to boss with molten strike ? it will lose damage much ?

You can go 2h axe(kaom´s/hezmana are very cheap) and swap over to molten when u feel ready, especially if u are gonna Ulab. Not that many respecpoints needed.
You can easily do ulab with 4-5L, Kaom´s axe and a rare 1,5k armor with sunder. Nothing spectacular but gets the job done. Infact i have never died in uberlab with any jugg.

Question is if moltenstrike +2xWildfire with a crappy sword/shield/armor is better than kaom´s/hezmana sunder ?

hey, I like your build but I have a little question.

I would like to change my way to start the league and do a lab farmer.

I saw that your construction can do it easily but is it a good choice to go on your construction or just pure farmer lab build.

Sorry for my bad
it's not my mother tongue.

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