[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

Any items for a next thing to get, already doing most content but need a bit more Hp to be doing Uber Elder. Maybe some lvl's will help with that.

hey have some question im starting the game. did u adviced me this build as first build in the game or maybe it will cost too much for me if yes do u have some builds for me because i've seen the rightouf fire builds but i dont like the way u just do nothing except shield charge and running. thx
Just wondering about the mana on hit jewels, I'm guessing we will want a total of 4 mana on hit from them now with less balls?

Also minimum life on hit from the rings? obviously want as much as possible just not sure about minimum.
Sethguecko wrote:
hey have some question im starting the game. did u adviced me this build as first build in the game or maybe it will cost too much for me if yes do u have some builds for me because i've seen the rightouf fire builds but i dont like the way u just do nothing except shield charge and running. thx

Hi, yes, the build is perfectly viable as your first build for leveling.
That's my very first league and I had 0 trouble leveling my char.

Tbh none of the items presented here are really needed to make the base concept of the builds work at least during acts.

The first thing you wanna look for will be a Thief's torment ring that I personnally got for 8 chaos, and you are good to clean the 10 acts without any other unique. Any weapon with good attack speed will do the job.

For the rest of the gear, cap your resistances, target as much bonus on HP as possible, and try to get the gems slot to make the differents "Cast when damage taken support" combos of the build works.
Last edited by Darkduprey on Jan 1, 2019, 11:07:39 AM
One other tip when starting out is that Beltimber Blade will take you a long way for cheap. You still need point blank but you're getting the 2 extra projectiles per sword this way for just a few chaos.
ANy idea how much this amu could be worth?

Im going to use it till I get Xoph but later if I wanna sell it how much should I ask for it?

Cant find similar on poetrade (found only few but without elemental damage prefix), with all those rolls could not find even 1.
@Perce79 I like the route you take on your tree, a jewel and some extra dex is probably better than Blade of Cunning plus it frees up a point

@Asag I'd search it like this:

Last edited by mshock on Jan 2, 2019, 4:38:08 PM
mshock wrote:
@Perce79 I like the route you take on your tree, a jewel and some extra dex is probably better than Blade of Cunning plus it frees up a point

Yup at this stage, I think it's better. Now this might change at level 91 with Xophs Blood but not yet. The other thing I do is I don't take Defiance... Or for dual wielders I don't take Dervish. not that these nodes are not good. But it allows me the option of switching from dual wield to shield and back without worrying about wasted points. if I got to mid-90s I'd be more likely to put it back in blade of cunning then into defiance or dervish.

Edit: I should add thats just my preference of being a jack of all trades. I realize choosing shield or dual wield and taking one of the two listed notables is a better min-max choice.
Last edited by Perce79 on Jan 2, 2019, 10:03:29 PM
Hi guys , im kind of lost what my next step should be gearwise. what should be my next 1 or 2 pieces to upgrade? feels like im not making that much progress gearwise. im sitting at around 6ex.

Any help would be appriciated, Character should be set to public.
First of all, huge thank you GornoDD for idea of the build.
Well, build is amazing, very well balanced between DPS and tankyness. Only one minus - gear can cost a lot for casual players (read as impossible).
My stats on 97 lvl:

1. With Lioneye's shield - 9082 hp, 73 mana left (2 swing MS which cost 35 mana/each)
2. With Shaper's shield - 8986 hp, 146 mana left (4 swing MS)

Both variants are viable pretty well, shaper's shield just give more freedom with right mouse button ;) Movement on Blood Magic.

My advice for ppls who wanna be more tankyness - fire leech and WM are both amazing, my life pool goes full just instant in any circumstances (except Uber Elder I guess, not done it this league so far)

My gear:

Shaper shield (for Spider + HoA + Anger)

Edit: add PoB - https://pastebin.com/iMz7g3LS (3 spider web, no frenzy) for gear check and skills properly.
Abaxoth for map boss!!!
Last edited by Slava_N on Jan 3, 2019, 6:47:03 AM

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