[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

mshock wrote:
Some tips from my experience, in no particular order -

Thanks for the write up.

Was looking for some advice on this build. I'm a little slow and cant play as much as I would like so still working on my build however looking at your build you only have one ring with lgoh of 20. Do you find this is enough to sustain in all situations. Ive been hesitant to buy rings because they are expensive for a good ring and yours also has mana leech!! Yikes!

I bought a viridian jewel with 2 mana gain, guide says this is enough, but without lgoh rings cant take my thiefs off to check.

Also, my damage seems good, around 100k per ball with ancestral call but what do you think is the next big upgrade- rings, loreweave or xophs blood

Sorry to waste your time just hoping for your insight
Hi guys,

this is my second league, coming after a Guardian / Dominating Blow in Delve. The build is amazing and it literally made the entire league easy mode, but now at end game it feels a bit ... normal.

I have no problem with any maps, Shaper / Elder Guardians die like a breeze, and I did Shaper on the first try pretty easy.

However, on Uber Elder it feels a bit harder... I mean I know...this fight is 90% mechanics, but still I feel pretty fragile. In HoGM I also had no issues except for a guy with insane ES regen which I could not kill, in rest I cleaned the whole map without too many issues.

So the question is... am I doing something fundamentally wrong (still on Thief's Torment, etc) or do I just need to practice the Uber Elder fight mechanics better? Ciocanis is the character name if anyone care to take a look (ignore the stones I am just carrying for leveling).

Thank you and thx again for a great guide that literally makes 99% of all content easy mode.

@Tyetan1 no problem!

I find that one 20 hp on hit is enough with a fire leech ring and poacher's mark

with it on cwdt only expect poachers to be up on uniques/rares since most mobs die too fast, the poachers mark on hit elder mod is really really good and lets you have less life on hit if you avoid hexproof

3 mana on hit feels exactly right, 2 felt a little short but I don't have the extra projectiles off a helm enchant yet, maybe if you have a few things giving you +mana or regen then 2 on hit will be ok

another option is to get the '% of damage taken is regenerated as mana' abyss jewel delve mod to supplement

I only upgraded to Xoph's Blood after getting a source of fire leech - you will definitely miss your physical dmg life leech. Get a Xoph's Heart to use until you get fire leech, upgrading to Xoph's Blood is cheap

Loreweave is nice but if you have already have a good chest it's not vital plus with no resists it can make gearing harder especially with all of the other uniques this build uses

I'd say get a good life/mana on hit ring, Xoph's Heart, and start shopping for a decent fire leech ring

life + mana on hit rings are expensive but not that uncommon so the price will come down especially for ones without any +hp. Look for ones around 1-1.5ex, anything more is either marked up or has extra stats you don't really need right now


I haven't started farming uber elder yet so I can't really help you there

Looking at your build I suspect you need more defensive flasks and more raw hp

Drop the Devoto's for a rare helm with good stats, drop thief's to get good life/mana on hit ring(s) with hp, get tombfist & socket w/ +hp abyss jewel(s)

Find a source of fire leech

Basalt + Granite flasks, maybe Rumi's, but I really like some of the new flask mods like 3% regen. Get a 14%+ wise oak. I'm not a fan of Lion's Roar in this build and Dying Sun is a bit win-more

If you're not already, balance your Wise Oak so that Cold + Lightning are tied for lowest. Once your gear is more solidified going for all 3 is definitely worth it

Agh, yeah there are a few guys in HoGM with obnoxious builds. You'll need to put on a decently leveled block reduction gem usually, or you can use that Scorching Ray unique, or bring Frost Bomb
Last edited by mshock on Dec 29, 2018, 12:27:55 AM

Thanks for taking the time to reply, you have been very helpful.

You have given me some good ideas and things to work towards which I like to keep me motivated through the league.

No doubt I will have more problems/ questions with my build but for now I have more than enough to work through so thanks again
@mshock - Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. So it's a gearing issue... well.. I would say that sucks a bit.

I got the Devoto for 3 EX... a good helmet is around 10. Tombfist is not a problem...the jewel is not a problem. Flasks are not a problem.

However, loosing Thief's torment hurts... a lot. With 2 rings (20 LGOH and 14LGOH) I feel like I barely leech anything, compared to the monster effect of Thief's. And yes, with 2 good rings with 20LGOH both and mana goh, things looks different. But those rings are 10 EX atm...

I would say that right now this build is perfect and medium priced for all content except for Uber Elder. Uber Elder is ... uber doable... but that makes the build pretty expensive.

But except for that...it is easy mode.

Only one thing I didn't understand from your reply - what do you mean by fire leech? What should I be looking for?

Thank you!

fire damage leeched as life, the smallest increment of 0.2% is enough -

this builds up to max life leech rate (20% hp/s) pretty quickly but you need some life on hit to mitigate burst damage while the leech builds up

it's also cheaper than running two 15-20 hp lgoh rings, one or both of which need mana on hit

you could get the mana on hit from jewels

while the devotos is good, you probably have more than enough dps/maneuverability and you're passing up on a big chunk of hp there. it is a bit tricky to find the dex in this build so I wouldn't fault you for keeping it, I definitely haven't had any luck finding a really great helmet yet

also you will get more hp out of %hp increase jewels in your tree over abyss +hp

I agree this build is great for all content but looks like it's going to be pretty expensive for optimal. I'm saving up for a +MS projectiles enchanted helm but the prices for those are way too unreasonable right now!
Last edited by mshock on Dec 28, 2018, 10:57:35 PM
Last edited by DDDPS on Jan 1, 2019, 9:48:41 AM

First, ty for the guide, very detailed and explains mechanics excellently!!! I am new to the game and Juggs is excellent for me to be able to learn mechanics and play without over worrying about living.I do have a couple of questions.

1.) could I use culling strike on my ancestral protector.

2.} I noticed that the limit on the wildfire gem is 1 (change?).

a. Will this impact the viability for endgame?
b. I picked up a snake pit ring(on my elementalist) which can chain or fork projectiles, sounds like it would be awesome, but IDK if it will work with the build. Or if it would be viable with putting resists in gem slots to make up for loss of resistance. I haven't reach the level to use it yet.

Again ty for helping a new player out with a great guide.


ancestral protector isn't really necessary for the build, it's just some extra attack speed that's nice to have for bosses where it's easier to keep the totem up

that said, you can use culling strikes support with it, it does work, but you'd probably be better off with something like life gain on hit keep your totem alive

culling strike really shines when supporting your movement skill especially since gem quality increases attack/cast speed

yes, the wildfire gem was changed in order to reduce the number of projectiles because life gain on hit mechanics were too easy to break, but the overall damage of molten strike was raised to compensate

it does make gearing this build more difficult since you will require better life on hit rings but the build is still viable

look at picking up thief's torment until you can afford good rare rings

get your resists wherever you can as long as you have them capped but keep in mind that your jewels should have +% life as well
Well, Im here this time only to THANKS GornoDD for the guide. Past league I tried this to kill uber elder and I did, and this league I had in mind to lvl up to 100.

This image its a good example of what you can do with this build. I lvl up to 100 and kill Uber Elder on my first try. (Dont be mad if you cant at first, I tried UElder like 15 times with blade vortex build and 3 kills with this build, so I have a little experience in this combat).

I lvld up to 98 exclusively in maps, and then discovered the breachstones, so I get like 3000 chaos and lvl from 98 to 100 in breachstones (fastest way).

The build is VERY tanky, my friend says I live in a bubble because I just facetank all the content in maps, I dont care about damage if there is some mobs. And the damage is very ok, but not exceptional if we compare with elementalist build or any other build focused on damage. Anyway this build will carry you over all content ingame.

If I can help someone, I will be glad to do it. This is my gear.

Last edited by automecanic on Dec 31, 2018, 3:59:18 AM

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