[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

ChimeraShots wrote:

Any advice on how to further improve my gear/build would be highly appreciated.

You should have enough Damage, your Watchers Eye is really nice, eventually divine it if the stats could be much better.

Otherwise, move your jewels to your inv so you can link them.

Your Jewels in your Tombfist are not really good, if the others are also not that good you can do better there ;)

Also your Tombfist, Rings and Helmet could be better. A rare Helmet with -9 Fire Resistence for nearby Enemies is nice.

Today i've killed my first Uber Elder with this Build, i really had more than enough Damage with the following Gear:

ChimeraShots wrote:

Any advice on how to further improve my gear/build would be highly appreciated.


The phys conversion to fire doesnt do anything for this build, since we allready have 100% from Molten strike + Avatar of Fire via Xoph's blood. So dmg wise your Watcher's Eye is equalent of 1 dmg mod. Phys as extra fire, fire penetration, increased fire dmg are mods on Watchers, that increases our dps and will be huge dmg boost. I think my jewel is giving me more than 20k hideout dps, but I'd still use one with phys as extra fire + fire pen over mine.

Other than that, try get life + 3 offensive dps stats jewels. It's not going to be cheap but they increase dps by alot. Really good Abyss jewels will increase dmg aswel, although ti can be hard to find 4 statted abyss jewels, 2pre+2suf usually dont give 4 useful, stats for us unless you can find one with delve mod "1% fire pen" which is a prefix.

Other options to increase dps, either go dual wield for mapping/bossing, another grelwood, or start looking for wepaon/armor corruptions, but those are going to be expensive.

Currently scouting myself for a decent Tombfist with ele weakness on hit, eventually 9% fire pen helm with decent life.
Also managed to find a 341 pds Grelwood Shank which is pretty big dps upgrade, in combat I still have 95%+ chance to hit, so the 475 accuracy on weapon with my gear is overkill and rather use a good corruption on weapon.
Just curious as to how this compared to things like:

Engineering Eternitys build - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ooIPzOqkobWnz2y02dRpxsg55EHOihxXmO4QuxL7Fi8/edit
Dual-Grelwood Shank - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2056734

I just killed Uber Elder for the first time on my BV elementalist but would like a dedicated boss killer. Trying to determine which guide I should follow before I start leveling. Thanks a lot!
Tanaomit wrote:
Just curious as to how this compared to things like:

Engineering Eternitys build - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ooIPzOqkobWnz2y02dRpxsg55EHOihxXmO4QuxL7Fi8/edit
Dual-Grelwood Shank - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2056734

I just killed Uber Elder for the first time on my BV elementalist but would like a dedicated boss killer. Trying to determine which guide I should follow before I start leveling. Thanks a lot!

this build needs ~50ex investment to kill uber elder without much pain

Gems below:


2x Wildfire (no corrupts yet)

Glyph Glisten
Viridian Jewel

7% increased Attack Speed with Swords
5% increased maximum Life
+13% to Cold Resistance
+10 to Dexterity and Intelligence

Dusk Hope
Crimson Jewel

9% increased Damage
6% increased maximum Life
+12% to Cold and Lightning Resistances

Brood Star
Viridian Jewel

6% increased maximum Life
+2 Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
13% increased Melee Physical Damage while holding a Shield
+10 to Strength and Dexterity

Plague Eye
Crimson Jewel

6% increased Attack Speed with Swords
6% increased maximum Life
+14% to Cold Resistance
+12% to Fire and Lightning Resistances

Did Uber Elder with this, invested in a +2 to AoE gems tombfist to run both herald of ash and anger, just because it was a cheap corruption.

My gems are nothing special, but I went for a 6th gem slot early because I feel it's more useful than having that extra in % health. Probably looking to replace one of those with a watcher's eye and get better boots to cap and balance my defensive resists for Wise Oak.

Dream investments would be a kickass hat with -% res to enemies and the enchant (not intending to play that much more this league to justify it though) and a fancy enchanted shield like the one this guy runs.

Very nice build, smooth as hell to play and fun. Thanks to the OP for great guide.
Sonidox wrote:

this build needs ~50ex investment to kill uber elder without much pain

Really? God damn, I have put about 1/3 of that into my BV elementalist & can kill him, but not deathless. Is it just this variation, or all MS Jugg builds in general?

Manage to kill my first uber elder after a few tries.
Great build. Farming T16 UGS without and don't care what mods I roll (except reflect of cause)
I plan to level to 100, any suggestions on nodes to grab? Or should I shoot for another jewel slot?
Today accomplished 2 Aul's fight, made 4 challanges (I fucked up on 1st aul with flares/crystal lights)

Aul - depth 256
Aul - fight without destroying any cocoon

My gear (need to finally buy rings)
Last edited by dedi37 on Oct 2, 2018, 1:42:28 PM
Mtcforlyfe wrote:
I plan to level to 100, any suggestions on nodes to grab? Or should I shoot for another jewel slot?

I went for another jewel slot, my 100 tree is going to end up with 1 missing health node in the health cluster I think. (Take a look on my passive tree)

If you want to push for 100, you pretty much want to get as much Attack speed as you can from jewels etc. It's going to make your clear speed way better and it makes leap slam really smooth! But obviously try get a headhunter aswel for nice clear speed. I'm myself halfway to 99 and I think gearing wise I could use better mana gain jewels with double attack speed rolls and life. Dont think I wanna give up on Starkonjas 10% attack speed is just too good for mapping.

But obviously it all depends on your playstyle, if you want more defensive/push delving into 450+, maybe grabbing 2 endu charges is worth it. Myself for pushing 100 I dont see any point going above 300 delves, or monster lvl 83, where higher delves have scary mods and you can get 1 shot by stupid things.

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