[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

Hello GornoDD

Ive used your build previously in hardcore. I think it was on abyss league. Pushed it to 94 with pretty good gear. Ran guardian and stuff up until i screwed up :) .

Im curious , regarding delve, if theres anything new about the build? Is it still the same old or anything new came up i should be aware of? Im having 2 ok runs in HCdelves but for some reason im not all that motivated to push these builds (arc totem,89. reave champ,84)

Might dump some hours into lvling this all again,cause for pushing tiers this was a solid build with lots of room to push it even higher / with money... These damn abyss jewel :)
Hello everyone. I still had a free slot for Ancestral Protector in my tombfists. Which supporting skill is the best for it? I tried combustion, but don't know how in works with fire pen. As an option to try Culling Strike support for 10% fatality. What else can come up? Here is my pastebin link https://pastebin.com/qHpYF9qF . Thanks for reply!

this is my character Delve_Fireball
currently at 93 uncapped resi for tri res
and need to add about 3 '5% increased maximum life nodes'

I don't think I can make my hp up to 8K currently although I have some good life gears on me.
what is the problem and what to change?

this is my character Delve_Fireball
currently at 93 uncapped resi for tri res
and need to add about 3 '5% increased maximum life nodes'

I don't think I can make my hp up to 8K currently although I have some good life gears on me.
what is the problem and what to change?

i have 7k hp and i can do uber elder / uber atziri / anything else as well
so im not sure if 8k is really needed

this is my character Delve_Fireball
currently at 93 uncapped resi for tri res
and need to add about 3 '5% increased maximum life nodes'

I don't think I can make my hp up to 8K currently although I have some good life gears on me.
what is the problem and what to change?

Jewels in tree and one ring is missing life
Nice well written guide. I decided to also roll Molten Strike this league, after farming 50ex on my arc totem char during first week of league.

Managed to sort most of my gear now until I can afford Headhunter and then redo everything, all resis perfect atm for Wise Oak etc. What's your opinion on the best boots enchant? Couldnt find it on the guide. (Mostly overall mapping/delving for big lvl 100 push) Pretty decent lab today so might farm it abit!
First of all Thank you for this build. The build worked well for me. it helped that i was really lucky this league and got good drops early on to gear myself. Killed Shaper today.

I tried to run uber atziri killed first vaals and trio pretty easily. My problem is i feel like i CANNOT move fast enough to dodge Atziris litle flame blast. same with the one phase atziri that casts flame blast right at your feet. I have 7k life and 80% resistances and i get 1 shot. I know i could get more life but i was wondering fortify would help against getting 1 shot by the blast.

Do you guys think it would be possible to replace fire-pen or some other gem for fortify in our molten strike setup. That way i could have permanent fortify at the price of damage. I remember doing that with my ngamahu cyclone raider and it helped a lot.
IGN Gulau PM me if offline
How do you do elemental reflect? I've been getting killed.
headcheese wrote:
How do you do elemental reflect? I've been getting killed.

Pantheon, and possibly removing xoph to save up on conversion,so you make less elem dmg.

You could also use lifegain on hit GEms and cut a bit of your dps..
Doing elemental reflect maps is easy. It just requires a right balance of your dps and defense/life regain. For me, I do t16 reflect maps comfortably. To do so, I

1. Replace Concentrated Effect with Item Rarity, replace Elemental Damage with Attacks with Life Gain on HIt, replace Ancestral Call with Fortify (use Life Leech instead of Forify if you don't have life leech, since I use Warlord's Mark curse on hit, I have automatic life leech and don't need Life Leech gem);

2. Replace Wrath, Herald of Ash and Herald of Purity with Vitality.

I have very good gear and hugh damage. By doing the above, I still can clear maps and kill bosses extremely quickly.

The whole exercise is about balancing, that is, reduce your dps to a level that matches your defense/life regain ability. It really shouldn't matter much if your gears are just ordinary. Reflect maps might make map clearing somewhat slower, but since this build's dps is insane. reducing it to 3 or 4 links like what I did should still work very well.

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