[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

Hi, I was wondering what gives more mana back? Physical Attack Dmg leeched as mana( 0.34% to be exact) or 2 Mana Per Hit. Also since we only do fire dmg how can we leech mana from physical attacks?

On packs I dont have any problem, but on bosses, especially with the cannot regenerate life and mana mod, im running on fumes.
Last edited by Vyonor on Jul 15, 2018, 9:00:44 PM
Stockman wrote:
Sorry if this has already been asked. My character is now up to +37 life gained on hit. I still am getting smashed by elemental reflect mod on maps. Fire resist is max 80% with the loreweave. What am i missing?

me too; im having issue with reflect map. not sure what shld i do about it?

appreciate if someone advise on this matter.

Any thoughts on squeezing IIQ into this build for better Elder UGS returns? Maybe one ventnor ( as long as you have another GG ring) and a bootleg xoph-esque rare amulet with IIQ and fire penetration with some other pieces of IIQ gear too?
Stockman wrote:
Sorry if this has already been asked. My character is now up to +37 life gained on hit. I still am getting smashed by elemental reflect mod on maps. Fire resist is max 80% with the loreweave. What am i missing?

I have finished every possible content with this build and I have no clue why OP said this build can handle ele ref, you just can't... and yes, I've reached the end with gear (a lot above OP).


https://github.com/ment2008/POE/releases - My Loot Filter
Last edited by ment2008 on Jul 16, 2018, 4:03:51 AM
ment2008 wrote:
Stockman wrote:
Sorry if this has already been asked. My character is now up to +37 life gained on hit. I still am getting smashed by elemental reflect mod on maps. Fire resist is max 80% with the loreweave. What am i missing?

I have finished every possible content with this build and I have no clue why OP said this build can handle ele ref, you just can't... and yes, I've reached the end with gear (a lot above OP).


Same here there is maybe a tricks i didn't see or think about but reflect map are suicide, douable pack by pack but dangerous ^^
ment2008 wrote:
Stockman wrote:
Sorry if this has already been asked. My character is now up to +37 life gained on hit. I still am getting smashed by elemental reflect mod on maps. Fire resist is max 80% with the loreweave. What am i missing?

I have finished every possible content with this build and I have no clue why OP said this build can handle ele ref, you just can't... and yes, I've reached the end with gear (a lot above OP).

May be it's because you have more damage. More damage -> More reflected damage( less % hp restored from hits, less hits at all). If you will hit small damage hits, but restore same amount of HP you will sustain it easier. Just my thoughts.

For maps with reflect you need some balance in Damage/HP recovering
ment2008 wrote:
Stockman wrote:
Sorry if this has already been asked. My character is now up to +37 life gained on hit. I still am getting smashed by elemental reflect mod on maps. Fire resist is max 80% with the loreweave. What am i missing?

I have finished every possible content with this build and I have no clue why OP said this build can handle ele ref, you just can't... and yes, I've reached the end with gear (a lot above OP).

How do you get those double corruption stats on your gear?
AqUaLoRd wrote:
ment2008 wrote:
Stockman wrote:
Sorry if this has already been asked. My character is now up to +37 life gained on hit. I still am getting smashed by elemental reflect mod on maps. Fire resist is max 80% with the loreweave. What am i missing?

I have finished every possible content with this build and I have no clue why OP said this build can handle ele ref, you just can't... and yes, I've reached the end with gear (a lot above OP).

How do you get those double corruption stats on your gear?

Some purchased, some made. and generally, double corruption comes from the temple.

https://github.com/ment2008/POE/releases - My Loot Filter
Tagmatar wrote:
ment2008 wrote:
Stockman wrote:
Sorry if this has already been asked. My character is now up to +37 life gained on hit. I still am getting smashed by elemental reflect mod on maps. Fire resist is max 80% with the loreweave. What am i missing?

I have finished every possible content with this build and I have no clue why OP said this build can handle ele ref, you just can't... and yes, I've reached the end with gear (a lot above OP).


Same here there is maybe a tricks i didn't see or think about but reflect map are suicide, douable pack by pack but dangerous ^^

Try to swap herald of ash with vitality, check out if you have stuff with phys as extra fire damage and remove. Should be the easiest way to lower your dmg for reflect maps. You are simply doing way too high damage per hit with that double corrupted stuff raising gem levels and whatnot (lgoh needs to scale with your damage, remember elemental overload when you test out what works for you). My estimate would be 70+ lgoh for your setup, running 50 with a budget build and have no problems, just disable my herald for reflect and haven't bought watcher's eye yet, once i can afford the upgrade i'll get one with lgoh with vitality + fire pen with anger combo

Oh and a question from me!
Say i found a very inviting elder ring but it adds lightning except fire damage to attacks, will the avatar of fire convert the 50% of its worth to fire before +% bonuses or after? Just curious about how the conversion effect scales and settles with the dps and in what order (and if other damage types are worth anything whatsoever compared to pure fire or physical).
[quote="g64" realm="pc"]Players are 'normal' monsters.

Unless you wear full demigod set, obviously.[/quote]
Last edited by Pandab1rd on Jul 16, 2018, 1:29:12 PM
finally, after three approaches, I killed Uber Elder deathless :)
here is video:

Enjoy !
ing: Sehemyr
Last edited by blajo on Jul 16, 2018, 12:07:31 PM

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