[3.17] For Marauder - Ngamahu's Flame Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam Build

Got close with this almost really good..
First, just wanna say thanks for responding to all of our questions!

Bossing setup uses Close Combat and Concentrated while mapping setup uses Pulverize + Rage and Berserk.

Both setups are very capable of clearing Uber Elder.

Ok, was just curious since you'd mentioned using berserk on Shaper/Elder.

You can use Enduring Cry or like you mentioned, link Endurance Charge on Melee Stun with Leap Slam.

You can also use Red Dream jewel or pick up Disciple of the Unyielding or Charging Offensive from the skill tree.

I'm still having trouble deciding which to use for Endurance Charges. I've tried Melee Stun, Charging Offensive, and Disciple of the Unyielding. None of them seem great at keeping more than a charge, maybe two, at a time. I don't want to be leaping around mid fight for the stun, I'd rather be Cycloning, so I usually would be a charge or two as I travel, but that gets used pretty quickly with CWDT at level 1 with IC. Currently, I'm using Charging Offensive, and at least that can get charges during certain boss fights and for higher tier maps, but I never see more than 1-2 charges at a time and often no charges. Disciple of the Unyielding and The Red Dream seem to be the best choices for when there are mobs around; Monoliths, Timeless Conflict, etc. but would certainly be useless during Shaper, Elder, Guardians and such.

You can look into 2 abyssal socket Tombfist. That will give you good damage boost.

Two socket Tombfist with Elemental Weakness is VERY expensive. I'm sure it is the best choice, but I'm not sure which is better between the extra socket, or Elemental Weakness on Hit. I went with 1 abssal socket and Elemental Weakness implicit. It does leave me with one gem slot I'm not entirely sure what to do with. Currently just running Empower on a couple of my mana reserve abilities.
Just curious, is there any Life gain on hit factored into the build anywhere? if not, do you think it would be plausible? for example even like 30 Life Gained On Hit could probably help us quite a bit with how often Cyclone and Molten attacks Burst procs

This could potentially allow you to run No-Leech maps or just have additional tankiness. Furthermore, I
think LGOH is also boosted by Ramakoa’s increased health recovery.
yea, what about it
Great guide, using it so far in the league.
Question - except for flask, is there a way to be immune to freeze in this build without relying on it? Seem to get killed once i get frozen and it's annoying me
Hey just wondering the build im running uses ele focus in both chest and weapon yet yours doesnt im bit confused which is better combustion seems better then ele focus can you explain?
Last edited by Bezmageddon on Jun 25, 2019, 7:54:44 PM
Uber elder down and been farming maps for a week or so now.

Super happy with the build thanks mate! Made a range of changes and thought I'd add some of my own experiences on what worked for me.

Uber elder is difficult with this build - of course with enough investment you can kill it but expect to die a lot. I was close to 6k health at the time with different gear setup (current gear is my 'MF' version for low map).

Got SUPER lucky and sniped my 6L Bronn (4R 1G 1B) for 4ex. I sunk around 4 exalts in chromatics into my other 6L Bronn prior and had no luck with my best being 3R/2G/1B). I also tried 3 vorici white socket encounters with no better than one white socket. Take what you will from this, it's probably bad luck on my part , but still.

Now I'm currently farming low tier maps (current character gear). Notes:

- Made ~15ex in 2-3 days averaging around 3 hours per day
- glacier / alleyways are amazing for legion farming
- prioritise melee/weapon range at low tiers as the AOE it provides is amazing in combination with Pulverise
- city square and burial are great options too

Any questions just ask!!!

P.s. I know it can be done faster BUT cyclone is just mad fun to play with and will be using this currency to fuel my next character (likely TS MF)
illuminate89 wrote:
Uber elder down and been farming maps for a week or so now.

Super happy with the build thanks mate! Made a range of changes and thought I'd add some of my own experiences on what worked for me.

Uber elder is difficult with this build - of course with enough investment you can kill it but expect to die a lot. I was close to 6k health at the time with different gear setup (current gear is my 'MF' version for low map).

This build is great thanks. I have also attempted UE twice now and failed due to me not knowing the fight well enough and and a bit of unluckiness but it is doable for sure (had them both down to a sliver with no ports left:( my gear)Minotaur reks me but all other guardians are easy. Not sure if I should change my flask set up for UE or any gear changes.
Last edited by RaPsKa on Jun 26, 2019, 2:51:26 AM
Hey kira,

thx for answering so frequently! I saved 6 ex and am wondering on what I should spend them to improve my Chieftain optimally.

My profile should be public now.

Thanks in advance!
RaPsKa wrote:
illuminate89 wrote:
Uber elder down and been farming maps for a week or so now.

Super happy with the build thanks mate! Made a range of changes and thought I'd add some of my own experiences on what worked for me.

Uber elder is difficult with this build - of course with enough investment you can kill it but expect to die a lot. I was close to 6k health at the time with different gear setup (current gear is my 'MF' version for low map).

This build is great thanks. I have also attempted UE twice now and failed due to me not knowing the fight well enough and and a bit of unluckiness but it is doable for sure (had them both down to a sliver with no ports left:( my gear)Minotaur reks me but all other guardians are easy. Not sure if I should change my flask set up for UE or any gear changes.

Hi RaP, I failed like 4-5 times haha it is quite natural although I was on a Tabula at the time and much worse gear. Unfortunately UE drop sucked and it didn't help me gear up any further :)

Few things that worked very well for me:
- Pantheon: Soul of lunaris with all captured bosses works very well esp as projectiles hurt a lot in that fight.
- Switch our flammability with enfeeble, it does help esp if you feel squishy and I believe from your gear your dps should be fine
- Lion's roar is good for bossing and a huge dps boost, it has the same armour buff as your basalt but would require you move your 'staunching' affix to your healing pot (this should be the preferred/case nearly always anyway)

I think other than that it is just focusing on the fight itself and learning each mechanic.
About to respec into this build, any insight on which chest to go with?

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