[3.17] For Marauder - Ngamahu's Flame Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam Build

thansk for this build guide, i really love it. it the most fun i had playing.
i had to chance some gems around to survive it tier 13 maps, it what else can i do to become stronger ???? my man is ashbringeren. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Ashare/characters
For any of those who care and asked. I tried to take this build all the way to uber and couldn't do it. Failed all 12 portals that I tried. Just hits to hard for this build to handle but I also don't know the mechanics fully and never beat uber elder on any character, This was my first attempt ever.

I can do all red maps with deaths here and there as per complaint with this build and I can do all but uber elder and maze of minotaur boss. So if you want to use this build for mapping its a very fun build IMO. Not for the faint of heart if you don't like dying though. I haven't been over 1bub into 95 for weeks now.
Last edited by HeeroMaki on Jan 16, 2019, 10:00:39 PM
this is my first chracter after years and i decided to go through your build i tired ww and its not that comfortable to play.then i switched to c. path.

trying to 6S and 6L my my bronslite and nghamu when i have enough currecys. sticking with mapping and i 1 shoot almost everything.

my problem is i mostly lack int.

can u check my build and tell me if im doing please?

satancukcan wrote:
this is my first chracter after years and i decided to go through your build i tired ww and its not that comfortable to play.then i switched to c. path.

trying to 6S and 6L my my bronslite and nghamu when i have enough currecys. sticking with mapping and i 1 shoot almost everything.

my problem is i mostly lack int.

can u check my build and tell me if im doing please?


You don't need to 6L the axe, just 6S. if you need more int that's just gear and grabbing a 30int node until you have enough.
i'm extremely confused after getting a watcher's eye today for Anger phys to fire conversion, but after buying and equipping it i notice it has no effect on my DPS. I thought this would be "additional" damage, but because of "flames advance" and Ngamahu's axe already gives 100% phys to fire conversion it seems that i don't actually get anymore fire damage/dps. I checked my totem, my cyclone, and molten burst tooltips. i see no change to my DPS at all if i equip an empty jewel slot with only a phys to fire convert watcher's eye. and yes i have anger activated in my Hideout. I also checked guide's acedency tree's and it seems in all instances i do still want to continue using "flames advance" on all tree's. but i'm confused, if over 100% phys conversion to fire doesn't do anything, why the recommendation to get watcher's eye for this build then?

i think i'm overlooking something and been staring at guide for past 2 hours and can't figure what i'm doing wrong. i've looked over both accedency tree's,, no mention of changing it once you get watcher's eye with anger, no mention of changing weapon (which i know would be silly considering the build is for that) but i don't get why i need over 100% phys to fire conversion??

also noticed herald of ash also gives 15% phys to fire conversion. so before getting watcher's eye i'm at 115% over cap already.

i actually have 2 watcher's eye's. one with phys to fire conversion for anger only,, other for phys to fire conversion + additional fire damage. that one seemed very underwhelming increase in damage compared to simply a rare jewel i was using, so that's why i tested only phys to fire conversion and realized it does nothing at all.... so something with my build is messed up clearly.

Last edited by zengrath on Jan 20, 2019, 2:27:38 PM
You are overlooking the description of the skills. Herald of Ash does not convert anything. You "gain x% of physical as extra fire damage." If you look at Ngamahu's Flame, you will notice that "50% of physical damage is converted to fire damage." Sorry to say it, but you have have the wrong Watcher's Eye. With Ngamahu's Flame and Flame's Advance, you already have 100% of physical converted to fire. That is why you are not seeing a damage increase. The Watcher's Eye you need has "gain x% of physical damage as extra fire damage."

Last edited by LemNasty on Jan 20, 2019, 8:25:48 PM
well, at least now i know. I have been completely baffled as to what was going on, i swear i been looking at this guide for hours trying to figure out what i missed. Thanks for info, i'll try reselling one i bought and hope to eventually afford right one. will see.

i got a cheap 100C one for now to test, but only has the phys to additional fire. but even then my damage went up. i can't afford luxury of a 2nd anger stat etc yet so i'll have to keep saving/looking.

Thanks for this guide, it's the furthest i've gotten in POE so far. i'm hoping to get 100% of my atlas for first time this league. only a few maps left.
Last edited by zengrath on Jan 20, 2019, 9:58:08 PM
HeeroMaki wrote:
What gems do you drop if you get tombfist with 2 sockets? I lost blood rage originally but like using it for frenzy charges and don't know what to give up for it. At the moment I got rid of culling strike on the warchief but is there a better option?

I could use any advice on what to upgrade next as well. I had just lost to red elder with 5l loreweave. Did get 6l but that is the only upgrade I have made since the fight.

I would place Immortal Call + CwDT in Tombfist.

Elder rare amulet with extra fire damage will help to increase your damage.

Watcher's Eye with extra fire damage (and fire penetration) will also help to improve your damage.


Blottuh wrote:
I found a 6L corrupted chest in SSF with 3G-2B-1R what would be the best setup for Cyclone with those colors?


Cyclone + Culling Strike + Faster Attack + Elemental Focus + Concentrated + Fortify


ECELUM wrote:
What are the advantages/disadvantages to using cyclone vs consecrated path?

Cyclone is better for bossing, Consecrated Path is better for mapping.


supersimme wrote:
What exactly makes the resolute technique build cheaper to gear? Is it just the fact that the accuracy rolls makes the items more expensive? or is there some cheaper alternatives for gear that we use that the more expensive EO dont use?

Accuracy on rings and amulets with good rolls tend to cost a lot more and they are the main reason why EO cost more and harder to gear.

EO skill tree will also have lower life and you need to make up for it with high life rolls on rare slots.


hicveithus wrote:
Do you think using a lvl 5 Flammability on hit on a ring + Anger + HoA is better than using HoA + lvl20 curse (Flammability or Enfeeble)?

Yes. Level 5 flammability ring will be better overall. Elemental Weakness corruption on gloves will be the better roll though.


rickz_poe wrote:
Hey guys, im loving this build and have some ex to upgrades, can u guys help me and see if i'm doing something wrong?

Srry for english.

You got the wrong version of Watcher's Eye. You will want "Gain #% of physical damage as extra fire when affected by Anger" instead.

Tombfist with 2 abyssal sockets (with Elemental Weakness / Enfeeble corruption) will be great.


Steven_B12 wrote:
Hi guys,
i'm looking for improvements, i've spend some currency on my gloves/belt/boots/chest and jewel, but i want improve more with dps.
Now i'm running tieri 7/8 maps and i feel a little bit squishy.

This is my build: https://pastebin.com/RnPQMeHT

Can someone give me some tips?
The first thing i want to try is to change my chest with Bronn's in order to have more dps, but i'm worried about life loss.

Any advice?

Thank you!

Run Enfeeble instead of Flammability when you are leveling your character.

Vitality Void greatly improves your life leech rate. Definitely pick that up. You only need 0.4% mana leech to sustain Cyclone.

Get those endurance charges on the skill tree. That will help to improve your survivability too.


ECELUM wrote:
Hi all,
What is the advantages of using/not using vaal pact? How do I know which one to build into

Vaal Pact doubles your life leech rate at the expense of losing life regen.

I would recommend you to go for Uber lab skill tree if you are new to the game.

Elder amulet with maximum life leech will also improve your healing:


supersimme wrote:
What stats are important on the loreweave? I want to try playing without Ice Golem,

80% Max Res is a given.

Wondering about the order of importance of these below.
High crit
High Ele Damage
High Phys
High Life

80% resist > flat physical > life > element damage > crit
supersimme wrote:
Is it OK to run tombfists without the elemental weakness on hit? I missed that part when i switched from my impresence setup...

Yes. You can definitely drop the curse.


HeeroMaki wrote:
I crafted these gloves just now.. and I can't decide if they are worth wearing or selling because I don't have the vaaled version of tombs.. but I know a jewel slot can be worth a lot. Any suggestions?

Tombfist will still be better. :)


Kloral wrote:
Love cyclone and the build, thank you!

My issue is I can't get past 90 with this build. I've got 6k life and max resists but still die often and can't progress at all. A syndicate member will pop up and one shot me, or i'll get wrecked by a boss in a T15 before I can even react in less than 1 second.

Given cyclone means you get close, how can I fix this as it's VERY frustrating being stuck at level 90.

Run Enfeeble curse as that greatly improves your survivability.

With recent patches, syndicate damage has been greatly toned down so you should be fine.


pr0pheten wrote:
I am confused, can someone check my profile and my gem setup currently and help me out, since I read that you gonna use other gem and stuff. I am new to the game still so I am lost in this information!

Your character profile is hidden.


vax wrote:
Can someone explain what's the pro and con for going Vaal Pact?

Vaal Pact doubles your life leech rate at the expense of losing life regen.


GarouGaming wrote:
I keep dying when going into maps tier 12+. I am wondering what I need to do to get more tanky. I don't know if Vaal Pact if the way to go. Can someone view my profile and give me any advice on what I could improve gear wise? I know Tombfist will help with DPS but what at this point will keep me alive? Only loreweaver?

I recommend going for Uber lab skill tree if you are having survivability issues.

Also, run Enfeeble instead of Flammability when you are leveling. You will still have enough damage to clear end game bosses with Enfeeble.

Tombfist with 2 abyssal sockets not only give you more damage, but also more life. E.g. 2 x 50 life jewels + 6% life is huge. Not to forget the flat damage it adds to the build.



I'm currently following the build and really enjoying it. I just want to know what's the best 6L chest for conc path? I'm still currently using a 5L carcass jack but I do have the currency to buy a 6L. Just debating between loreweave and carcass. Thanks

Bronn gives the most damage buff to Consecrated Path while Loreweave & Carcass is more balanced when it comes to damage and survivability.

If you have to pick between Loreweave and Carcass, go for Loreweave.


Can someone look at my profile and tell me what should i improve ?

I'm playing with cyclone and i either run over them or i just die..

6L will be your next biggest upgrade.

Use Tombfist for gloves, and Stygian for belt.

Your amulet is missing life roll.

Run Enfeeble when you are leveling.

Get those endurance charge nodes and drop Vaal Pact. You will provide survive better.


shieq wrote:
Hey, is this build fast with mapping?

Or for what is it supposed to be used?

Build is fast for mapping if you run Consecrated Path.


DsChepi24 wrote:
Tengo varias dudas mi asendencia es chieftain y uso el Ciclon con la Ngamahutflame ,saben que soy nivel 83 y apenas tengo 4300 de vida me gustaría saber si cuando llegue a completar las pasivas de vida de la cion mi vida va a subir a 6000 o tengo que cambiar algunos items que tengo que me aporten mas vida? y si hay alguna joya que deberia de cambiar les agradesco su respuesta.

My response below is based on google translate:

You will want to switch your gloves to Tombfist.

Stygian for belt.

Follow the skill tree and pick up Vitality Void.

Follow the flasks setup in the guide too.

For jewels, focus on life rolls.

For amulet, Elder rare amulet with extra fire damage or maximum leech rate.


HeeroMaki wrote:
For any of those who care and asked. I tried to take this build all the way to uber and couldn't do it. Failed all 12 portals that I tried. Just hits to hard for this build to handle but I also don't know the mechanics fully and never beat uber elder on any character, This was my first attempt ever.

I can do all red maps with deaths here and there as per complaint with this build and I can do all but uber elder and maze of minotaur boss. So if you want to use this build for mapping its a very fun build IMO. Not for the faint of heart if you don't like dying though. I haven't been over 1bub into 95 for weeks now.

For Uber Elder, you probably want to use Kaom's Root because the thing that really kills you will be Elder's slow spell + Shaper ball combo.

Uber Elder is also a gear check cos without good damage, the fight will be too tough to handle. :(


zengrath wrote:
well, at least now i know. I have been completely baffled as to what was going on, i swear i been looking at this guide for hours trying to figure out what i missed. Thanks for info, i'll try reselling one i bought and hope to eventually afford right one. will see.

i got a cheap 100C one for now to test, but only has the phys to additional fire. but even then my damage went up. i can't afford luxury of a 2nd anger stat etc yet so i'll have to keep saving/looking.

Thanks for this guide, it's the furthest i've gotten in POE so far. i'm hoping to get 100% of my atlas for first time this league. only a few maps left.

Glad to know that you have sorted out the jewel and enjoying the build. :)
Made a lot of progress with my build since last post, just had three more questions:

1. I've been mostly mapping and delving, so I've been using Lunaris in the Pantheon to speed through those. I am running Blood Rage, but I feel like Lunaris and its upgrades are better for the content I'm doing than Arakaali, is Arakaali super important for Blood Rage?

2. Since I mostly enjoy delving and mapping to steamroll through packs of enemies, I was worried that picking up a lion's roar might be detrimental because of the knockback despite the damage increase, do you have any suggestions about whether the knockback is really bad or a flask I could make look to replace it with?

3. Is Iron Reflexes ever worth it?

Thanks again, still loving the build this league
I love this build, and wanted to know if I were to take Vaal Pact would the consecrated ground I get from consecrated path still be effective in regenerating my Life?

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