[3.17] For Marauder - Ngamahu's Flame Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam Build

Alright I've upgraded my body to a 6-link Belly. Now where should I go from here to upgrade my damage some? Checking path of building my dps(to shaper) is only 136k, without pots, I'm aiming for 300k+ without pots and am not sure how to achieve this. Any help would be appreciated, my character page is not hidden so.
May i ask,when i'm using impressence with flammabity reduction.
Which gem should i replace? The Lightning golem?or blood rage?
IMPORTANT: To run this setup, ensure your overcapped fire resistance is at least 50% higher than overcapped cold resistance and highest among all resistances.

I dont understand why its 50% higher, i think just let fire res higher than other 2 is fine, like fire(105) lighting/cold(100), can someone teach me?

Oh and 1 thing more, when active Elemental Overload, will critical strike multiple mod still useful, i picked 2 jewel with prety good stat but have critical strike multiple mod in it

I think because if you run Taste of Hate, your cold resistance will be higher than the fire one and The Wise Oak will not work as we expected it to be.
SpookyDucks wrote:
So I've been saving up quite a bit of currency running t1-9 maps and am looking to start upgrading my gear. I really feel my damage is lacking and uber lab is very hard for me to do because of it. I'm not sure what pieces of gear I should look to upgrade first, I was thinking of getting my 6-link armor but not sure which one to get. I would like belly of the beast for tankyness because I plan on going for levels this league, but Bronn's will give quite a bit of damage. If you could give a look at my character and give me some tips I would greatly appreciate it. Some things like does my passive tree look fine etc, and some tips on how to increase my damage etc. I'm also still below 5k life and that hurts, I get 1 shot really easy in higher tier maps.

Also I'm playing consecrated path and following the jugg tree you linked on page 55.

I see that you have gotten 6L Belly. That is fine. Loreweave is another tanky chest which also gives you damage and you can consider that in the future.

Definitely get Tombfist (2 abyssal sockets). More damage. More toughness.

For leveling, I always run Enfeeble over Flammability.

And since you are playing Jugg, you will want Xoph's Blood as your amulet to get max damage.

Steel/Opal rings will also help to push your damage higher.


cakarott wrote:

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Check out the flask section for recommended setup.

Tombfist is BIS for the build.

Stygian rare belt will give you more damage and toughness too.

Your next big upgrade will be 6L Bronn.

Rare elder amulet with extra fire will also give you more damage.

For jewels, focus on life rolls, then speed. And lastly, damage.


IMPORTANT: To run this setup, ensure your overcapped fire resistance is at least 50% higher than overcapped cold resistance and highest among all resistances.

I dont understand why its 50% higher, i think just let fire res higher than other 2 is fine, like fire(105) lighting/cold(100), can someone teach me?

Oh and 1 thing more, when active Elemental Overload, will critical strike multiple mod still useful, i picked 2 jewel with prety good stat but have critical strike multiple mod in it

As stated by @rangigo.

Fire resist has to be 50% higher when you run Taste of Hate with Wise Oak. Taste will give you 50% more cold resist. If your fire is not 50% higher than cold, you will not get damage buff from Wise Oak.

If you are just running Wise Oak, you just need to ensure your overcapped fire resist is highest.



I got this vaal implicit on Ngamahu and was wondering is it useful since it says socketed gems. And socketed gems are supporting Ngamahu's Molten burst you know. Can someone tell some good corrupt implicits on Ngamahu axe and Bronn's lithe chest.

I believe Molten Burst will gain from the Life on Hit corruption. You have to test it out to be sure (drop life leech from skill tree and see if the balls heals you back).


INightmareZI wrote:
Hello bro, i'm really having fun with this build but which enchantment is better 15% attack speed or 40% damage?

For chieftain, I recommend attack speed over damage.


kolos154 wrote:
Help me please. What to choose for the consecrated path? New carcass jack or bronn or daresso or shroud?

Bronn gives the most damage. Consecrated Path is a movement skill.


demonhunter50 wrote:
Can you check my guy : Brontozaur and tell me what would be the best upgrade for me ? I'm thinking about 6 link Bronn but I'm not sure if I should get Belly instead because that would boost my survability and I wouldn't die. Can you help me please? Also should I get tombfist gloves ?

I will paste my reply to your PM here:

Rare elder amulet with extra fire will give you more damage than Impresence.

Tombfist with 2 abyssal sockets will give you more damage and survivability.

Taste of Hate will give you more damage and survivability too.

I will drop double curse and just run Enfeeble. Rare boots with high life roll will be better.

Anti-curse granite flask will be better for leveling. Lion's Roar is mainly for Uber lab and end game bosses that cannot be knocked back.

Upcoming patch will be nerfing syndicate damages so you might be able to use Bronn without much issues.

You can test it out with a 5L Bronn.


SpookyDucks wrote:
Alright I've upgraded my body to a 6-link Belly. Now where should I go from here to upgrade my damage some? Checking path of building my dps(to shaper) is only 136k, without pots, I'm aiming for 300k+ without pots and am not sure how to achieve this. Any help would be appreciated, my character page is not hidden so.

Check above for my reply to your previous post. :)


plakos wrote:
May i ask,when i'm using impressence with flammabity reduction.
Which gem should i replace? The Lightning golem?or blood rage?

Since you are not running Vaal Pact, you can keep Blood Rage.
You said to get xoph's blood, but do I still want to get xoph's blood if I'm not using cyclone? I am only playing consecrated path and have no desire to use cyclone.
Just found an exalt how should I invest it into the build? What are the most important pieces I can buy?
Thanks for the reply kira, I enjoy your build very much
SpookyDucks wrote:
You said to get xoph's blood, but do I still want to get xoph's blood if I'm not using cyclone? I am only playing consecrated path and have no desire to use cyclone.

I've also gone and upgraded my gear a whole lot more. I picked up a Xoph's but would still like to know if its worth it when I'm not using cyclone. I have reached my damage goals though so that's nice. Right now I'm sitting at 350k shaper no flasks and 540k everything else(with flasks I'm 500k shaper and like 850k everything else). Was a bit expensive to get here though spent around 15-20ex. I should also mention that these damage numbers are not counting Molten Burst, only Consecrated Path.

Lastly, now that my gear has been upgraded considerably where do I go for more damage now? The only thing I can really think of is a watcher jewel but the only good one I can find is going for 20ex or so.

Thanks for any help Kira you've been very informative.

edit: I know I also need 40% Consecrated Path damage enchant on my helm, unless there would be a better option?
Last edited by SpookyDucks on Dec 19, 2018, 7:59:07 AM
Is there any skill gem in this build that does not require to be ranked up beyond certain levels? other than cwdt and immortal call.
Last edited by trueblue82 on Dec 19, 2018, 4:55:38 AM
Umm, this might be a stupid question but how do we gain endurance charges with this build? what are the alternatives? I'm going with the elemental overload build btw, what are my options?

And why is our golem linked? I cant see it benefiting from the other gems in the link, at least not according to the tooltip (new to the game)

I guess I could replace cwdt with manual casting enduring cry like in the uber lab setup? until i can get the red dream jewel? Or do I have other options like running with Warlord's Mark or something until jewel can be acquired? What would you say is the best option?

Or are endurance charges not necessary?
Beta PLX
Last edited by supersimme on Dec 19, 2018, 6:10:12 AM
Really want to keep playing this build to push it further especially since i just got my loreweave and don't want to stop playing it so soon after buying it but i feel like i'm getting blown up by everything and i'm only on high yellow/low red maps, what would you suggest i focus on first in terms of upgrades to beef my character up a little more.

Thanks ahead of time for the help.

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