[3.12] KissMeQuick's Gladiator Reave: REBORN — T19 100% Maps & A8 Sirus Deathless — Starter friendly

Praestigium wrote:
Also, I've managed to save up some ex - what do you guys suggest my next big upgrade be? I'm thinking Styg Belt or maybe save up a bit more and grab a gg weapon.
Your next upgrade should be your stat stick. Your current one reduces your damage, because it's a sword and thus every second hit is dealt with it.
Done, thanks!

What upgrade/upgrades do i need? im totally lost on what i need.
Leffero wrote:
What upgrade/upgrades do i need? im totally lost on what i need.
Tombfist with 2 Abyss sockets, 2 different abyss gems and both with blind/hp are a good start probably. Starkonja's Head is also cheap and a good upgrade to you helmet. Afterwards you might want to save up for a better main weapon. Maybe use Scaeva for the time beeing.
Last edited by shokilicious on Mar 18, 2018, 2:22:17 PM
How much life leech do you generaly have ? With my gear, i find single target leeching low and feel unsafe vs hard hitting ennemy. I often need to fill with my life flask.

Praestigium wrote:
Heya guys,

Enjoying the build, a lot. My one concern is if I should switch out Whirling Blades for Leap Slam. Whirling blades is amazing in certain maps and boss fights but I've lost count how many times I've found myself wishing I had Leap Slam instead. Has anyone else had this issue?

I dont't use IC so i have one slot free for Leap Slam. Comes in handy if there's sth to jump over.

lopeskun wrote:
Can i use two Scaeva?

you could but i think every 2c-ish statstick would be stronger ;-)

IS that Aspect of the Cat thingy as OP as it reads? so du you like it on this Char? Do we enough bleed dmg to make it matter?
Hi there, again. What should i upgrade next? and can smone help me with my links n gem? Is my passive tree Ok?
Last edited by MrBarracuda on Mar 19, 2018, 8:20:52 AM

IS that Aspect of the Cat thingy as OP as it reads? so du you like it on this Char? Do we enough bleed dmg to make it matter?

I found aspect of the cat very nice for this build, even with only 2 item of the set ( btw the boot is useless). I like it most because it make boss more easier with more dmg in the long run + Its synergize nicely with blind ( which is core on this build).

Only grief about this aspect is that it dont feel faster at clear speed ( which is already good imo.

Also, you need to take more life or have a belly to compensate the loss of 2 slot item ( helmet and gloves)
Last edited by Biosthemancore on Mar 19, 2018, 8:41:08 AM
Praestigium wrote:
Heya guys,

Enjoying the build, a lot. My one concern is if I should switch out Whirling Blades for Leap Slam. Whirling blades is amazing in certain maps and boss fights but I've lost count how many times I've found myself wishing I had Leap Slam instead. Has anyone else had this issue?

Interested if you've bit the bullet and tried switching to leap slam yet? I'm having a similar concern when mapping. I have leap slam in my off had weapon swap but that gets super annoying since my blasphemy curse is in my main-hand weapon and gets disabled with each swap...
Got mine up to 1.48~m dps on PoB so far. Working excellent, just unlocked my last ascendancy points and upgraded to the Tombfist, with blind/onslaught. Only got to play like that for a short duration this afternoon, and it's feeling rather nice. Just have to work on my tree a bit more for the life, and look into upgrading some more of my gems to have % life.

Really enjoying this build. You can start off cheap, and scale as you gain currency!

I have also swapped out increased critical strike support with Reave to Concentrated Effect - Works nice for me!

Last edited by StrikeS30 on Mar 19, 2018, 4:19:25 PM

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