[3.x][Super Heavy Heavy Strike] 2H HS Jug - All Content

@Lena i changed the settings, you can import the character now. The other 10% double damage come from aspect of the avian which is beascrafted onto my amulet. Im always up for more damage, im still lookin for ways to do so ^_^
can someone help me improve my damage?
Recently put that ring and it was blast of clear speed.
Super good!

I see that the build has power charge capability (critical strike chance modifier per power charge is 40%), but I don't see you using any power charges in your vids. Do you mention this anywhere?
To be the best you first got to beat the best.
is it worth to use this helmet on this build or better use unique helmet?
So far this is my gear and I am seriously struggling to survive. Dying from time to time even in tier 4 maps (yellow or blue).
Last edited by _kerber_ on Jul 2, 2019, 9:15:00 AM
_kerber_ wrote:
is it worth to use this helmet on this build or better use unique helmet?
So far this is my gear and I am seriously struggling to survive. Dying from time to time even in tier 4 maps (yellow or blue).

I'm currently running t4-t5 maps and have no problems with around 10k armor (50-60% dmg reduction). Maybe you missed lots of armor nodes? What's your tree like atm? With the gear you linked, it looks like you have way too many elemental resistances.
To be the best you first got to beat the best.
_kerber_ wrote:
is it worth to use this helmet on this build or better use unique helmet?
So far this is my gear and I am seriously struggling to survive. Dying from time to time even in tier 4 maps

the only reason ppl use abyssus is because of its unbeatable offensive stats, i gain roughly 35% more damage just by wearing it, which is an absurdly high extra multiplier.
if you decide to go with a rare helmet, you're obviously going to lose out on a lot of damage in exchange for (some) defenses, but thats ultimately really up to personal preference. The increased physical damage taken from abyssus normally gets "countered" by wearing brass dome, so if you decide to go that route i'd really recommend getting rid of that tabula.

In general, killing stuff quicker and faster lowers the requirements for defenses in POE, especially these days where we have defensive skills with a cooldown (molten shell).

in regards to you struggling to survive - you are wearing a tabula, a chest without any stats and/or even base armour (the 41% increased damage arent as big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, it ends up being something around 6-7% more damage). In POE, the chest has the potential for the highest defensive stats out of all the item slots (life, armour etc.) so naturally, you are giving up your best defensive slot by wearing a tabula - on top of that the juggernaut ascendancy that doubles the armour from your chest is literally useless; also on top of that - molten shell gets better the more armour you have.

My recommendation would be:
-switch tabula for brass dome
-5-link either terminus est or brass dome (on average 80-100 fusings)
ive killed shaper and his guardians without trouble on a 5-link this league, you have so many ways of scaling your damage - a 6-link is definitely not necessary for the vast majority of the content (even though i couldnt do UberElder on a 5-link, a better player most likely could have)
-upgrade the rest of your gear (i just took a quick look on poe.trade, and literally every single rare you are currently wearing can be upgraded easily for 1-3 chaos. Remember that items dont actually need to have 5-6 mods to be "good" or an upgrade, as long as they dont have useless stats on them - e.g. thanks to one ascendancy you have zero need for accuracy on gear

Also + to what Danteska posted (even though armour doesnt translate into a certain amount of phys reduction universally), if you make your profile public, we can take a look at your skilltree as well.
Last edited by sELF_sELF_sELF_ on Apr 11, 2021, 9:54:23 PM
LenaInverse wrote:

the only reason ppl use abyssus is because of its unbeatable offensive stats, i gain roughly 35% more damage just by wearing it, which is an absurdly high extra multiplier.
if you decide to go with a rare helmet, you're obviously going to lose out on a lot of damage in exchange for (some) defenses, but thats ultimately really up to personal preference. The increased physical damage taken from abyssus normally gets "countered" by wearing brass dome, so if you decide to go that route i'd really recommend getting rid of that tabula.

In general, killing stuff quicker and faster lowers the requirements for defenses in POE, especially these days where we have defensive skills with a cooldown (molten shell).

in regards to you struggling to survive - you are wearing a tabula, a chest without any stats and/or even base armour (the 41% increased damage arent as big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, it ends up being something around 6-7% more damage). In POE, the chest has the potential for the highest defensive stats out of all the item slots (life, armour etc.) so naturally, you are giving up your best defensive slot by wearing a tabula - on top of that the juggernaut ascendancy that doubles the armour from your chest is literally useless; also on top of that - molten shell gets better the more armour you have.

My recommendation would be:
-switch tabula for brass dome
-5-link either terminus est or brass dome (on average 80-100 fusings)
ive killed shaper and his guardians without trouble on a 5-link this league, you have so many ways of scaling your damage - a 6-link is definitely not necessary for the vast majority of the content (even though i couldnt do UberElder on a 5-link, a better player most likely could have)
-upgrade the rest of your gear (i just took a quick look on poe.trade, and literally every single rare you are currently wearing can be upgraded easily for 1-3 chaos. Remember that items dont actually need to have 5-6 mods to be "good" or an upgrade, as long as they dont have useless stats on them - e.g. thanks to one ascendancy you have zero need for accuracy on gear

Also + to what Danteska posted (even though armour doesnt translate into a certain amount of phys reduction universally), if you make your profile public, we can take a look at your skilltree as well.

Thank you for useful overview. I made my char public (_SmashEmAll_).
I need 5ex for 6link brass. Already have 3.5ex so, in few days I hope to have it :) In tier 3-4 maps my clear speed is ok so far. On character tab with buffs I have about 12k DPS (without flasks).

I can put some additional life and armor mod on that helmet.

Not completely, but at least partly I compensate lost damage with this ring

Its gaves me increased 20% attack and move speed after each kill.
Last edited by _kerber_ on Jul 4, 2019, 4:09:10 AM
Your armour value is (as expected) very low, but way more importantly:
you dont have capped elemental resistances. Get them up, if you cant get them on gear just invest 2-3 skillpoints into one of the +12 all res nodes until your gear gets better.
Don't worry that much about chaos resistance, most ppl completely ignore it (i'm at -75% for example), but fire/cold/lightning should always be at least at max (consider even going a bit further to make elemental weakness a non-issue).

you are also using 2 anti-freeze flasks, but with the juggernaut ascendancy "unstoppable", you are already permanently immune to all chill and freeze effects.

Onslaught is very nice to have, but there are a lot of ways to get it - most ppl just use a silver flask, you're essentially using up a full item slot just for something you can very easily get somewhere else

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