[3.x][Super Heavy Heavy Strike] 2H HS Jug - All Content

fte wrote:
I'm not too knowledgeable of the games mechanics or calculations, and usually just like to toy around with whatever feels fun. I've planned on playing a heavy strike 2H mace stun build for 3.11. Do you ZaeN or others reading the thread think this build could be used as a base for one? Obviously moving all the weapon nodes to mace+stun ones. And some stun ones in jugg ascendancy too.

Does that even make sense with heavy strike? It's just what I've been gunning for.

[3.11] Shaper = Stunned, Tidebreaker Heavy Strike Stunner Build

I think this one is a better template

If you really want to stay jug you only need to move around the pts from duelist start to marauder start and normally will also gain spare extra pts to spend, but then dmg wise yea you need the abyssus+dome combo to deal damage as jug imo

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Last edited by ZaeN on Jun 17, 2020, 8:08:53 AM
When to expect 3.11 PoB update? Is this build still league startable?
ZaeN wrote:

[3.11] Shaper = Stunned, Tidebreaker Heavy Strike Stunner Build

I think this one is a better template

If you really want to stay jug you only need to move around the pts from duelist start to marauder start and normally will also gain spare extra pts to spend, but then dmg wise yea you need the abyssus+dome combo to deal damage as jug imo

Alright, thanks. I'll look into both options
Last edited by fte on Jun 17, 2020, 12:55:14 PM
dimuls wrote:
When to expect 3.11 PoB update? Is this build still league startable?

Yes actually if they buffed all weapons Terminus Est included the entry to mapping has been made easier.

Starforge got a huge hit so value should be going down. I have the 3.11 POB but we really need the new gems into POB and I need yet to see what crafts can be done that will replace SF as endgame weapon, between tree and SF nerf it lost 30% dmg
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Ok i updated the part "upcoming in 3.11", not the 2h patch that i was looking for but i think i will still try this league hoping for some surprises :/

Overall the build gained better early mapping & better clear dmg but lost on the high end that got powercrept more and will require a crafted weapon.

Also passive tankiness got a minor hit and will require the use of the new warcry:
Ancestral Cry: Performs a warcry, taunting all nearby enemies to attack the user and exerting the user's next eight Strike strike attacks. Grants a buff which gives you bonus armour and melee range.

-Better clear? Tribal Fury (+1 strike) and Ancestral warcry can potentially enable us to drop Ancestral Call and get more damage
-Terminus should be getting buffed and will make entry to mapping better, it can probably replace SF until the final weapon.
-SF got nerfed hard, it will probably go down in price and become a midterm item.
-The final weapon will become a craft. I will update on this part.
-One or two warcries should be added the build. Ancestral cry for clearing and maybe Rallying cry for single target.
-Tribal fury will be included ofc.
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GGG: Don't you guys follow streamers?
Last edited by ZaeN on Jun 17, 2020, 10:04:39 PM
Been following this thread for a while. While I'm bummed there was a nerf to 2H Melee, I'm still planning to go this route for Harvest. I might be in the minority, but I'm glad the top tier weapon is going to a crafted one. Crafting keeps things interesting IMO.
added temp POB will keep updating it
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GGG: Don't you guys follow streamers?
Thank you, i will play this as league starter! Will go ahead as you update!

Last edited by BirDsAT on Jun 19, 2020, 5:03:14 AM
Hey! Great work. Will use this as my League Starter, just like last league =) Enjoyed so much the badass playstyle of big slaps on mob packs :D

Looking at the pastebin, you choose to use starforge as final weapon due to the static blows anointment on amulet. Better than a rare crafted 2h sword? New bases seems great and with harvest mechanics maybe will be able to craft two or three tier 1 dmg mods easily.
If that will be the case, which anointment do you suggest instead of static blows?

No cluster jewels in the build. This league made possible some crazy stuff thanks to clusters. They just limited some Notables. We are not going to stack any notable nor trying to break the system, but I guess 1 large cluster with couple of abilities might be nice. Still, big noob who played an aurabot with almost only cluster jewels this league and felt in love with jewels :D probably I'm wrong

You were talking about warcries, there are warcries nodes enlightened on PoB but no one actually pathed to. Useless mechanic?

Reading the new Herald of Purity, 12% inc Phys seems a lot. The 25% reserved seems a lot too. Thoughts on this? Any way to fit in the build? (maybe linking all auras with a lv 4 enlighten. But this weakens the totem, and probably leaves us with not enough mana to cast heavy strike with the current mana pool)

Just my thoughts on this great build. Would be glad to help testing stuff :D

Thanks again for the effort you put in this build
Yes the target weapon is a crafted one, maybe a 800dps sword is in the reach, and yes HoP is interesting

The POB is very temporary because the new passives new bases and the new skills are not in it yet, so there's not much theorycrafting possible. I just added the nerfed SF to get an idea of the nerf from it & tree (approx -15% and another -15% from the tree)

About the clusters (imo) the only one that made the cost worth was the +1 impale, with that gone it's hard to make it cost effective, especially considering that the tree is becoming very starved. But yes if some personal combo works and is worth why not add it
Gives streamers & friends queue priority and leaves supporters who spent hundreds $ packs in the 100k queue.

GGG: Don't you guys follow streamers?

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