[3.4] Ahn's Might Juggernaut - Uber Lab Farmer - League Starter - Shaper + End Game (Videos)

cbycbycby wrote:
Are Death's Door boots good for this build?
They give endurance charge so you can respec few points.
You cannot be inflicted with bleeding anymore. We swap out "remove bleeding" flask for another one.
Add decent armor. People opt for belly of the beast chest so lack armor from astral plate.
Yet i don't see people talking about them here. Am i missing something?

I'd prefer to use Kaom's Roots, since they basicly gives us Unstoppable Ascendancy for free, plus up to 200 Max Life. Downside ofc is the lack of sockets, but the build can live without.

And they are cheaper ^_^
nugammazai wrote:

Hi, I would to ask for tips to improve my build. Thanks.
tree is visible since I only have 1 character

your build is nothing like the ahn's might build ... are you just here because its a jugg thread? Like why not make your own thread? the only thing I can see that is similar is that you use cleave ...
I must say this build is truly strong. Can do almost all map mods, damage is so great that t15 mobs die like trash from t1 maps. I've made a little modification to passive tree and went for Ambidexterity and Iron Reflexes. All content is easily done with it, i really thank you for creating this guide since it helped me to choose really great build. My life pool (5279 hp) is a bit low but my exile is fast enough to dodge all dangerous attacks while still attacking. I do not even need conc effect for t14/t15 bosses to kill them in seconds so i keep better AoE.

My gear is the most budget one with little investment that i could gather (total cost i think was around 4-5ex):

Last edited by zakraj8 on Apr 1, 2018, 1:51:25 PM
I am still enjoying build.

My gear so far:

I have a 6L Brass Dome and 6L Astral Plate I use for Lab and one or two bosses.

I am in the process of upgrading my watchers eyes, and am considering changing out Kaoms or helm in order to take pressure of ring resists so I can stack a ton of damage on rings/ammy.

Not sure which route I will take yet. I need to level twice more for another jewel socket.

I reckon another week or so and I should have my gear cranking and hopefully the build will be even stronger.

OCEANIC EXILES https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/581434
Last edited by VenGanZa9 on Apr 2, 2018, 3:13:45 PM
My physical reduction is capped without Unrelenting, shall I refound it and go for Unyielding or Unstoppable? I'm not using kaom's roots as I can't cap my resist with it. If I do drop unrelenting, which one should I go for?
Ammoconda wrote:
My physical reduction is capped without Unrelenting, shall I refound it and go for Unyielding or Unstoppable? I'm not using kaom's roots as I can't cap my resist with it. If I do drop unrelenting, which one should I go for?

If anything I would probably drop unbreakable, that way you do not lose the chaos res bonus.

Unstoppable would be what to grab, especially if you are doing lab. Even if you are mapping not giving a toss about TEMP CHAINS makes rolling maps cheaper :)
OCEANIC EXILES https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/581434
Considering that build to respec from RF since the price is so out of control.
How does that build feels compared to RF?
I just converted one of my characters to this build and it's amazing, not the fastest clearing speed but decent damage and survivability, I am using abyssius with 40% cleave damage and with full tree its estimated to reach about 1.6 mill crit damage and I bet with some extra crit and damage nodes it can go closer to 2 mill. not a budget build if you want to do it right and can be a bit tricky to cap resistances also can get one shot if you are not careful, but overall its a Decent right-click build, highly recommend if u are into right-clickers.
Hey man I'm thoroughly enjoying the build right now it's quite nice to have a tanky character that can dish out damage as well.

Having said that I have been trying to replace my boots with Kaom's roots for unwavering stance(necessary for uber elder) but can't quite fit it in there. This build needs so many unique items and it's hard to fit in resistances to drop my current character.

If you could take a look at my character and give me some pointers it would be nice. My profile is public and the character name is HiggTHICCBOI in BSC.
Higgly wrote:
Hey man I'm thoroughly enjoying the build right now it's quite nice to have a tanky character that can dish out damage as well.

Having said that I have been trying to replace my boots with Kaom's roots for unwavering stance(necessary for uber elder) but can't quite fit it in there. This build needs so many unique items and it's hard to fit in resistances to drop my current character.

If you could take a look at my character and give me some pointers it would be nice. My profile is public and the character name is HiggTHICCBOI in BSC.

Your rings and ammy are not exactly resist powerhouses :)

With Kaom's you easily cap resists if you pay attention to resists, certainly you are not going to find such rings for 1c, but you should not be paying too much either. Now rings with resists, life AND damage mods, well that gets a bit more expensive.

Remember that you are gaining resists based on endurance charges (6 or 8 depending on tree you chose) and since these are pretty much perma, you should be able to achieve double cap (109 ressits) without too much fuss.

I suggest you try to add a little chaos resist if possible, since even with chaos res from ascendancy a little bit more helps in certain encounters (HELLO CHIMERA SNAKE ADDS!)

I am not saying resists or intel is easy to properly cap, but it is not too difficult either. You may well have to use live search on POE to snag just the item you want.
OCEANIC EXILES https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/581434

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