[3.5] Ghostly Quad Totem HOWA. 10k ES, 77% Evade, 1.9 Mill Shaper DPS

sorry if this has been asked elsewhere, but I'm not seeing why we take Zealot's Oath. I don't see where any regen would be coming from?

Edit: Scratch that, it's from the Hierophant node Ritual of Awakening
Last edited by Dokiz on Mar 23, 2018, 11:24:53 PM
Hewbztron wrote:
foojin wrote:
Hewbztron wrote:
Anyone able to get uber elder down with this build yet? I rip'd 2 shaper sets tonight trying, closest I got was just above half life. Seems doable just need more practice

What kind of gear do you have?

My jewels could use some work I think. Im sitting at about 10.1K health but would like to increase that once i have the currency for a good watcher's eye.

To bad it seems so difficult for this build to kill uber elder with that kind of gear. :/

I wonder if sawagals nest chest would work for the build, however the off colors you'd need...
Last edited by foojin on Mar 24, 2018, 7:17:32 AM
Yeah I think alot of it is just lack of experience by me, seems like my totems die very quickly and I am taking a lot of cold damage
I'm cutting yellow elder & maps until tier 14 like butter at the moment. Really great build, going for lv 93! Still no 6L Atziri tho :(.

So a question for higher maps: I'm using Quartz flask atm for phasing and %10 dodge, is 3000 evasion better? I died a few times last week, mostly to frost bolt spammer mobs with frenzy and the beyond raper boss.
HewalChampyy wrote:
I'm cutting yellow elder & maps until tier 14 like butter at the moment. Really great build, going for lv 93! Still no 6L Atziri tho :(.

So a question for higher maps: I'm using Quartz flask atm for phasing and %10 dodge, is 3000 evasion better? I died a few times last week, mostly to frost bolt spammer mobs with frenzy and the beyond raper boss.

Goood question. I like questions that make me crunch numbers and reexamine things.

Much like how +max resistances work the higher you get into any mitigation method the more impact the numbers have so did some quick math with my current character to calculate effectiveness

Rumi's Concoction (Perfect roll)
- 33% less attack damage taken
- 10% less spell damage taken

Quartz Flask
- 10% less attack damage taken
- 10% less spell damage taken
- Phasing

Grace Flask
- 25% less attack damage taken

Rumi's is the most effective although cannot be rolled with required defenses like removes freeze

The choice between quartz or grace is a judgement call. Spells are generally less common and more avoidable then attacks but if you are dying to spells then I would keep the quartz and get some more ES
Hi, thx for your build bud i i have a problem, how you can run 3 aura with no reserved mana node ?

With Enleighten 3 in vertex , i have 104% mana reserved.

Mystrielle wrote:
Hi, thx for your build bud i i have a problem, how you can run 3 aura with no reserved mana node ?

With Enleighten 3 in vertex , i have 104% mana reserved.

You are probably missing Sanctuary of Thought.
foojin wrote:
Mystrielle wrote:
Hi, thx for your build bud i i have a problem, how you can run 3 aura with no reserved mana node ?

With Enleighten 3 in vertex , i have 104% mana reserved.

You are probably missing Sanctuary of Thought.

Yes and this Ascendancy give you 10% less mana reservation leaving you with 6 % of your unreserved mana.

Merci qui ? xD
Last edited by Elf_97 on Mar 28, 2018, 9:33:53 AM
Oh fine thx Foojin. :)

Et merci l'Elf :)
Hey was curious to see where everyone's dps is sitting in town with this build and auras going? For the record, I really enjoy this build as its my first char in poe. It's been a lot of fun and I rip through everything I've played so far.

I'm currently without wrath aura because my enlighten is not high enough yet, but with the other 2 auras going and 4 summoned totems, im at 47.4k when I mouse over the warchief totem skill. I'm lvl 88 with 8.8k ES and evasion rating of 17471. Am I about right where I should be or am I very low? I can never tell but I know I haven't put much into my jewels so I figured I'm probably on the lower end.
Last edited by joey9394 on Mar 28, 2018, 2:11:30 PM

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