[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

any specific advantages of MS over BF?
nevermind, answered myself
Last edited by Doom2soon on Dec 14, 2017, 12:02:57 AM
Thank you for writing the guide. Unfortunately I've encountered a big problem - I just finished Act 10 and stopped doing any damage.
I was tearing through everything up until now, and it was so much fun, but now I can't even finish tier 1 maps. I'm serious. I'm wailing on trash packs for 10 seconds or more and they just don't die, when before they died in a second. Even the monsters in the areas I've been tearing through just don't die anymore. I also only have 1200 dps at level 65 - something seems very wrong.

I had really crappy equipment the entire time, so I upgraded quite a bit. But it didn't change a thing so far. I didn't upgrade belt, rings and amulet so far, but before I was doing so much damage that I don't know what happened. Everything I had before was strictly worse than my new equip.

This is what I have now:

I really love playing this build, but I don't know what I need to do to get it back to the high dps I had before.
Mydgard6 wrote:
@GornoDD: Probably you misunderstood most of the players as of the price discussion on items: It seems you play in standard mode ... most of us play abyss Season, so we don't have currency left from the last season ;)


Anyway: Can someone still gimme a hint, what is important on claws beneath attack speed and crit ... is it more important to have high physical damage or is it more important to have higher add xy to xy fire/cold/lightning damage (and which one is more important for that build)? Or is all of that not really important?

Sry, never ever played with claws ... so i have absolutely no clue as the "damage" seems pretty low on claws.

While i'm leveling, just found some claws, but if i equip em, my other one hand weapons do way more damage (at least the number it says under offence ... sure the one hand sword if found is kinda good for my lvl 25 ...

Its not that im not understanding the mechanics of challange leagues. I played almost every challange league myself since beta and always had rather good success. I havent started Abyss, cause I wanted to test alot of things in standard with this and another entirely diffrent build. Also I wanted see how the hard the Elder Boss fight is. I will start abyss league on Saturnday and tell you about my progress. Im currently working 12hour shifts and dont find much time to play.

The budget section isnt meant to represent a first checkpoint, a first goal to work towards. I dont assume you can instantly buy all the pices by reaching level 60 (obviously). In PoE you need to farm currency and save up for your next upgrade (why am I telling you this).

I played this build in Harbinger League and killed the entire content of the game withing 24 hours of game time. Theres proof of that alot of pages back.
Last edited by GornoDD on Dec 14, 2017, 12:46:14 AM
First of all: thanks for the fun build!
But I feel like I'm missing something obvious: in your hideout screen your MS tooltip displays 10 projectiles; with the 2 threshold jewels I get 7.
Where do the last 3 come from?

Zurglots wrote:
any specific advantages of MS over BF?

You mean besides the much much higher damage, clearspeed and overall "feel" of the build? ;)

Fummelbunker wrote:
First of all: thanks for the fun build!
But I feel like I'm missing something obvious: in your hideout screen your MS tooltip displays 10 projectiles; with the 2 threshold jewels I get 7.
Where do the last 3 come from?


3 base

+4 from jewels

+3 from enchant (super expensive, will be a while until we can affort it. Or farm the Uber Lab and hope to get lucky and get it yourself)

+2 from Dying Sun

12 Projectiles (36 with Ancestral Call while clearing :D)

But don't worry, both the enchantment and Dying Sun are something like "chase items" for this build. They are nice to have and will add a big chunk of damage but really are not needed to make this build work really well. I think you could say they make this build that already can easily kill everything kill everything a bit faster ;)
Last edited by Mecielle on Dec 14, 2017, 1:18:09 AM
Hey thanks for the great build. I'm just starting and looking forward to level the char.

One thing, can you please check the leveling unique gear section?

It seems like the endgame gear is posted in it

Thanks mang

its a Nice Build i have one question for the Budget section
Why Dont Use in the Budget Equipment the Ornamente claw in offhand and a Eledmg Claw in Mainhand
and we can Use the dual nodes.
Hey, i have a question.

When i run ur setup with Onslaught and Innervate linked to Herald of Ice together with, and Enfeeble with blasphemy I dont have enough mana to cast a single Molten Strike.

Am i missing smth?
Zelos666 wrote:
Unfortunately I've encountered a big problem - I just finished Act 10 and stopped doing any damage.

It's your glove enchant. Bugged or something, I don't know. Had the same problem a day ago. Get a different enchant.
Last edited by Kruciall on Dec 14, 2017, 2:58:00 AM

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