[3.4] EQ / Sunder Juggernaut - Uber Lab / Guardians - League Starter / Budget - with Videos

99prosorc wrote:
Should I use a rare chest or look to get a unique(if so, which) ?

Edit: Also, don't need life on jewels ?

Craiceann's Carapace or a rare one with similar stats (high armour, life, some res); decent jewels with life will be expensive - it's up to you...

I'm playing Flashback SC and atm, there's not many jewels available with the link you posted(sunder). With the few there are, the prices are about the same as jewels with life. With that in mind, should I just go for the life ones ?

Edit: Also, just got a almost perfect death's door from lab.. 39/40 str, 15/15 total ele res. Should I use it over a rare boots or sell ?

I prefer rare boots; get w/e jewels are available and fit your budget^^
Hey I just wanted to say this is a great guide and I really enjoy the character. Kudos to you and all your time and effort. Played this guy in Bestiary and now Flashback. Thanks again!

Here's what I'm using:

Then just stacking tons of attack speed on jewels.

Thank you!
Hey mate, thinking of adapting your build for 3.3 but looking to make use of the new Vaal Double Strike.
Assuming I won't be able to use Double Strike for the main clear, but was thinking of using it instead of Ancestral Warchief for single target boss.

You've got more experience than me in the area, any immediate blockers to the idea you can see off the top of your head?
Hey, great build/guide.

The passive tree URLs aren't working for me. For other guides that link to trees using PoE's website, I can view them just fine. So I was wondering if you can copy your tree using PoE's website and posting a link of that? Much appreciated.
Hey, great build/guide.

The passive tree URLs aren't working for me. For other guides that link to trees using PoE's website, I can view them just fine. So I was wondering if you can copy your tree using PoE's website and posting a link of that? Much appreciated.

Why is a 2H preferred over 1h/stat stick?
Hi man! very nice build. I'm level 88 atm and loving it. Some questions.. How can I always have max endurance charges against only one enemy like bosses? Sometimes Unflinching can't give me the max.

Also, is it better to use Soul of Solaris or Lunaris against Elder?

Last edited by eldergotrekthard on May 18, 2018, 12:31:48 PM
does the CWDT setup need certain levels ?

Thoughts on using the new ground slam gem with vaal ground slam here for the next league instead of sunder? What are your thoughts?
Last edited by qqusai on May 18, 2018, 3:15:50 PM
Thank you for posting this great build. I have been using it in Flashback. But still collecting funds for Disfavour axe.

Btw, how did you get the blue, off-colour socket on your Disfavour axe? Did you buy it ready or chrome it? If chrome then how many of them and by what method(Vorici or manual)?
Last edited by Bhaya on May 19, 2018, 3:50:03 AM

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