[3.3] How to Smash Heads. Ancestral Warchief Facebreaker edition.

Hmmm i though that everything was working fine, but i guess i was wrong. I'll update them tomorrow. :)

I don't believe that there is a right answer to that question. Personally though i never craft ... never.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
I think it looked fine up until like... 60 or 70 points? not sure, after that it looked like it started to lose some points because of changed skills and whatnot :p
(example: in 3.0 the 2 skills under Sanctuary were all resistances, I believe? they're physical damage+ailments while holding a shield now)

Also, Thanks for the guide, yet again.
I used to be "meh" about the game, but when I finally started using a guide for a build, I found your in-depth facesmasher guide, and started actually enjoying the game a lot more :D
First of all Happy Holidays !!

I wanted to ask you why not use brutality ? If it's because of HoA and Hatred I understand, but since I am using Tukohama wouldn't Brutality be a better 6 link than Maim?

I not sure what to do with this ring now. Got decent craft from first essence. Well, somewhat decent, no resists and that's a major problem with this build. I could probably sell it though

Even without HoA and/or Hatred you would still have Taste of hate and/or Atziri's Promise and with brutality you'll get absolutely no damage from both of these flasks thus maim ends up adding more damage.


You could sell it, you could scour it and try again.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Following this guide and he is doing well. I have tried 3 other characters to see what gameplay style I like.

Whats the best way to find rings with the +physical damage? And amulets? I am still using my newbie leveling gear facebreaker/meginords/ignoman/and crest of perandus. My best still is a 4 link
Jaynen00 wrote:

Whats the best way to find rings with the +physical damage? And amulets?

Why trading of course! Try Poe.trade
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"

I am trying out a variation of this build on Abyss (not-hardcore.) I like it very much and would like to share my take on this:

PoB pastebin of my character: https://pastebin.com/Jnk5Mx4N

The gear is all over the place, but it does well for a cheap setup. The 6L I picked up for about 40 chaos.

One major note is that I'm focusing heavily on elemental damage. Nearly 100% of this build's physical damage is converted to elemental damage, mostly to Lightning.

PoB puts this at 62k DPS per totem vs bosses.
With all the Lightning Damage shocking bosses happens quite frequently. That kicks it up to 96k DPS per totem.
Toggle on "killed recently" and it's up to 105k DPS per totem.

This is before "Physical Damage on Full Life"

With full life toggled on the DPS numbers jump up to 87k vs bosses, 136k vs shocked bosses, and 148k vs shocked bosses with killed recently.

*note* Physical Damage on Full Life takes into account your life, not your totem's life. You stay pretty healthy with totem leech to you. You can swap this out to Ruthless, Maim, or Added Fire Damage for more consistent results. (I don't like Added Fire because it doesn't help shock bosses.)

This setup doesn't focus on as much life as your setup, but the damage done for minimal price is very nice. It also scales well with cheap gear. However, to fully transition into your physical setup with Tukohama's Fortress it would require regrets.

TL;DR- Underleveled gems with no quality and under 100 chaos of gear with no uber lab, and no flasks yields ~300k DPS vs bosses.
Last edited by Kesshi on Dec 26, 2017, 9:38:08 PM
Interesting take! A bit squishy for my taste but good job nevertheless! I would personally go inc. AoE(switching to conc effect vs bosses) instead of damage on full life, as general mapping without inc. AOE is kind of clunky (especially while you still have only 2 totems)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
thanks for the guide, i see in your passive tree you don't take blood magic, im going to use tukohama shield. so when should i be getting the blood magic cluster

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