[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Tri/Quad Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - Strong League Starter!

Shishiboo wrote:
SwitchBL8 wrote:

Curious how I will do with a fresh start (with no convenient levelling uniques).

I actually used this the past 2 seasons from the beginning, and easily went through all the acts with no issues with finding/buying decent items along the way.

Are there good leveling unique wands for this build? Or is it rare wands only?

Also what do you think about end game unique wands? Is shimmeron + void battery better than dual wielding 2 shimmerons?
Last edited by Millennium on Feb 27, 2018, 10:46:48 AM
i hope there will be an update for this build, would love to give it a try now
Most likely waiting for patch notes.

Millennium wrote:
Shishiboo wrote:
SwitchBL8 wrote:

Curious how I will do with a fresh start (with no convenient levelling uniques).

I actually used this the past 2 seasons from the beginning, and easily went through all the acts with no issues with finding/buying decent items along the way.

Are there good leveling unique wands for this build? Or is it rare wands only?

Also what do you think about end game unique wands? Is shimmeron + void battery better than dual wielding 2 shimmerons?

Unless you change the skill point plan that is laid out I would say that wands would hurt you a lot. Because the build gets more damage from using staffs than wands. That is why the recommended unique is a staff instead of a wand.
How do you guys level your Hierophants, as generic freezing pulse caster with some totem? I remember that I was following this guide and it's leveling section, and after picking ancestral bond it was incredibly painful to progress even with Tabula and access to jewels.
When new league starts I plan to pick it after 1st or 2nd ascendancy, and stick to freezing pulse + spell totem with firestorm until then.
Last edited by azaanis on Feb 28, 2018, 10:13:55 AM
azaanis wrote:
How do you guys level your Hierophants, as generic freezing pulse caster with some totem? I remember that I was following this guide and it's leveling section, and after picking ancestral bond it was incredibly painful to progress even with Tabula and access to jewels.
When new league starts I plan to pick it after 1st or 2nd ascendancy, and stick to freezing pulse + spell totem with firestorm until then.

I've done 3 training runs to act 5 (frozen trail) and all 3 took 4 hours-ish.

i tried with ancestral bond and without. Without was the slowest. BUT since we get our 2nd totem from ascendancy earlier than currently, I feel like this will be easily fixed. Freezing pulse might actually starting being

Here's my first tree :

Note that bond won't be taken until double frozen trail. The only reason I'm pathing this way is that around act 5-6 I'm going to be grabbing the staff nodes. and that grabbing those sweet sweet life nodes is certainly better than random int.

As far as skill go, I'm going dual firestorm. 1 self cast, the other on 1-2 totem. Around act 4 I'll be switching to pizza sticks IF and only if, i have a decent 4 link and enough cast speed. if not, sticks just don't seem optimal. With 2 totems + self cast maybe freezing pulse will be decent.

For the record, here's my stage 2 that should be finished by the time we get both frozen trails (i expect they are gonna be like 5c day 1) :

Over all, the leveling just seems slow. and i'm not sure how we can make it faster.
Yeaah, I think I'll just stick to self cast + totem firestorm too, at least till first ascendancy and then i'll head for ancestral bond, picking it ealier is dumb. After completing all acts I'll just switch to frostbolt and thats it.

I wonder how boss killing potencial will improve tho, we can generate power charges a lot easier now, and we are not losing damage anymore.
Speaking of power charges, whats the consensus on ascendancy points?

4 totems are obvious, but Arcane Blessing just looks so damn good.

Is Divine guidance that good?
I made this sweet leveling planner! Feel free to using everyone:
Last edited by Siliticx on Feb 28, 2018, 11:07:36 PM
Pursuit of faith > ritual of awakening > conviction of power and then divine guidance, that 10% taken from mana before life boosts your EHP by a lot. Tho for SC you might as well pick illuminated devotion, it kinda sucks that we cant make any use of AoE increase but w/e honestly.
Siliticx wrote:
Speaking of power charges, whats the consensus on ascendancy points?

4 totems are obvious, but Arcane Blessing just looks so damn good.

Is Divine guidance that good?
I made this sweet leveling planner! Feel free to using everyone:

hahah good levelling guide dude! really ty :*

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