Spelling mistakes and typos

blackarrows wrote:
"civilisation", spelling error on main page act 2 area description. first line I believe.
civilization is the correct spelling.
civilisation is correct. PoE uses New Zealand English, which follows British spelling in most respects.
Wooser69 wrote:
Am I the only one getting this? It's so noticable...

This should only happen if you have the Fontin font installed on your system. This is a known bug, but you can fix it by uninstalling the system font, which will allow the game to use its own, fixed version.
Code warrior
Fixed most of those. Thanks guys!
Code warrior
ElderberryJam wrote:
Should "Catalyzing" prefix be spelled "Catalysing" as per British/NZ spelling?

Why yes, yes it should.

Flantto wrote:
Don't know if it's been spotted earlier but, in the chamber of sins when you face off against Fidelitas the quest log says he's called "Fidelitis"

He's been renamed. Fidelitis is correct (now). It was easier to change the spelling to match Helena's pronunciation than to rerecord the VA to match the spelling.

Arthordark wrote:
The starting Scion +12 life node, is a typo, should be +12% life node.

No, it's +12 flat life. As Vipermagi said.
Code warrior
You're right; it should be Solaris in the first line. Thanks.
Code warrior
Fixing all the things!

Thanks everyone for your reports. Having correct spelling and grammar is very important to me.

And yes, thank you Vipermagi for all your helpful comments!
Code warrior
Mortal conviction (after the Blood Magic keystone) says "40% less Mana Reserved", it functions identically to all the reduced mana reserved passives.
No, it doesn't. It stacks multiplicatively with them, not additively like a "reduced" modifier.

All "increased" and "reduced" modifiers to a value stack additively, while "more" and "less" modifiers stack multiplicatively.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Jan 14, 2014, 7:14:23 PM
faerwin wrote:
Letters of exiles: Ollin

Fixing, thanks.
Code warrior
You've broken my heart.

I share your pain.
Code warrior

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