Spelling mistakes and typos

Bandit rewards are apparently influenced by percentage buffs applied to your character, however the quest descriptions don't make this obvious. Either it isn't intended for the quests to be influenced by % buffs/character buffs or if it is, it should be worded to make it clearer.
If you're talking about the life and mana for siding with Oak and Alira respectively, these are flat values. Flat values are always affected by % increases, it's simply how the maths works. You total how much of the flat value you have, which is naturally your base value and any flat additions to it, and then apply % increases to that value.
TheAnuhart wrote:
The names of all chest pieces that are '<Something> Armour' actually use the NA spelling, Armor.

Contrary to the British spelling being used throughout the game.

Oops. Fixing!
Code warrior
Shaoxy wrote:
There is a mistake in the skilltree.
Above the blood magic keystone, there is a skillpoint called cruel blade, with 4 smaller nodes near it. 1 gives crit multiplier and 3 give physical damage. But you should look at the pictures. 1 of the 3 physical damage nodes has the same picture as the crit multiplier node.

Noted, thanks!
Fixing all these. Thanks, guys!
Code warrior
FaceLicker wrote:
There is a discrepancy between the audio and the text of Tarkleigh's 'Strage Glyphs' dialogue.

Fixed, thanks.
Code warrior
Storm Cloud is being fixed.
Code warrior
Thanks for the reports; fixing now.
Code warrior
elvy wrote:
The Orb of Fusing description has the line 'Right click this item then left click a socketed item to apply it' doubled. Same line repeats right after the first~

Fixing. Thanks!
Code warrior
The description for the quest 'The Root of the Problem' reads: "Use the Maligaro's Spike and the Baleful Gem..."

Fixing; thanks!
Code warrior
Yes, it is. Will fix, thanks.

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