[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)

Dk_Kiwi wrote:
Ruthless is no longer an option, which gem would we use? i was thinking Damage on full life.


What's about this? Do we need to replace ruthless gem with something else?

You can use Path of Building to figure this out yourselves. It sorts gems by DPS.

#EDIT: Yes, both BF and Cyclone are no longer supported by Ruthless. Only Reave remains benefiting from it, and with the added range to it, I'm going to focus on Reave for a bit to see how it feels.

Damage on Full Life obviously depends on the strength of your character. If you can sustain full life, which the high end versions of this build most certainly can, then definitely the best option. If you can't, then any of Chance to Bleed, Added Fire, Elem Dmg Weapons, Faster Attack, Culling Strike.

Experiment and see what feels best for you, and keep in mind that raw numbers aren't everything. For example, if you look at the PoB DPS numbers for the Tazmanian Cyclone speed mapper variant, you'll see the range is between 500k-900k DPS, and that is more than enough to farm T15 bosses in 10secs, as you can see in the Kaom GIF in the main post.
Last edited by corosou on Dec 6, 2017, 11:26:57 AM
Let's get the 3.1 updates going...

So, speaking of Reave, I was just checking the description out in the wiki and there's an interesting mechanic I'm going to try to take advantage of.

It turns out that the number of stacks Reave can apply is max 4, BUT you can maintain any number of stacks...

So, if you use Vaal Reave first, and then manage to not lose your stack, you could maintain a max of 8.

That, coupled with the increased radius Reave is getting, could make the skill quite nice for map clearing..
Last edited by corosou on Dec 6, 2017, 1:02:27 PM
Another Reave update...

Here's a GIF of 8 stack Reave test using Concentrated Effect just to see if it would feel clumsy mapping:

As you can see, quite respectable AoE for Conc...

This toon is just quickly converting my Tazmanian Cycloner to use Reave.

I just dropped Riposte to fit in the Vaal Reave pretty much...

Here are the stats with Conc:

With IAoE:


And before anyone freaks out about all that enabled at once, let me give you a run down:

Full Life: Yes, able to sustain np! This is very well tested by many ppl.
Frenzy Charges: Yes, using Blasphemy/Poacher's mark and Blood Rage I'm always full. Can even adjust tree to get an extra charge with 2 points re-allocated, if I wanted to.
Onslaught: Yes, from Rotgut. Consumes Frenzy Charges, but I recover them immediately. Well tested too.
Killed Recently: I certainly hope so.. else, wtf am I doing? ;)
Taken Hit Recently: "Recently" refers to the last 4 seconds, that's a long time not to have gotten hit...
Taken Savage Hit Recently: Maybe not, but good chance you have. I check this so that you can see the effect of "Cloaked in Savagery" on Life Leech.
Is Enemy Moving: This is for bleed calculation, most likely they will be moving and if not the reverse knockback effect from Empire's + Lion's is also considered moving.
Is Enemy Bleeding: Maybe not, but chances are they are, since we are using Chance to Bleed, but if mobs are not, it's not really a deal breaker for DPS output, as you can see.
Intimidated: This is from Deceiver belt. This effect is going to change in 3.1, but I suspect it will still be fine. Else, it will be time to find a new belt. Besides, you'll want to snag a HH as soon as humanly possible.

And yes, all my flasks are pretty much always up because of Poacher's, if there's good density. I am also using the 'Conqueror's Potency' jewel.

Keep in mind this is the Tazmanian Cyclone variant which is just a Speed Mapper, so I would not use this for anything higher than T15, because I know I can definitely optimize Reave a lot more for single target boss killing, but either way, here's the calculated DPS on Shaper with Conc.:

Check out my "Coroseo" toon for the details...

Edit: think I forgot shut off V. Haste in the screenshots above. FYI- cuz I'm not redoing them... ))
Last edited by corosou on Dec 6, 2017, 2:58:33 PM
waiting for the updated version for labyrinths
waiting for the updated version for labyrinths

Nothing much to update really...

For lab you want to optimize your movement speed and life regen as much as possible for traps, maybe fit in Combat Stamina in the tree, for even more regen. Unfortunately no more harbinger belt with the nice regen.

If you're struggling, grab a Quicksilver and Life flask + lots of regen/movement speed and that will get you through most of the nasty things; assuming you have Death's Doors for bleed immunity. Which I highly recommend for any Lab Runner and just in general. I F'ing hate bleed... specially with fast moving toons like this.

Ohh... and drop degenerative skills like Blood Rage.

Haste is pretty nice in lab too..

The runner setup should be just fine as is I think, Lab is more about practice than having everything "just right".
For science!! ;)

Quick update...

Still messing with optimizing Reave some and I'm liking it.

I dropped Empire's gloves cuz reverse knockback is just not as useful as it is with Cyclone. The AoE from Reave is pretty nice and I'd rather 1shot things with more DPS, which I am now using Ondar's.

Here's how we're looking stats wise after several changes from my previous posts earlier today:

Just check out my toon for the latest details...
Last edited by corosou on Dec 6, 2017, 10:17:22 PM
Another Reave update..

Here's a T16 test run I just did using Reave for trash and BF for boss:

Youtube: BladeFlurryReave - T16 Hydra, Full Run 4min

Again, this is my modified speed mapper, so you can definitely get much higher single target DPS, but still not bad at all...

Very nice AoE on Reave trash clearing!
Unrelated to PoE, but still great news for all us gamers!

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Keep working those brains girls and boys ;)
Ok, so a new PoB is out, though it seems they forgot to disable Ruthless for BF.

Either way, there are plenty of options.

Here's how to use PoB to figure out what the best DPS replacement for Ruthless is:

The drop-down menu shows highest DPS gem options at the very top.

Test and see what works best for you...

FYI- these DPS numbers are on my Speed Cycloner variant with BF. You can push single target BF DPS much higher than this.

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